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One of his other paintings \Mona Lisa[ becomes most famous in history of art. Its been said that Mona Lisa was a pregnant woman, that looked like a man, but the truth was that Mona Lisa was a great painting. It was a simple, minor portrait of Lisa Giocondo, the wife of the merchant, but for Leonardo Da Vinci it was a work of progress, and his attempt of perfection.


The Virgin of the Rocks.

A page from one of Leonardo's sketchbook showing plans for a helicopter like device.

Page form one of Leonardo Da Vinci notebooks, one of his contraptions.



In his Last Supper painting Leonardo uses the gestures and faces of the apostles to betray their emotions. He tried to represent the figures in a very natural, human way, inner movement, instead of lining them up like it was usually done. Because his ideas were too revolutionary, he was accused of using too poor techniques for the painting of the Last Supper, and called it a wreck. (Art historian, Columbian University - James Beck). Also, Leonardo slipped a secret message into his painting which might have been true or just his way of thinking. The image is of a feminine looking figure, from the left of Jesus, that is not John as tradition have it, but Marry Magdalene, supposed mother of Jesus child.

The Baptism of the Christ Verrocchio with the help of his apprentice, Leonardo.
Becomes the first to introduce the movement in his paintings, figure twisted toward the viewer, which became a revolution in art history, because before that every figure or person was represented frontally, in very still, medieval or old-fashioned matter.


The Vitruvian Man is famous throughout the world drawing created by Leonardo Da Vinci1487. Its notes based on the work of the famous architect, Vitruvius. The drawing is based on the relations of ideal human proportions with geometry. Its an example of blend of art and science during the Renaissance, which provides example of Leonardo's keen interest in proportion. This picture also represents Leonardo's attempts to relate man to nature.

At the age of 60, after arriving to France, Leonardo Da Vinci suffers a stroke, that paralyses his right hand, and leaves his left hand unsteady. This painting represents Leonardo Da Vinci death at the arms of King Francis the first.


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