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Ranganathan Engineering College


By, N.Ammu Abirami III ECE M.A.Niyazi IIIECE

Navigation System for the Blind

Auditory Display Modes and Guidance

Navigation , in turn, involves updating one s position and orientation during travel. Methods of updating position and orientation. Position-based navigation (called pilotage or piloting). Velocity-based navigation (called dead reckoning or path integration).

Assistive Technology for Wayfinding

Laser Cane and ultrasonic obstacle avoiders. One such system of remote signage currently being deployed in demonstration projects is what is known as Talking Signs. within a range of 15 m or 40 m (depending up on battery size), Disadvantage : cost of installing and maintaining the network.

Assistive Technology for Wayfinding

One alternative is to use computer technology At one extreme, there is inertial navigation, At the other extreme video images of the environment to 3D models stored in computer memory. GPS, Loran, VOR-DME.

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