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D-Lnk reserves the rght to revse ths publcaton and to make changes n the content hereof wthout oblgaton to notfy any person or organzaton of such revsons or changes.

Manual Revisions
Revision 5.2 5.3 Date December 22, 2009 February 5, 2010 Description Updated for revson E1 Updated for revson E3 Added WIndows 7 Added Language Pack

D-Lnk and the D-Lnk logo are trademarks or regstered trademarks of D-Lnk Corporaton or ts subsdares n the Unted States or other countres. Mcrosoft Wndows 2000, Mcrosoft Wndows XP, Mcrosoft Wndows Vsta, and Mcrosoft Wndows 7 are regstered trademarks of the Mcrosoft Corporaton. All other company or product names mentoned heren are trademarks or regstered trademarks of ther respectve companes. Copyrght 2008-2010 by D-Lnk Systems, Inc. All rghts reserved. Ths publcaton may not be reproduced, n whole or n part, wthout pror expressed wrtten permsson from D-Lnk Systems, Inc.

D-Lnk DIR-615 User Manual

Table of Contents

Preface.................................................................................. i Manual Revsons ...........................................................................  Trademarks ......................................................................................  Product.Overview............................................................... 1 Package Contents ......................................................................... 1 System Requrements ................................................................. 2 Features............................................................................................ 3 Hardware Overvew ..................................................................... 4 Connectons ........................................................................... 4 LEDs ........................................................................................... 5 Installation.......................................................................... 6 Before you Begn........................................................................... 6 Wreless Installaton Consderatons ...................................... 7 Network Dagram ......................................................................... 8 Connect to Cable/DSL/Satellte Modem .............................. 9 Connect to Another Router ....................................................10 Gettng Started ............................................................................11 Configuration....................................................................12 Web-based Configuraton Utlty ..........................................12 Internet Connecton Setup Wzard ...............................13 Manual Configuraton .......................................................18 Dynamc (Cable) .............................................................18 PPPoE (DSL) ......................................................................20 PPTP ....................................................................................21 L2TP ....................................................................................22 Statc IP Address .............................................................24
D-Lnk DIR-615 User Manual

Table of Contents
Wreless Settngs .................................................................25 Manual Wreless Network Setup ..............................26 Network Settngs ................................................................27 DHCP Server Settngs ...................................................28 DHCP Reservaton .........................................................29 Vrtual Server ........................................................................30 Port Forwardng ..................................................................32 Applcaton Rules ................................................................33 QoS Engne............................................................................34 Network Flters.....................................................................35 Access Control .....................................................................36 Access Control Wzard ..................................................36 Webste Flters ......................................................................39 Inbound Flters.....................................................................40 Frewall Settngs ..................................................................41 Routng ..................................................................................42 Advanced Wreless Settngs ............................................43 Advanced Network Settngs ...........................................44 UPnP ...................................................................................44 Internet Png Block ........................................................44 Internet Port Speed .......................................................44 Multcast Streams ..........................................................44 IPv6 ..........................................................................................45 Lnk-Local Connectvty ...............................................45 Statc IPv6 (Stateful) ......................................................46 Statc IPv6 (Stateless) ....................................................47

Table of Contents

DHCPv6 (Stateful) ..........................................................48 DHCPv6 (Stateless) ........................................................49 IPv6 over PPPoE (Stateful)...........................................50 IPv6 over PPPoE (Stateless) ........................................52 6 to 4 Tunnelng (Stateful) ..........................................54 6 to 4 Tunnelng (Stateless) ........................................55 IPv6 n IPv4 Tunnelng (Stateful)...............................56 IPv6 n IPv4 Tunnelng (Stateless) ............................57 Stateless Autoconfiguraton (Stateless) .................58 Stateless Autoconfiguraton (Stateful) ...................59 Admnstrator Settngs......................................................60 Change Password ..........................................................60 Remote Management ..................................................60 Tme Settngs .......................................................................61 SysLog .....................................................................................62 E-mal Settngs .....................................................................63 System Settngs ...................................................................64 Update Frmware ................................................................65 DDNS .......................................................................................66 System Check .......................................................................67 Schedules ..............................................................................68 Devce Informaton ............................................................69 Log ...........................................................................................71 Statstcs .................................................................................72 Internet Sessons.................................................................73 Routng Table .......................................................................75 Wreless ..................................................................................76 IPv6 ..........................................................................................77 Support ..................................................................................78
D-Lnk DIR-615 User Manual

