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Roll No. ........................... Total No.

of Questions : 13]

[Total No. of Pages : 02

Paper ID [E0624]
(Please fill this Paper ID in OMR Sheet)

Time : 03 Hours Maximum Marks : 75

Instruction to Candidates: 1) 2) Section - A is Compulsory. Attempt any Nine questions from Section - B. Section - A Q1) a) Write full form of FPS. b) How can we convert a 2D layer into 3D? c) How many masks be used in one composition? d) What do you mean by VFX compositing? e) How will we render a file into Quick time format? f) Explain compressors. g) Describe write on effect. h) How can we add a text layer into our composition? i) j) What is frame rate of an animation made in NTSE format? What is CROMA effect? (15 2 = 30)

k) What will be the compression settings for rendering the project into a TARGA output? l) What are the blending options? m) Explain fog effects. n) How many types of lights are there in after effects? o) What do you mean by color corrections? D - 226 P.T.O.

Section - B (9 5 = 45) Q2) Distinguish between manual animation and path animation. Q3) Describe major difference between editing and compositing. Q4) What do you understand by fine tuning the animation? Q5) Distinguish between color correction and color replacement. Q6) Explain tint effect. Q7) What do you understand by motion blur and differentiate between motion blur and gussian blur. Q8) Explain the role of markers in time line. Q9) Describe the components of footage. Q10) What do you mean by anchor points? Q11) Explain masking and its role in compositing. Q12) How can we use Photoshop layers in after effects? Q13) Explain how to make a fog effect also describe keying.


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