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Naxalism-The enemy within

Efforts made by:

      Naina Dwivedi Megha Shukla Parth Sridhar Rajesh Sarin Mandeep Singh Nitika Sharma

What all is covered ?

Who are Naxalites? Origin of Naxalism Who does Naxalites represent? Where do they operate? Difference between maoists and naxalists  Growth of Naxalism in india      Trend and its impact Naxalites attacks Growth of Naxalism attitude Central government directions to state government  Surrender scheme  Conclusion    

Who are Naxalites?

 Naxals are not terrorists, but they are the internal disease that will keep rotting the system internally.  They are worst than the terrorists themselves. They are parasites and they should be weeded out asap. No mercy at all, period!  What would you generally do if there is a virus in your body and is causing your system to be disrupted constantly??  Would you not tell your doctor to remove it permanently so that you are free from the nuisance??? Similarly, these internal miscreants should be flushed out permanently.

 Of a class war, the Naxalites, also sometimes called the Naxals, is loose term used to define groups waging a violent struggle on behalf of landless labourers and tribal people against landlords and others.  The Naxalites say they are fighting oppression and exploitation to create a classless society.  Their opponents say the Naxalites are terrorists oppressing people in the name .

Origin of Naxalism

Origin of Naxalism
 The Naxal name comes from the village of Naxalbarif st ngal whe themove nt re me in th stat ofWe Be originate in 1967. d  It was starte by theCommunist Party of d India(Maoist) to provideland to thelandle ss.  Naxalite or `Naxalism` is an inf ` ormal namegive to n radical, of n viole re te nt, volutionary communist groups .  Ide ologically the be y long to various tre ofMaoism. nds  Initially themove nt had its e ntrein We Be me pice st ngal

Naxal ideology owes it's origins to the abject penury and stems from the all pervasive poverty in the Indian hinterland. The Naxal movement is showing signs of better organization of its political and military wings. The Red Corridor held by Naxals stretches across the swath of forest lands from Andhra Pradesh in South India to Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh, Orissa, West Bengal, Jharkhand and Bihar and is expanding

Who does Naxalites represent?

Who do they represent ?

 The Naxalites claim to represent the most oppressed people in India.  Those who are often left untouched by India's development and bypassed by the electoral process.  They are the Adivasis, Dalits, and the poorest of the poor, who work as landless labourers for a pittance, often below India's mandated minimum wages.

The criticism against the Naxalites is that despite their ideology, they have over the years become just another terrorist outfit, extorting money from middlelevel landowners . Since rich landowners invariably buy protection), and worse, even extorting and dominating the lives of the Adivasis and villagers who they claim to represent in the name of providing justice.

Where do naxalites operate?

Where do they operate?

 The most prominent area of operation is a broad swathe across the very heartland of India, often considered as the least developed area of this country.  The Naxalites operate mostly in the rural and Adivasi areas, often out of the continuous jungles in these regions.  Their operations are most prominent in (from North to South) Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh ], eastern Maharashtra , the Telengana (north-western) region of Andhra Pradesh, and western Orissa.

 It will be seen that these areas are all inland, from the coastline.  The People's War is active mainly in Andhra Pradesh, western Orissa and eastern Maharashtra while the Maoist Communist Centre is active in Bihar, Jharkhand and northern Chhattisgarh.

Difference between maoists and Naxalists..

What is the difference between maoists and naxalists?

Maoisms originated in china. It has Its roots derived from MaoZedong, the famous chinese thought maker. Naxalists are indian origin. Their ideology comprises the ideology of Lenin and Marx, Russian philosophers. Also Maoism is derived from Mao-Zedong similarly Naxalism is derived from Naxalbari village of West Bengal. The basic difference is origin of ideology between the two. Both are a threat to democratic nation and especially nations like india where they are outnumbering the security forces in their region. This ideology have no place in democratic countries and should be condemed.

Growth Of Naxalism In India

In every country, there is an opposition from some peoples, why because as their reason, their needs are not satisfied. India is a vast economic country which is having vast value system, struggling to become a developed nation and with this facing internal opposition namely Naxalism. As above said fact, the naxals feel that their needs are not satisfied.

Trend and its impact

Trend of Naxalism and its impact

 The approach to the Naxalites problems needs a blend of firm but sophisticated, handling of Naxalites violence with sensitive handling of the developmental aspects.  Government can not blame the Naxals, because they are also the subjects of the nation. But their violence is not acceptable by the government.  Naxals groups have been raising mainly land and livelihood related issues and they blame the Government settings and Bureaucracy.

