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Tittle : Observation about Zygomycota, Ascomycota, Basidiomycota, Deuteromycota. Aim : to know more about that fungus specifically.

Basic Theory : Group

1. 2. 3.

: (02) (03) (10) (12) (15) (25) (31)

Ahimmatul Ulya Ainin Ainiyah Eva Dwi A

4. Iftitahatur Rosyidah
5. 6.

M. Alvinnur Shoffan Maulana

7. Wahyu Setyaningrum Tools and Instruments : Jelly Meat Microscope Loop Mushroom


Cawan patry Tempe Rotten Tempe Rotten Bread Paper Work methods: Pudding:

Make pudding, then we add it with broth and meat

2. Put it in the cawan and let them cold. 3. After that, wrap them with paper.

4. Next day, open it and put them in the bathroom. And wait about 15 minutes. 5. After that, wrap again with paper. 6. Next week, the pudding are ready to be observed. And we do observation. 7. Take a little of them like a mucus that found above the pudding surface. 8. Put it on the glass of preparate. 9. Observe them with our microscope. 10.Get the result 11.Make a report 12.Make conclusion Fungi of Tempe: 1. Take fibrous of tempe by needle 2. Put it on the glass preparate

Observe them with our microscope with right magnification and focus.

4. Get the result 5. Make report 6. Make conclusion

Fungi of Rotten Tempe: 1. Take fibrous of rotten tempe by needle 2. Put it on the glass preparate 3. Observe them with our microscope with right magnification and quite focus 4. Get result 5. Make report 6. Make conclusion Mushroom: 1. Take fresh Jamur merang 2. Take a loop 3. Observe the bottom surface of that mushroom by loop 4. Get the result

5. Make report 6. Make conclusion.

Fungi of Rotten Bread: 1.Take fibrous of rotten bread by needle 2.Take them on the glass preparate 3.Observe them with right and quite magnification 4.Get result 5.Make report 6.Make conclusion Evaluation 1. From fungi were observed which are classified as class Zygomycota, Ascomycota, Basidiomycota, Deuteromycota,please specify! 2. From the fungus were observed which are beneficial or dentrimental and which usefull and which cause harm? 3. From cultured bacteria were observed whether there are bacteria? Or a collection of bacteria with fungi? Or just a collection of fungi? 4. In cultured bacteria if there is anything shaped bacteria, what color, scent or smell something?

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