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SNIC Cloud Portal design document SNIC Cloud Portal (SCP) will enabled users to use Public and

Private cloud computing infrastructure transparently through web . preliminary url would be

In phase -1 we are targetting to learn more about users requirements and thier experience in Cloud, that is why in this phase we are focusing on functional requirements and progressing through users feedback . Furthermore, in this phase we are targeting on Amazon as public cloud. Hierarchy : Top (SNIC Cloud) ----->Centres (PDC, Umea, others) -------> Users User flow : i. User will register on SCP ii. After confirming his email he will get activated iii. On his pages he will get 1. Information about his current resources 2. Changing his profile 3. Appy for new resources 4. Manage his resources iv. User when apply for the new resources will be present a Matrix of available types of compute resources . v. User will select a desired resource and apply for it vi. Centers admin will get the request and check if he has the budget for this resource, vii. Centres Admin will create the resources with Users supplied ssh-public key . viii. Users will get the email when it is activated , so that he can login via ssh using ssh key. ix. Later on this resources will be available on Users pages of SCP.

Type of Admin: i. Centre Admins 1. Will only able to manage the users and resources of his Centre , such as PDC admin for PDC Centre. ii. Top Admins: 1. Consolidated Billing of all centres admin 2. Will able to manage all of the users and resources across centres.

Quota Management:

We are using static value of resources as described by Amazon for example , running of Amazon small instance cost x$ /month. i. In this phase we are relying on notification only , ii. Users will get the current usage of his resources daily via email iii. An estimated guess of cost incurred will be present on portal to all of users and Admins

In phase -2 users will get more control and role of Admins will only to facilitate and support users bare minimum. Users may able to Terminate, Stop and Launch new instances Able to share the images Integration with Private and Public cloud

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