Wireless.Security..............................................................79 What s WPA? ................................................................................79 Wreless Network Setup Wzard ............................................80 Add Wreless Devce wth WPS Wzard ................................83 Configure WPA-Personal (PSK)...............................................84 Configure WPA-Enterprse (RADIUS)....................................85 Connect to a Wreless Network .............................................87 Usng Wndows 7 ...............................................................87 Configure WPS ................................................................90 Connect to a Wreless Network .............................................94 Usng Wndows Vsta ........................................................94 Configure WPA/WPA2...................................................95 Connect Usng WCN 2.0 ...................................................97 Usng Wndows XP ............................................................98 Connect to a Wreless Network .............................................99 Usng Wndows XP Through WPA-PSK .......................99 Troubleshooting.............................................................101 Wireless.Basics................................................................105 What s Wreless? ...................................................................... 106 Tps................................................................................................ 108 Wreless Modes......................................................................... 109 Networking.Basics..........................................................110 Check your IP address ............................................................ 110 Statcally Assgn an IP address ............................................ 111 Technical.Specifications.................................................112 Contacting.Technical.Support.......................................113 Warranty..........................................................................114 Registration....................................................................120

Section 1 - Product Overview

Product Overview Package Contents





Note: Using a power supply with a different voltage rating than the one included with the DIR-615 will cause damage and void the warranty for this product.

D-Lnk DIR-615 User Manual

Section 1 - Product Overview

System Requirements
Network.Requirements An Ethernet-based Cable or DSL modem IEEE 802.11n/g wreless clents 10/100 Ethernet Computer.with.the.following: Wndows, Macntosh, or Lnux-based operatng system An nstalled Ethernet adapter Web-based.Configuration. Utility.Requirements Browser.Requirements: Internet Explorer 6 or hgher Chrome 2.0 or hgher Frefox 3.0 or hgher Safar 3.0 or hgher Windows. Users: Make sure you have the latest verson of Java nstalled. Vst www.java.com to download the latest verson. Computer.with.the.following: Wndows XP (Servce Pack 3), Vsta or Wndows 7 An nstalled Ethernet adapter CD-ROM drve

CD.Installation.Wizard. Requirements

D-Lnk DIR-615 User Manual

Section 1 - Product Overview

. Faster.Wireless.Networking - The DIR-615 provdes up to 300Mbps* wreless connecton wth other 802.11n wreless clents. Ths capablty allows users to partcpate n real-tme actvtes onlne, such as vdeo streamng, onlne gamng, and real-tme audo. . Compatible.with.802.11g.Devices - The DIR-615 s stll fully compatble wth the IEEE 802.11g standard, so t can connect wth exstng 802.11g PCI, USB and Cardbus adapters. . Advanced.Firewall.Features - The Web-based user nterface dsplays a number of advanced network management features ncludng: Content.Filtering - Easly appled content filterng based on MAC Address, URL, and/or Doman Name. Filter. Scheduling - These filters can be scheduled to be actve on certan days or for a duraton of hours or mnutes. Secure. Multiple/Concurrent. Sessions - The DIR-615 can pass through VPN sessons. It supports multple and concurrent IPSec and PPTP sessons, so users behnd the DIR-615 can securely access corporate networks. . User-friendly.Setup.Wizard - Through ts easy-to-use Web-based user nterface, the DIR-615 lets you control what nformaton s accessble to those on the wreless network, whether from the Internet or from your companys server. Configure your router to your specfic settngs wthn mnutes.

