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Like the Data Browser (SE16) reviewed in the last article, Quickviewer (transaction SQVI) is very useful toll

for quick and dirty reporting through Adhoc Queries. The advantage of using Quickviewer is it ability to perform table joins enables us to display data from multiple tables. In the example below, we create a query to return the tcodes executable by an indivdual user. We name the query Z_USER_TCODE using table join.

SQVI - Initial Screen

SQVI - Query Definition

On clicking the check button, we get to the design window shown below. We insert the three tables which we will be using for our report and add graphically add the join conditions as shown below.

SQVI - Join Conditions

Once the data sources and join conditions are set up, we need to check the fields appearing in the selection and list output. We have the option or changing the field order of both the selection and list screens or even the sort order of the resulting data.

SQVI - Selection & List Fields

We now save our query and click the execute button. In the example, we filter the query to return the tcodes for user test_user.

SQVI - Query Selection Screen

The output returns a list of tcodes that can be executed by the user and also the role which contains the tcode.

SQVI - List Output

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