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Ebelskivers Serves 8 2 2 3 1 1 2 cups cups tsp tsp tsp tsp buttermilk flour eggs, separated baking powder salt

t soda sugar

Beat the egg whites until soft peaks form. Set aside. Beat the egg yolks, then add the sugar, salt and buttermilk. Add soda and baking powder and flour. Fold in beaten egg whites. Dot the Ebelskiver iron with butter and place over medium heat. When the butter metls, fill the cups half full with the batter. At this point, fill with whatever you like. A dollop of applesauce, a small piece of chocolate, etc. Top with a little more batter. Use chopsticks to turn the ebelskiver over in the pan when the bottom is brown. Cook the other side until browned and remove from the pan. Serve with toppings. Suggestions: Powdered sugar, syrup, chocolate sauce, whipped cream, ice cream.

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