* Maxmum wreless sgnal rate derved from IEEE Standard 802.11g and 802.11n specficatons. Actual data throughput wll vary. Network condtons and envronmental factors, ncludng volume of network traffic, buldng materals and constructon, and network overhead, lower actual data throughput rate. Envronmental condtons wll adversely affect wreless sgnal range.

D-Lnk DIR-615 User Manual

Section 1 - Product Overview

Hardware Overview

1 2 3 4 LAN Ports (1-4) Internet Port Reset Button Power Receptor

Connect Ethernet devces such as computers, swtches, and hubs. The auto MDI/MDIX Internet port s the connecton for the Ethernet cable to the cable or DSL modem. Pressng the Reset button restores the router to ts orgnal factory default settngs. Receptor for the suppled power adapter.

D-Lnk DIR-615 User Manual

Section 1 - Product Overview

Hardware Overview

1 2 3 4

Power LED Internet LED WAN LED LAN LEDs (1-4)

A sold lght ndcates a proper connecton to the power supply. A sold lght ndcates connecton on the Internet port. Ths LED blnks durng data transmsson. A sold lght ndcates that the wreless segment s ready. Ths LED blnks durng wreless data transmsson. A sold lght ndcates a connecton to an Ethernet-enabled computer on ports 1-4. Ths LED blnks durng data transmsson.

D-Lnk DIR-615 User Manual

Section 2 - Installation

Ths secton wll walk you through the nstallaton process. Placement of the router s very mportant. Do not place the router n an enclosed area such as a closet, cabnet, or n the attc or garage.

Before you Begin

Please configure the router wth the computer that was last connected drectly to your modem. You can only use the Ethernet port on your modem. If you were usng the USB connecton before usng the router, then you must turn off your modem, dsconnect the USB cable and connect an Ethernet cable to the Internet port on the router, and then turn the modem back on. In some cases, you may need to call your ISP to change connecton types (USB to Ethernet). If you have DSL and are connectng va PPPoE, make sure you dsable or unnstall any PPPoE software such as WnPoet, Broadjump, or Enternet 300 from your computer or you wll not be able to connect to the Internet. When runnng the Setup Wzard from the D-Lnk CD, make sure the computer you are runnng the CD from s connected to the Internet and onlne or the wzard wll not work. If you have dsconnected any hardware, re-connect your computer back to the modem and make sure you are onlne.

D-Lnk DIR-615 User Manual

Section 2 - Installation

Wireless Installation Considerations

The D-Lnk wreless router lets you access your network usng a wreless connecton from vrtually anywhere wthn the operatng range of your wreless network. Keep n mnd that the number, thckness and locaton of walls, celngs, or other objects that the wreless sgnals must pass through, may lmt the range. Typcal ranges vary dependng on the types of materals and background RF (rado frequency) nose n your home or busness. The key to maxmzng wreless range s to follow these basc gudelnes: 1. Keep the number of walls and celngs between the D-Lnk router and other network devces to a mnmum - each wall or celng can reduce your adapters range from 3-90 feet (1-30 meters.) Poston your devces so that the number of walls or celngs s mnmzed. 2. Be aware of the drect lne between network devces. A wall that s 1.5 feet thck (.5 meters), at a 45-degree angle appears to be almost 3 feet (1 meter) thck. At a 2-degree angle t looks over 42 feet (14 meters) thck! Poston devces so that the sgnal wll travel straght through a wall or celng (nstead of at an angle) for better recepton. 3. Buldng Materals make a dfference. A sold metal door or alumnum studs may have a negatve effect on range. Try to poston access ponts, wreless routers, and computers so that the sgnal passes through drywall or open doorways. Materals and objects such as glass, steel, metal, walls wth nsulaton, water (fish tanks), mrrors, file cabnets, brck, and concrete wll degrade your wreless sgnal. 4. Keep your product away (at least 3-6 feet or 1-2 meters) from electrcal devces or applances that generate RF nose. 5. If you are usng 2.4GHz cordless phones or X-10 (wreless products such as celng fans, lghts, and home securty systems), your wreless connecton may degrade dramatcally or drop completely. Make sure your 2.4GHz phone base s as far away from your wreless devces as possble. The base transmts a sgnal even f the phone n not n use.

