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Transactional analysis and sensitivity training

Presented on:7-12-11

Presented by Nithya M S S2 MBA

Transactional analysis
System developed by Eric Berne It is a method for understanding peoples behaviour TA is both a theory of development and a system of social psychology TA is a powerful tool to bring about human well being

Transactional analysis is the theory of personality and human interaction .This concept that a persons mind can occupy different ego states and that peoples interactions can be understood as transactions between different ego states TA defines the basic unit of social intercourse as a transaction Three ego states Parent Adult Child

Parent is our Taught concept of life This is our ingrained voice of authority, absorbed conditioning, learning and attitudes from when we are young Conditioned by real parents,teachers,older people, next door neighbours etc

Adult is our thought concept of life Ability to think and determine action for ourselves based on received data

Child is our felt concept of life In TA Child is seen as the source of creativity, recreation and procreation

This is a development of the study in the training of attitudes people Main objective of sensitivity training is the development of awareness and sensitivity behavioural patterns of oneself and others It often begins with an instructor asking participants to bring up any issues of concern that they face any where

This development result in the 1. Increased openness with others 2. Greater concern with others 3. Increased tolerance for individual differences 4. Growth of an individual level 5. Understanding of group processes 6. Enhanced listening skills 7. Increased trust and support

In Spain, 2009 the Environment Protection Agency announced to its Washington-area employees that it was planning a series of sensitivity training to create understanding sensitivity and awareness of diversity issues and provide a forum for exchanging information and ideas

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