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Paragraph writing

Map drawing


Vocabulary by pantomiming

Grammar by Inductive Approach Just spoken English Teacher centeredness


Reading aloud

Question and answer Conversation practice exercise


Focus on questions - answers patterns

The students native language should not be used in class

Tries to get students to self correct whenever possible

Intend that students learn how to communicate in the target language


Pronunciation receives attention from the beginning

Teacher and students are more like partners in the teaching/learning process Grammar is taught inductively

Fuente: Larsen-Freeman, Diane (2000)

Interaction Students Teacher very close

Language is primarily spoken, not written

Disadvantages of Direct Method

1.- Direct Method believed that second language should be learned in way in which first language was acquired.

2.- Effectiveness of verbalising skills depends on maturation level of the child / on type of environment on intelligence.

3.- The Direct Method rejects use of the printed word - but this objection is illogical since second language learner has already mastered his reading skills.

4.- To avoid translating new words, they searched for an association between new words.

5.- Successful teacher of the Direct Method needed competence in his language / stamina/ energy/ imagination/ ability and time to create own materials and courses.

6.- And finally, Direct Methodists failed to grade and structure their materials adequately - no selection, grading or controlled presentation of vocabulary and structures.

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