Preventive 1

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There is a famous saying healthy children contribute to healthy nation.

Prevention is the best measure to maintain health, an old saying A STICH IN TIME SAVES NINE supports this. Child survival strategies are extremely important to tackle current problems of malnutrition, infections, diarrhoel diseases and poor maternal health. The approach should be based low cost interventions acceptable to the people. Child survival strategies are extremely important to tackle current problems of malnutrition, infections, diarrhoel diseases and poor maternal health. The approach should be based low cost interventions acceptable to the people. The term pediatrics is derived from Greek word Pedio-pais, paidos means a child;iatric means surgery or medicine;ics the suffix of a subject of medicine. Pediatrics is synonymous with child health is that branch of medical science that deals with the care of children from conception to adolescence, in health and disease. Meaning of Preventive Pediatrics Preventive pediatrics refers to prevention of disease and promotion of physical, mental, and social well being of children with aim of attaining a positive health. It comprises efforts to avert rather than cure disease and disabilities. It is broadly divided into: Antenatal Preventive Pediatric Postnatal Preventive Pediatric Ante-natal Preventive Pediatric:Adequate nutrition of the pregnant mother Preparation and education of the mother for delivary Prevention of communicable diseases Mother craft and breast feeding Post-natal Preventive Pediatric:Periodic medical check up of infant Supervision of nutrition Immunization Accident prevention Psycho logic supervision

AIMS: The aims of preventive pediatrics are similar to that of preventive medicine, i.e prevention of disease and promotion of physical, mental, and social well-being of children so that each child may achieve the genetic potential with which he/she is born.To achieve these aims, hospitals for children have adopted the strategy of primary health care to improve activities like growth monitoring, oral rehydration, nutritional surveillance, Promotion of breast feeding, immunization, community feeding, regular health check-ups etc.Primary health care with its potential for vast increased coverage through an integrated system of service delivery is increasingly looked upon as the best solution to reach to millions of children, especially those who are in most need of preventive and curative services.

Community Pediatrics
A concept rather than a branch of pediatrics, implying that health is determined by interaction between the child, his environment and the society in which he lives. The objective is to carry the health care to the doorstep of the needy. Basic principles The two essential areas of study in community pediatrics are: The health of the child population in relation to its social environment, i.e. the total community that constitutes part of social medicine. The health of the individual child as a result of multitude of social influences(both positive and negative) that constitutes part of clinical medicine. Advantages 1. Health care goes to the susceptible population, thus ensuring protection to those who may not otherwise seek advice. 2. The concept ensures community participation at all stages. 3. A community based project can be started in a simple mud-walled /tiled structure .the equipment and manpower, locally available are relatively cheap.

4. Monitors the health and nutritional status of infants and children on a continuous basis; this brings down the mortality and morbidity considerably. 5. Contributes to family welfare by ensuring survival of the child and convincing the parents of the advisability,torestrict the number of children to 1 or 2. 6. Reduces undue burden on the hospitals which, in any case, are not the right place for tackling most of the problems encountered in the developing regions.

Social Pediatrics
Social pediatrics refers to application of the principles of social medicine to pediatrics in order to obtain a more complete understanding of the problems of children so as to prevent and treat disease and promote their adequate growth and development through an organized health structure. Concerned with the delivery of comprehensive and continuing child heath needs (total health needs): healthy and happy parents balanced and nutritious diet clean, healthful house and environments developmental needs like play, amusement, love, affection, security, recognition, recreation, company with other children educational provision/opportunities. REFERNCES: Books 1. Park K.Parks Text Book of Preventive and Social medicine, 19th ed.Jabalpur; Banarsidas Bhanot: 2007. 2. Gupte S.The Short Text Book of Pediatrics, 10th ed.New Delhi: Jaypee brothers medical publishers: 2004. 3. Viswanathan J, Desai AB.Achars Textbook of Pediatrics,3rd ed.Chennai:Orient Longman Ltd:1999. Internet and journal

1. 2. Houtrow AJ, Kim SE, Chen AY, Newacheck PW. Preventive health care for children with and without special health care needs. Journal of Pediatrics. 2007 Apr;119(4):e821-8. (Available on

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