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Amends-Adrienne Rich: 1.) Explore the concept of making amends in Amends.

Full Moon and Little Frieda- Ted Hughes: 1.) Comment on the use of imagery in Full Moon and Little Frieda. 2.) How does Lament present ideas of childhood in Full Moon and Little Frieda? 3.) Explore the importance of childhood relationships in Hughes Full Moon and Little Frieda. 4.) Explore the ways in which Ted Hughes makes the scene between Frieda and the moon a significant and moving experience. Lament-Gillian Clarke: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) Comment on the use of imagery in Lament. In what ways could Lament be termed an anti-war poem? How does Clarke use the medium of poetry to explore social concerns in Lament? What do you find moving about the way in which Lament portrays the effect of war.

On the grasshopper and the cricket- John Keats: 1.) How does Keats present nature in On the grasshopper and the cricket? 2.) Explore how the words of On The Grashopper and The Cricket present both happiness and melancholy? The Flower-Fed Buffaloes- Vachel Lindsay: Report to Wordsworth- Boey Kim Cheng: 1.) How is the language used in Report to Wordsworth so effective in expressing the poet s message? First Love- John Clare: 1.) Comment on the way character is presented in First Love. 2.) Explore the way in which Clare has used language and other poetic devices to present the experience of falling in love in First Love. 3.) How does Clare vividly portray his feelings of unrequited love in First Love? Marrysong- Dennis Scott: 1.) Explore the ways in which Scott makes the relationship appear so turbulent in Marrysong. So, We ll Go No more a-roving- Lord Byron: 1.) What use does Byron make of imagery in So, we ll go no more a-rowing?

2.) How does Byron explore the theme of growing old in So, we ll go no more a-rowing? Sonnet 43- William Shakespeare: 1.) Compare and contrast sonnets 43 and 29. 2.) Explore Shakespeare s presentation of love in Sonnet 43 Sonnet 29- Edna St Vincent Millay: 1.) In what ways has St Vincent Millay used language and other poetic devices to explore the theme of love in Sonnet 29? 2.) What view of love is explored in Sonnet 29? All: 1.) How do any two poems in the anthology use poetry as a medium to share powerful personal experiences? 2.) Explore the presentation of memories in two of the following poems: The Voice, First Love, Time 3.) Compare the presentation of relationships in two of the following poems: First Love, Marrysong, Sonnet 29, Full Moon and Little Frieda 4.) Explore the role of nature in two of the following poems: First Love, Time, The Flower Fed, Buffaloes, Marrysong 5.) Explore the presentation of children s literature in either Full Moon and Little Frieda or The Grasshopper and The Cricket. 6.) Discuss the presentation of painful relationships in two poems of your choice.

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