 Now, India has been facing many challenges like Equality, Justice (in Social, Economic and Political), Liberty, Fraternity, Peoples' economic development through high economic growth rate and Defence etc.,.  We spend bulk of money which is the contribution of tax payers(citizens) for the high growth rate in Indian economy and welfare activities, to control the Naxalism through various measures.

Naxalites attacks


 October 1, 2003: Naxalites attack the convoy of then Andhra Pradesh chief minister N. Chandrababu Naidu while he was on his way to Tirupati. A few seconds delay in Triggering claymore mines save his life.  February 6, 2004: Over 1,000 Maoists attack Koraput district headquarters of Orissa and loot 200 sophisticated guns and other weapons from various police establishments.  November 13, 2005: Maoists lay siege to Jehanabad town in Bihar and free over 375 prisoners, including 130 Naxalites..  March 25, 2006: Over 500 Maoists attack the OSAP camp at R.Udayagiri in district of Orissa, killing three policemen, looting arms and freeing 40 prisoners.

July 17, 2006: Twenty-five people killed and 80 others injured when over 800 Naxalites attack Errabore relief camp in Chhattisgarh where over 4,000 people had taken shelter. March 5, 2007: Naxalites kill JMM MP Sunil Mahato, his bodyguards and a party colleague while they were watching a football match near Jamshedpur in Jharkhand. March 16, 2007: Over 500 Naxalites attack a police outpost in Chhattisgarh's Rani Bodli village, killing 55 policemen. October 26, 2007: Naxalites kill former Jharkhand chief minister Babulal Marandi's son and 17 others during a cultural programme in Giridih district.

December 16, 2007:Naxalites attacked jail in Dandewada; free 305 prisoners, 105 of who were their comrades. February 15, 2008: Hundreds of Maoists in buses and trucks lay siege to Nayagarh town of Orissa, killing 14 policemen and a civilian. They torch the Police Training School. April 13, 2009: 10 paramilitary troops killed in eastern Orissa when Maoists attack a bauxite mine in Koraput district. April 22, 2009: Naxalites hijack a train with at least 300 people on board in Jharkhand.

Growth of Naxalism Attitude

 Even though Naxals are claiming about land and livelihood related issues, their attitude is violative.  Administrative and Political institutions are inadequate.  Espouse local demands, take advantage of the prevalent dissatisfaction.  Injustice among exploited segment of population and an alternative Government which is promisive to emancipate those people from the clutches of the through violation.

 For example, Recent Central Government assistance of Rs.2475 crores for 55 Naxals affected States and under RSVY(Rashtriya Sam Vikas Yojana) scheme an amount of Rs.15 crores per year has been given to each of the districts for three years so as to fill in critical gaps in physical and social development in the Naxal affected areas.

 Naxals try to sustain their fraternal and logistic links with Nepalese Maoists, though there are no strategic and operational links between them.  They often use war like extremism through the armed struggle to capture political power and being Anti-Social and Criminal Element.  They are having contemporary weapons.  At present, they are attacking simultaneously in large number of targets particularly police forces.

Naxal affected areas in india

Central Government directions to the State

 The followings are the measures taken by the Central Government to the state governments in accordance with law and order . 1) Modernisation of State Police in terms of Modern Weaponry, Communication, Mobility and Infrastructure. 2) Revision of Security Related Expenditure (SRE) scheme. 3) Supply of Mine Protected Vehicles. 4) Long-term deployment of Central Para Military Forces. 5) Sanctioned Indian Reserve Battalion mainly to strengthen security apparatus. 6) Recruitment in Central Para Military Force and act.,

Surrender Scheme
 The Ministry of Home affairs has requested all the Naxal affected states to implement the " SURRENDER-CUMREHABILITATION"scheme  For the Naxalites who want to shun and join in the majority interest of the mainstream Government.  For this scheme centre has provided assistance to the state governments.  Recently, the Jharkhand govt has offered monthly allowance of Rs.2000, Life insurance worth Rs.10 lakh, vocational training for two years, one acre agro-land and free education to the Naxalites and their families.


 By these all measures the Naxal problems have been decreased.  The menace was limited to Bihar, Jharkhand, Orissa, Chhattisgarh, Andrapradesh, Maharashtra east and West Bengal.  The threat of naxals of 510 police station has decreased to 372 in this year as said by Union Home Secretary V.K.Duggal.  The government is ready to talk with the Naxalites if they surrender their arms and have to come out of the violence.

 Besides, the volunteer scheme like Salva Judum in Baster region Chhattisgarh is also playing vital role in this regard. It has held more.  Therefore, We can expect that these innovative steps will reduce the Naxalism and make them a part of mainstream than 150 anti-naxalite rallies


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