D-Lnk DIR-615 User Manual

Section 2 - Installation

Network Diagram

D-Lnk DIR-615 User Manual

Section 2 - Installation

Connect to Cable/DSL/Satellite Modem

If you are connectng the router to a cable/DSL/satellte modem, please follow the steps below: 1. Place the router n an open and central locaton. Do not plug the power adapter nto the router. 2. Turn the power off on your modem. If there s no on/off swtch, then unplug the modems power adapter. Shut down your computer. 3. Unplug the Ethernet cable (that connects your computer to your modem) from your computer and place t nto the Internet port on the router. 4. Plug an Ethernet cable nto one of the four LAN ports on the router. Plug the other end nto the Ethernet port on your computer. 5. Turn on or plug n your modem. Wat for the modem to boot (about 30 seconds). 6. Plug the power adapter to the router and connect to an outlet or power strp. Wat about 30 seconds for the router to boot. 7. Turn on your computer. 8. Verfy the lnk lghts on the router. The power lght, Internet lght, and the LAN lght (the port that your computer s plugged nto) should be lt. If not, make sure your computer, modem, and router are powered on and verfy the cable connectons are correct. 9. Skp to page 12 to configure your router.

D-Lnk DIR-615 User Manual

Section 2 - Installation

Connect to Another Router

If you are connectng the D-Lnk router to another router to use as a wreless access pont and/or swtch, you wll have to do the followng before connectng the router to your network: Dsable UPnP Dsable DHCP Change the LAN IP address to an avalable address on your network. The LAN ports on the router cannot accept a DHCP address from your other router. To connect to another router, please follow the steps below: 1. Plug the power nto the router. Connect one of your computers to the router (LAN port) usng an Ethernet cable. Make sure your IP address on the computer s 192.168.0.xxx (where xxx s between 2 and 254). Please see the Networking.Basics secton for more nformaton. If you need to change the settngs, wrte down your exstng settngs before makng any changes. In most cases, your computer should be set to receve an IP address automatcally n whch case you wll not have to do anythng to your computer. 2. Open a web browser and enter and press Enter. When the logn wndow appears, set the user name to Admin and leave the password box empty. Clck Log.In to contnue. 3. Clck on Advanced and then clck Advanced.Network. Uncheck the Enable UPnP checkbox. Clck Save.Settings to contnue. 4. Clck Setup and then clck Network.Settings. Uncheck the Enable DHCP Server server checkbox. Clck Save.Settings to contnue. 5. Under Router Settngs, enter an avalable IP address and the subnet mask of your network. Clck Save.Settings to save your settngs. Use ths new IP address to access the configuraton utlty of the router n the future. Close the browser and change your computers IP settngs back to the orgnal values as n Step 1. 6. Dsconnect the Ethernet cable from the router and reconnect your computer to your network. 7. Connect an Ethernet cable n one of the LAN ports of the router and connect t to your other router. Do not plug anythng nto the Internet port of the D-Lnk router. 8. You may now use the other 3 LAN ports to connect other Ethernet devces and computers. To configure your wreless network, open a web browser and enter the IP address you assgned to the router. Refer to the Configuration and Wireless Security sectons for more nformaton on settng up your wreless network. D-Lnk DIR-615 User Manual 10

