Undoing Yourself 6

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WARNING: Some people will hate this book! Within these pages you will find innumerable practical techniques to transform your life, served up with a large dose of humor and the stick of the Zen Roshi. Who hates Undoing? Stuffed-shirt academicians, do-nothing sweetness-and-light practitioners of cosmic foo-foo, and would-be slave owners everywhere. On the other hand, if you are interested in actually accomplishing something, you will love it. ROBERT ANTON WILSON of Illuminati fame says: Undoing Yourself is the latest attempt by the illuminati Conspiracy to reveal all the hither-to-hidden teachings of the Secret Chiefs and allow every man and woman to become a star. With the present conditions of this planet, I think it is necessary that this information be released at this time, and I congratulate the publisher for having the courage to let the cat out of the bag with such a loud MEOW! Of course, most people will think this book is O N L Y a joke. Thats the biggest joke of all! ISRAEL REGARDIE says of Hyatts system: I recommend it enthusiastically and without any reservations. It is the answer to the frustration felt by those who have tried other systems and failed. However, I do warn the reader: if you dont really want to change, dont take this book seriously. CHRISTOPHER S. HYATT, PH.D. was trained in both experimental and clinical psychology and practiced as a psychotherapist for many years. Today he is the world famous author of a wide varity of books on psychology, self-transformation and Western magic including: Secrets of Western Tantra; Sex Magic, Tantra & Tarot; Urban Voodoo; Lies, Lies, Lies and Rebels & Devils.

with Energized Meditation and Other Devices

Christopher S. Hyatt, Ph.D. UNDOING YOURSELF With Energized Meditation and Other Devices

Cover Art by Kelli Holloran ISBN 1-56184-057-2

ISBN 978-1-56184-057-1

90000 >

By Christopher S. Hyatt, Ph.D.

Introduced by Robert Anton Wilson and Israel Regardie Edited by Joshua Seraphim

9 781561 840571

New Falcon


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