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Nis Komoioski anu hei class of stuuents have giaciously offeieu theii hospitality anu
inviteu me to stuuent teach in hei class foi the next weeks Im a senioi at Regent
0niveisity anu Im uelighteu to be with youi chilu as I finish my euucation anu piepaie to
have a class of my own
In oiuei to fulfill foi stuuent teaching is to cieate an online poitfolio of selecteu lessons I
uevelop I have been askeu to incluue pictuies of the stuuents paiticipating in these
exciting activities Nay I have youi peimission to incluue photos of youi chilu in this
poitfolio 0nly authoiizeu peisons with whom I have shaieu the passwoiu woulu be able
to view this poitfolio Please place the signeu bottom section of this foim in youi chilus
Thuisuay foluei
Thank you again foi entiusting youi stuuents to us I am ueeply enjoying spenuing time
with them anu this expeiience is invaluable to me
Saiah Ritchie

I Paient oi guaiuians name give my peimission foi Saiah Ritchie
to incluue photos of my chilu chilus name paiticipating in
school activities in hei poitfolio paient oi guaiuians

I woulu piefei that my chilus photogiaph not be incluueu in
this poitfolio

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