Section 2 - Installation

Getting Started
The DIR-615 ncludes a Quck Router Setup Wzard CD. Follow the smple steps below to run the Setup Wzard to gude you quckly through the nstallaton process. You may manually configure your router wthout the wzard. Refer to the next page to manually setup your router. Insert the Quick.Router.Setup.Wizard.CD n the CD-ROM drve. The step-by-step nstructons that follow are shown n Wndows XP or Vsta. The steps and screens are smlar for the other Wndows operatng systems. If the CD autorun functon does not automatcally start on your computer, go to Start > Run. In the run box type D:\DIR615.exe (where D: represents the drve letter of your CD-ROM drve). When the autorun screen appears, clck Install.Router.and follow the on-screen nstructons.

Note: It is recommended to write down the login password on the provided CD holder.

D-Lnk DIR-615 User Manual


Section 3 - Configuration

Ths secton wll show you how to configure your new D-Lnk wreless router usng the web-based configuraton utlty.

Web-based Configuration Utility

To access the configuraton utlty, open a web-browser such as Internet Explorer and enter the IP address of the router ( You may also connect usng the NetBIOS name n the address bar (http://dlinkrouter).

Select Admin from the drop-down menu and then enter your password. Leave the password blank by default. Type n the graphcal authentcaton code (f you cannot read t, clck Regenerate). The graphcal authentcaton wll be dsabled by default. If you get a Page. Cannot. be. Displayed error, please refer to the Troubleshooting secton for assstance.

D-Lnk DIR-615 User Manual


Section 3 - Configuration

Internet Connection Setup Wizard

Once logged nto the web nterface of the router, the Setup.>.Internet page wll appear. Clck the Internet.Connection.Setup.Wizard button to quckly configure your router usng the setup wzard. If you want to enter your settngs wthout runnng the wzard, clck Manual.Internet.Configuration.Wizard and skp to page 18.

D-Lnk DIR-615 User Manual


Section 3 - Configuration Clck Next to contnue.

Create a new password and then clck Next to contnue.

Select your tme zone from the drop-down menu and then clck Next to contnue.

D-Lnk DIR-615 User Manual


Section 3 - Configuration Select the type of Internet connecton you use and then clck Next to contnue.

If you selected Dynamc, you may need to enter the MAC address of the computer that was last connected drectly to your modem. If you are currently usng that computer, clck Clone.Your.PCs. MAC.Address and then clck Next to contnue. The Host Name s optonal but may be requred by some ISPs. The default host name s the devce name of the Router and may be changed.

D-Lnk DIR-615 User Manual


Section 3 - Configuration If you selected PPPoE, enter your PPPoE username and password. Clck Next to contnue. Select Static f your ISP assgned you the IP address, subnet mask, gateway, and DNS server addresses. Note: Make sure to remove your PPPoE software from your computer. The software is no longer needed and will not work through a router.

If you selected PPTP, enter your PPTP username and password. Clck Next to contnue.

D-Lnk DIR-615 User Manual


Section 3 - Configuration If you selected L2TP, enter your L2TP username and password. Clck Next to contnue.

If you selected Statc, enter your network settngs suppled by your Internet provder. Clck Next to contnue.

The Setup s now complete. Clck the Connect to save your settngs. Please allow 1-2 mnutes to connect.

