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TEXTS: Phill.

3:14, INTRODUCTION: As we end this series today, the topic before us is very fundamental to all we
have been discussing so far. The basis of success for the believer is God and Him alone (Acts 17:28). In actual fact, the believer stands a better chance of having his goal fulfilled by the help of the HolySpirit. The easiest way to failure is to excuse God out of our endeavours in life (Zech. 4:6). Much more, we need to aspire for greatness spiritually. As much as we desire progress in other areas in life, we should desire spiritual progress also. Last week, we established the fact that goals are very key to accomplishing our aspirations in life; we should also set spiritual goals to achieve spiritual progress. It is no news in the Christian circle that the devil is fighting Christians from attaining spiritual greatness. A serious minded believer must be ready to stand against the wiles of the devil (Eph. 6:10-11). Spiritual goals can be directed to the following areas :

y The Word (I Pet. 2:2) y Evangelism y Fastings : y y y

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