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Brittany Wilson Huck Finn study guide

6) The new judge seems a bit stricter, yet timid by not taking Huck away from Pap. Twain puts do-gooders in a light that shows a good side for all to learn from and a secret side that is hypocritical and unfair. 8) Hucks father is described as being extremely white; his hair is tangled, long and greasy. His clothes are rags and his boots are tarnished. This description also reflects his inner self as being apathetic towards others. The description also shows a certain pain that he went through in his years. 9) Pap criticizes the government by basically stating that you can take someone that is worth so much more and has the potential to do excellent things, but you never give him/she that chance. Twain wants us to feel the pain of the ones that were mistreated unfairly. 10)Huck thinks about Tom because that is the type of business that Tom likes to get involved with.

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