D-Lnk DIR-615 User Manual


Section 3 - Configuration

Manual Configuration
Dynamic (Cable)
If you opt to set up your Internet connecton manually, you wll be redrected to a WAN page that allows you to select your Internet type and enter the correct configuraton parameters. Clck the Save.Settings button when you have configured the connecton.
My Internet Connection: Select Dynamic.IP.(DHCP) to obtan IP Address nformaton automatcally from your ISP. Select ths opton f your ISP does not gve you any IP numbers to use. Ths opton s commonly used for cable modem servces such as Comcast and Cox. Enable Advanced DNS Advanced Doman Name System (DNS) servces enhances your Internet Service: performance by gettng you the nformaton and web pages you are lookng for faster and more relably. In addton, t mproves your overall Internet experence by correctng many common typo mstakes automatcally, takng you where you ntended to go and savng you valuable tme. Disclaimer: D-Link makes no warranty as to the availability, reliability, functionality and operation of the Advanced DNS service or its features. Host Name: The Host Name s optonal but may be requred by some ISPs. Leave blank f you are not sure. Use Unicasting: Check the box f you are havng problems obtanng an IP address from your ISP. Primary/Secondary DNS Enter the Prmary and secondary DNS server IP addresses assgned by your Server: ISP. These addresses are usually obtaned automatcally from your ISP. Leave at f you dd not specfically receve these from your ISP.

D-Lnk DIR-615 User Manual


Section 3 - Configuration
MTU: Maxmum Transmsson Unt - you may need to change the MTU for optmal performance wth your specfic ISP. 1500 s the default MTU. MAC Address: The default MAC Address s set to the Internet ports physcal nterface MAC address on the Broadband Router. It s not recommended that you change the default MAC address unless requred by your ISP. You can use the Clone.Your.PCs.MAC.Address button to replace the Internet ports MAC address wth the MAC address of your Ethernet card.

D-Lnk DIR-615 User Manual


Section 3 - Configuration

Choose PPPoE (Pont to Pont Protocol over Ethernet) f your ISP uses a PPPoE connecton. Your ISP wll provde you wth a username and password. Ths opton s typcally used for DSL servces. Make sure to remove your PPPoE software from your computer. The software s no longer needed and wll not work through a router.
My Internet Select PPPoE.(Username/Password) from the drop-down Connection: menu. Address Mode: Select Static f your ISP assgned you the IP address, subnet mask, gateway, and DNS server addresses. In most cases, select Dynamic. IP Address: Enter the IP address (Statc PPPoE only). User Name: Enter your PPPoE user name. Password: Enter your PPPoE password and then retype the password n the next box. Service Name: Enter the ISP Servce Name (optonal). Reconnection Mode: Select ether Always-on, On-Demand, or Manual. Maximum Idle Time: Enter a maxmum dle tme durng whch the Internet connecton s mantaned durng nactvty. To dsable ths feature, enable Auto-reconnect. DNS Addresses: Enter the Prmary and Secondary DNS Server Addresses (Statc PPPoE only). MTU: Maxmum Transmsson Unt - you may need to change the MTU for optmal performance wth your specfic ISP. 1492 s the default MTU. MAC Address: The default MAC Address s set to the Internet ports physcal nterface MAC address on the Broadband Router. It s not recommended that you change the default MAC address unless requred by your ISP. You can use the Clone.Your.PCs.MAC.Address button to replace the Internet ports MAC address wth the MAC address of your Ethernet card.

D-Lnk DIR-615 User Manual


Section 3 - Configuration

Choose PPTP (Pont-to-Pont-Tunnelng Protocol ) f your ISP uses a PPTP connecton. Your ISP wll provde you wth a username and password. Ths opton s typcally used for DSL servces.
Address Mode: Select Static f your ISP assgned you the IP address, subnet mask, gateway, and DNS server addresses. In most cases, select Dynamic. PPTP IP Address: Enter the IP address (Statc PPTP only). PPTP Subnet Mask: Enter the Prmary and Secondary DNS Server Addresses (Statc PPTP only). PPTP Gateway: Enter the Gateway IP Address provded by your ISP. PPTP Server IP: Enter the Server IP provded by your ISP (optonal). Username: Enter your PPTP username. Password: Enter your PPTP password and then retype the password n the next box. Reconnect Mode: Select ether Always-on, On-Demand, or Manual. Maximum Idle Time: Enter a maxmum dle tme durng whch the Internet connecton s mantaned durng nactvty. To dsable ths feature, enable Auto-reconnect. DNS Servers: The DNS server nformaton wll be suppled by your ISP (Internet Servce Provder.) MTU: Maxmum Transmsson Unt - you may need to change the MTU for optmal performance wth your specfic ISP. 1400 s the default MTU. MAC Address: The default MAC Address s set to the Internet ports physcal nterface MAC address on the Broadband Router. It s not recommended that you change the default MAC address unless requred by your ISP. You can use the Clone.Your.PCs.MAC.Address button to replace the Internet ports MAC address wth the MAC address of your Ethernet card.

