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SALVAGE Salvage is the reward allowed for the service to marine property, at risk or in distress, rendered by one under

no legal obligation to do so, resulting in benefit to the property, if saved. The Pleasure Bay, D.C.Ala., 226 F. 55. It is the compensation that is to be made to persons, other than those connected with the ship, by whose assistance a ship or its loading may be saved from impending peril or recovered from actual loss. Hand v. The Elvira, 11 Fed.Cas. 413, 415.

SEAWORTHY Seaworthiness means reasonable fitness for the voyage. The Millie B. Bohanon, 64 F. 883, 884 To be seaworthy a vessel must be sufficiently tight, staunch, and strong to resist the ordinary attacks of winds and seas. Sanford & Brooks Co. v. Columbia Dredging Co., 177 F. 878, 882, 101 C.C.A. 92. The term seaworthy, as now construed, has relation to the article carried and the different compartments of the ship and their particular use, as well as to the navigability of the vessel. The Indrapura, 178 F. 591, 594 The question of a seaworthiness of a vessel includes the question of whether or not she was overloaded. The Benjamin Noble, D.C.N.Y., 232 F. 382, 389.

SEISIN Seisin is a fixed right of enjoyment of the estate either immediately or at the termination of an intermediate estate. In re Prassers Will. 121 N.W. 643, 645, 140 Wis. 92, citing 1 Washb. Real Prop., 6th Ed. 116. Necessary expenditures, including attorneys fees incurred by a purchaser in bringing ejectment suit against a squatter, may be recovered in action for breach of the covenant of seisin; seisin embracing both possession and title. Lasswell Land & Lumber Co. v. Landon, Mo., 204 S.W. 812, 813. SEQUESTER The word sequester means to set apart, to put aside, to separate. Johnson v. Jones, 83 A. 1085, 1086, 86 Vt. 167

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