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Brown University 2009 Summer Pre-College Evaluation Results

Course Name: Swearing on the Bible: The US Supreme Court and Religion (RS905-1D) Instructor Name: Lori Veilleux Number of students: 11 Number of responses: 8

General Information
In the fall, I will be a: Response Frequency Percent College Freshman 0.00% Senior in HS 2 25.00% Junior in HS 2 25.00% Sophomore in HS 4 50.00% Other 0.00% No Answer 0.00% Your sex: Response Male Female No Answer

Frequency Percent 0.00% 8 100.00% 0.00%

Course Objectives
Objectives of the course were made clear. Response Frequency Percent Strongly Agree 6 75.00% Agree 2 25.00% Neutral 0.00% Disagree 0.00% Strongly Disagree 0.00% No Answer 0.00% Course content was relevant to its objectives. Response Frequency Percent Strongly Agree 7 87.50% Agree 0.00% Neutral 1 12.50% Disagree 0.00% Strongly Disagree 0.00% No Answer 0.00%

Course Materials (readings, handouts, etc.)

Materials could be understood with reasonable effort. Response Frequency Percent Strongly Agree 6 75.00% Agree 1 12.50% Neutral 1 12.50% Disagree 0.00% Strongly Disagree 0.00% No Answer 0.00% The given amount of materials was reasonable. Response Frequency Percent Strongly Agree 3 37.50% Agree 3 37.50% Neutral 0.00% Disagree 0.00% Strongly Disagree 1 12.50% No Answer 1 12.50% Materials were interesting. Response Frequency Percent Strongly Agree 5 62.50% Agree 1 12.50% Neutral 1 12.50% Disagree 1 12.50% Strongly Disagree 0.00% No Answer 0.00% Materials were presented at just the right pace. Response Frequency Percent Strongly Agree 2 25.00% Agree 5 62.50% Neutral 0.00% Disagree 0.00% Strongly Disagree 0.00% No Answer 1 12.50%

Course Materials (readings, handouts, etc.), cont'd

Assignments were reasonable in length. Response Frequency Percent Strongly Agree 3 37.50% Agree 2 25.00% Neutral 1 12.50% Disagree 1 12.50% Strongly Disagree 1 12.50% No Answer 0.00%

Course Instructor
Instructor's explanations were complete. Response Frequency Percent Strongly Agree 7 87.50% Agree 1 12.50% Neutral 0.00% Disagree 0.00% Strongly Disagree 0.00% No Answer 0.00% Instructor was an effective discussion leader. Response Frequency Percent Strongly Agree 6 75.00% Agree 1 12.50% Neutral 0.00% Disagree 1 12.50% Strongly Disagree 0.00% No Answer 0.00% Instructor's lectures were well organized. Response Frequency Percent Strongly Agree 7 87.50% Agree 1 12.50% Neutral 0.00% Disagree 0.00% Strongly Disagree 0.00% No Answer 0.00%

Instructor was accessible. Response Frequency Percent Strongly Agree 7 87.50% Agree 1 12.50% Neutral 0.00% Disagree 0.00% Strongly Disagree 0.00% No Answer 0.00% Instructor was consistently well prepared. Response Frequency Percent Strongly Agree 7 87.50% Agree 0.00% Neutral 1 12.50% Disagree 0.00% Strongly Disagree 0.00% No Answer 0.00%

Instructor made the course stimulating. Response Frequency Percent Strongly Agree 6 75.00% Agree 1 12.50% Neutral 1 12.50% Disagree 0.00% Strongly Disagree 0.00% No Answer 0.00%

Course Evaluations
Evaluations covered what had been taught. Response Frequency Percent Strongly Agree 2 25.00% Agree 3 37.50% Neutral 1 12.50% Disagree 0.00% Strongly Disagree 0.00% No Answer 2 25.00% Instructor's comments on papers were helpful. Response Frequency Percent Strongly Agree 3 37.50% Agree 3 37.50% Neutral 1 12.50% Disagree 0.00% Strongly Disagree 0.00% No Answer 1 12.50%

Instructor evaluated my work fairly. Response Frequency Percent Strongly Agree 4 50.00% Agree 2 25.00% Neutral 1 12.50% Disagree 0.00% Strongly Disagree 0.00% No Answer 1 12.50%

Course Overall
Overall, this course was well organized. Response Frequency Percent Strongly Agree 6 75.00% Agree 2 25.00% Neutral 0.00% Disagree 0.00% Strongly Disagree 0.00% No Answer 0.00% Overall, how satisfied have you been with this course? Response Frequency Percent Very Satisfied 4 50.00% Generally Satisfied 3 37.50% Ambivalent 0.00% Gen. Dissatisfied 0.00% Very Dissatisfied 0.00% No answer 1 12.50%
Compared to other courses I have taken, this course contributed more to my academic development.

Response Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree No Answer

Frequency Percent 4 50.00% 2 25.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 2 25.00%

Written Comments
Please tell us what made you choose to come to Summer@Brown and whether the program met your expectations: I saw summer@brown as an opportunity to learn as well as a way see whether Brown was a college of interest. The program met and went beyond all expectation I had. I chose to come to Summer@Brown because of my interest in the school and my interest in the course I took. I enjoyed the class and program immensely and my expectations were satisfied. I chose to come to Summer @ Brown because I am a Kauffman Scholar and just was able to attend a camp on a full ride because I performed ecxeptionally well during the school year. The Summer @ Brown didn't meet my expectations. The Brown University was way better than what I expected. I love that we had freedom and they treated us like college students. i heard about it through my school and i liked the course choices. i really enjoyed my class. i got a card in the mail, and i figured \"why not?\" i decided i really dislike the ivy league experience It was a very enjoyable stay and so much to do in a say. The people are nice and the teachers are excellent. I have never been away from home for an extended period of time without people I know, so it was an opportunity to see what it feels like before I head off to college next fall. I've been interested in Brown for over a year now, so I also viewed it as a way to really feel out the atmosphere. I loved my week! The class was excellent and Lori was so intelligent and engaging! Opportunity to experience life and learning at Brown, and to learn more about a topic i'm interested in

What do you think were the major strengths of this course? The discussion and reading materials made the class very enjoyable and stimulating I think the major strengths of this course was that we had a good amount of materials that contributed to the course subject. it gave a comprehensive view of the supreme court workings, and the history of religious cease within the supreme court. i really loved the discussion format, wouldve liked more platform for debate, instructor was informative, nice, and engaging My strenghts were reading and able to understand. The powerpoints in this class were the best I have EVER seen. So creative and engaging and pleasing to the eye-- it made learning that much easier. Also, Lori was such a good teacher, and she explained everything really well. class discussion

What do you think were the major weaknesses of this course? The major weaknesses was that the course could of been alittle more interesting and less boring. the discussion was not productive. the discussions consisted of us re-telling what we read the previous night, without much imput of ourselves. far too much work assigned every day The amount of time spent on the homework i gave in. That it was only one week! There was so much more we could have grasped if only we'd had the time. written assignments

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