Subiecte Examen Engleza Anul I

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Subiecte examen engleza anul I, sem. I 1. LONDON Wich is the capital of UC?

? Correct scris: Which is the capital of Uk? (care este capitala UK?) cred ca este LONDRA Wich is the most important river in England? (the Thames) Care este cel mai important rau din Anglia? Wich is the most favorite food for British people? (fish and chips) Care este mancarea favorite a englezilor: peste si cipsuri

What does UK stand for? -UK stands for the United Kingdom of Great
Britain and Northern Ireland

De la ce provine UK? Uk provine de la REGATELE UNITE A MARII BRITANII si IRLANDA DE NOR The countris that compose Uk are: England, Scotland, Wales and Northen Ireland Ce tari compun UK? England, Scotland, Wales and Northen Ireland Wich is are favorite drink for English people? (the tea) Care este bautura favorite a englezilor: ceaiul Whos the monarch of the Uk? (the Queen Elisabeth II) Cine este monarhul UK? Regina QUUEN ELISABETH A 2 What are the symbols of English? (the flag, David Beckam, the red rose, the tea, fish and chips, the royal family, Big Ben, Buckingam palace, Double Decker, the black cab, London eye) Care sunt simbolurile Englezilor? Drapelul, david beckam, trandafirul rosu, ceaiul, peste si chipsurile, familia regala, ceasul BIG BEN, palatal Buckingam, Double Decker, taxiul negru, London eye 2. CANADA Wich is the capital of Canada? (Ottawa) Canadian symbol (maple leaf on the flag, the beaver, the Canadian goose, the toten pole) The most important cities in Canada (Quebec, Montreal) There important sports (ice hockey, baseball, golf) 3. AUSTRALIA

Wich is the capital of Australia? (Camberra) The most important animal (Kangoroo) The native population (dooringenes) Oficcial language (English) Most important cities: Sidney, Camberra Monarch: Queen Elizabeth II
4. NEW ZEELAND Oficial, Elisabeta a II-a a Marii Britanii este Regina Noii Zeelande The capital (Wellingthon)

Composed of: the Isle:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Insula de Nord Insula de Sud Insula Stewart / Rakiura Insulele Chatham Insulele Bounty Insulele Antipode Insulele Auckland Insulele Campbell

Symbols: kiwi bird, the flag, aborigenes National wealt: the gold, diamonds, the sheep Pentru mai multe detalii: si aici ii dai sus in dreapta sa iti caute ce vrei tu pentru traducere: acolo ai din si in ce limba

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