D-Lnk DIR-615 User Manual


Section 3 - Configuration

Choose L2TP (Layer 2 Tunnelng Protocol) f your ISP uses a L2TP connecton. Your ISP wll provde you wth a username and password. Ths opton s typcally used for DSL servces.
Address Mode: Select Static f your ISP assgned you the IP address, subnet mask, gateway, and DNS server addresses. In most cases, select Dynamic. L2TP IP Address: Enter the L2TP IP address suppled by your ISP (Statc only). L2TP Subnet Mask: Enter the Subnet Mask suppled by your ISP (Statc only). L2TP Gateway: Enter the Gateway IP Address provded by your ISP. L2TP Server IP: Enter the Server IP provded by your ISP (optonal). Username: Enter your L2TP username. Password: Enter your L2TP password and then retype the password n the next box. Reconnect Mode: Select ether Always-on, On-Demand, or Manual. Maximum Idle Time: Enter a maxmum dle tme durng whch the Internet connecton s mantaned durng nactvty. To dsable ths feature, enable Auto-reconnect. DNS Servers: Enter the Prmary and Secondary DNS Server Addresses (Statc L2TP only).

D-Lnk DIR-615 User Manual


Section 3 - Configuration
MTU: Maxmum Transmsson Unt - you may need to change the MTU for optmal performance wth your specfic ISP. 1400 s the default MTU. Clone MAC The default MAC Address s set to the Internet ports physcal nterface MAC address on the Broadband Router. It s not recommended that you change the Address: default MAC address unless requred by your ISP. You can use the Clone.Your.PCs.MAC.Address button to replace the Internet ports MAC address wth the MAC address of your Ethernet card.

D-Lnk DIR-615 User Manual


Section 3 - Configuration

Static IP Address
Select Statc IP Address f all the Internet ports IP nformaton s provded to you by your ISP. You wll need to enter n the IP address, subnet mask, gateway address, and DNS address(es) provded to you by your ISP. Each IP address entered n the fields must be n the approprate IP form, whch are four octets separated by a dot (x.x.x.x). The Router wll not accept the IP address f t s not n ths format.
IP Address: Enter the IP address assgned by your ISP. Subnet Mask: Enter the Subnet Mask assgned by your ISP. Default Gateway: Enter the Gateway assgned by your ISP. DNS Servers: The DNS server nformaton wll be suppled by your ISP (Internet Servce Provder.) MTU: Maxmum Transmsson Unt - you may need to change the MTU for optmal performance wth your specfic ISP. 1500 s the default MTU. MAC Address: The default MAC Address s set to the Internet ports physcal nterface MAC address on the Broadband Router. It s not recommended that you change the default MAC address unless requred by your ISP. You can use the Clone.Your.PCs. MAC.Address button to replace the Internet ports MAC address wth the MAC address of your Ethernet card.

D-Lnk DIR-615 User Manual


Section 3 - Configuration

Wireless Settings
If you want to configure the wreless settngs on your router usng the wzard, clck Wireless.Network.Setup.Wizard.and refer to page 80. Clck Add.Wireless.Device.with.WPS f you want to add a wreless devce usng W-F Protected Setup (WPS) and refer to page 83. If you want to manually configure the wreless settngs on your router clck Manual Wireless.Network.Setup.and refer to the next page.

