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Use of banner to make the heading stand out clearly

Magazine logo repeated in right hand top corner as it is on front cover, for good flow

Issue number and date neatly in corner so it is not ad distraction

Use of red which is seen in the logo for page number and cross headers maintains three colour palette and gives a sharp look

Use of white writing against black background for header makes it clear Long shot of band from the front cover shows who is the main feature, use of natural light works well as the sky is grey and they are in an open landscape so the focus remains on them

Juxtaposition - Use of banners for cross header makes them clear and stands out as they are placed above the text so we know that it is categorising what s underneath

Q magazine prides itself on being a well-established magazine with a quite prestigious readership in terms of music, for this reason the page is kept fairly neutral with little over shadowing each other, the colours are suited to a hybrid gender audience, the shape closely fits the F shape model.

Quotation box of what the band members speak about in the issue is place near to the image so that the reader realises that it is the band in shot who will be interviewed which is well done in terms of juxtaposition as it gives a clear link between them

The use of gold text in this small part makes the reader feel treated as they are getting a prestigious insight to a the band Oasis, this is all from the connotation of the colour gold.

The juxtaposition of this box which is about the Q review is placed in a space where you d often see an advertisement or promotion for the magazine; instead it is just showing another aspect of the magazine but in this way. What this does is make the reader feel that they are getting even more for their money resulting in a higher readership. Even though it is laid out as almost a separate text it still follows the theme of the rest of the page with a colour palette of red white and black, has a black banner across the top, uses red for page numbers and includes a long shot, the only difference being that the text is set on a grey background instead of white which is the factor which makes it appear to be separate from the rest of the page.

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