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Dear Parents,!
I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you back to a new year oI learning German at Living Faith. As you may
know my name is Danielle Braiden but known as Frau Braiden around the school. I would also like to introduce Mrs
Astrid Weiss who is also already a Iamiliar Iace around the school but who we now welcome as our other German teacher.!
I am so looking Iorward to a Iantastic year seeing your children rise to the challenge oI learning a second language. I am
always amazed and excited to see how rapidly the young mind absorbs and works with a new language. It is also encour-
aging to see how quickly new students Ieel comIortable and pick up the skills with some support. II your child is learning
German Ior the Iirst time I will send home an introduction to learning German letter with Iurther inIormation.!
In the last term oI Year Two students learned all about Ilying machines and wrote an imaginative story about their adven-
ture in a Ilying machine. I was also extremely proud oI the way in which they sang the Christmas Carol 'Stille Nacht in
German at chapel and at 'Celebrate 2011. What a Iantastic eIIort.!
In this Iirst term your child will be learning about their body and themselves as a unique individual. We will learn all oI
the main body parts in German and then apply it to themselves by writing a personal proIile. This story about themselves
will be practised in class and then presented to the class by each individual student.!
Again this year I recommend the website 'Languages online which can be accessed Irom this address : http:// !
Unit 30 (Parts oI the body) is helpIul with activities that will extend your child in this area. Any other section would be
helpIul Ior revision, extension or even just Ior Iun. II you are new to the school the above Iree to access website will be
extremely helpIul and I would recommend a 15 minute play per week at home. In addition to this be resourceIul as a par-
ent and see what you can Iind on the web or on You Tube. There is so much out there Ior Iree and some oI the sites are
really good quality.!
Additionally iI you know oI any other ways to assist your child learning German, Ieel Iree to pass on your inIormation.
Also iI you know oI any Iriend or neighbours who may have lived in Germany and would Ieel happy to talk about their
experiences, we would be more than happy to accommodate their visit to our class.!
II you have any concerns with regards to language learning, Ieel Iree to have a chat or drop me an email via this address: or !!
Yours Sincerely, !
Danielle Braiden and Astrid Weiss (Yr 3 German Teachers )!

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