Respiratory System Worksheet

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Respiratory System Worksheet


Answer all questions using COMPELTE SENTENCES 1. Draw a picture of the trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, and lungs below. Label each part clearly.

2. What is at the end of every bronchiole?

3. Describe the path that oxygen takes as it enters the respiratory system. It should begin in your mouth and end at your muscles.

4. How do alveoli and capillaries help to get oxygen into your bloodstream and carbon dioxide out of your bloodstream?

5. People who have asthma sometimes have asthma attacks, which means their bronchioles swell up and close. Why could an asthma attack make it difficult to breathe?

6. Smoking cigarettes makes your alveoli less elastic (or stretchy), so they cant expand as much. Explain why people who smoke often may have trouble breathing.

7. Explain one way that the respiratory system is important to the circulatory system. (Whats one reason your circulatory system wouldnt work without your respiratory system?)

8. Explain one way that the circulatory system is important to the respiratory system. (Whats one reason your respiratory system wouldnt work without your circulatory system?)

9. Explain one way that the circulatory system is important to the digestive system. (Whats one reason your digestive system wouldnt work without your circulatory system?)

10. Explain one way that the digestive system is important to the circulatory system. (Whats one reason your circulatory system wouldnt work without your digestive system?)

11. Explain one way that the respiratory system is important to the digestive system. (Whats one reason your digestive system wouldnt work without your respiratory system?)

12. Explain one way that the digestive system is important to the respiratory system. (Whats one reason your respiratory system wouldnt work without your circulatory system?)

13. Pretend you are an organ in the respiratory system, and you are trying to convince an organ in the digestive system that the respiratory system is more important. What would you say? Justify your answer.

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