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January 22, 2012 True Vine Baptist Church Sermon Notes Title: The Dangers of Ignorance Text: Acts

17:16-31 1Tim 4:13-16- Paul's challenge to Timothy Paul in Athens, was brought to Mar's hill to reason with the Philosophers of his day. Ignorance (Grk. Agnoeo) not to know (through lack of information or intelligence), to ignore (through disinclination). I. Can result to the worship of the wrong God - v. 17-23 Many people do worship, but they worship the wrong God. The Samaritan woman John 4:22 Mans failure to know the true God, will miss His: A. Love B. Salvation C. C. Fellowship II. Can result to the blindness of the heart Ephesians 4:18-19 Though intellectually brilliant, still cannot understand the way of God. 2Cor.4:4 Right becomes wrong and wrong becomes right. Romans 1:20-23

III. Can result to foolishness I Peter 2:15 Foolish (Greek 'aphron') - mindless, egoistic, rash, or (morally) unbelieving I Cor.2:14, I Cor.1:18-23 Psalm 14:1 Conclusion: Know the Truth: John8:32 Warning for God's people- Hosea 4:69,14

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