D-Lnk DIR-615 User Manual


Section 3 - Configuration

Manual Wireless Network Setup

Enable Wireless: Check the box to enable the wreless functon. If you do not want to use wreless, uncheck the box to dsable all the wreless functons. Clck Add.New to create your own tme schedule to enable the wreless functon. Wireless Network Servce Set Identfier (SSID) s the name of your wreless network. Name: Create a name usng up to 32 characters. The SSID s casesenstve. 802.11 Mode: Select one of the followng: 802.11g. Only - Select f all of your wreless clents are 802.11g. 802.11n.Only - Select only f all of your wreless clents are 802.11n. Mixed.802.11n.and.802.11g - Select f you are usng a mx of 802.11n and 802.11g wreless clents. Enable Auto Channel The Auto. Channel. Scan settng can be selected to allow Scan: the DIR-615 to choose the channel wth the least amount of nterference. Wireless Channel: Indcates the channel settng for the DIR-615. By default the channel s set to 6. The Channel can be changed to fit the channel settng for an exstng wreless network or to customze the wreless network. If you enable Auto.Channel.Scan, ths opton wll be greyed out. Transmission Rate: Select the transmt rate. It s strongly suggested to select Best. (Auto) for best performance. Channel Width: Select the Channel Wdth: Auto.20/40 - Select f you are usng both 802.11n and non-802.11n wreless devces. 20MHz - Select f you are not usng any 802.11n wreless clents. Ths s the default settng. Visibility Status: Select Invisible f you do not want the SSID of your wreless network to be broadcasted by the DIR-615. If Invsble s selected, the SSID of the DIR-615 wll not be seen by Ste Survey utltes so your wreless clents wll have to know the SSID of your DIR-615 n order to connect to t. Wireless Security: Refer to page 79 for more nformaton regardng wreless securty.

D-Lnk DIR-615 User Manual


Section 3 - Configuration

Network Settings
Ths secton wll allow you to change the local network settngs of the router and to configure the DHCP settngs.
IP Address: Enter the IP address of the router. The default IP address s If you change the IP address, once you clck Apply, you wll need to enter the new IP address n your browser to get back nto the configuraton utlty. Subnet Mask: Enter the Subnet Mask. The default subnet mask s Local Domain: Enter the Doman name (Optonal). Enable DNS Relay: Uncheck the box to transfer the DNS server nformaton from your ISP to your computers. If checked, your computers wll use the router for a DNS server.

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Section 3 - Configuration

DHCP Server Settings

DHCP stands for Dynamc Host Control Protocol. The DIR-615 has a bult-n DHCP server. The DHCP Server wll automatcally assgn an IP address to the computers on the LAN/prvate network. Be sure to set your computers to be DHCP clents by settng ther TCP/IP settngs to Obtan an IP Address Automatcally. When you turn your computers on, they wll automatcally load the proper TCP/IP settngs provded by the DIR-615. The DHCP Server wll automatcally allocate an unused IP address from the IP address pool to the requestng computer. You must specfy the startng and endng address of the IP address pool.
Enable DHCP Check ths box to enable the DHCP server on your router. Uncheck to dsable Server: ths functon. DHCP IP Address Enter the startng and endng IP addresses for the DHCP servers IP Range: assgnment. Note: If you statically (manually) assign IP addresses to your computers or devices, make sure the IP addresses are outside of this range or you may have an IP conflict. Lease Time: The length of tme for the IP address lease. Enter the Lease tme n mnutes. Always Broadcast: Enable ths functon to ensure compatblty wth some DHCP clents. Learn NetBIOS If NetBIOS advertsement s swtched on, swtchng ths settng on causes WINS WAN: nformaton to be learned from the WAN sde, f avalable. Turn ths settng off to configure manually. NetBIOS scope: Ths s an advance settng and s normally left blank. Ths allows the configuraton of NetBIOS doman name under whch network hosts operate. Ths settng has no effect f the Learn NetBIOS nformaton form WAN s actvated.

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Section 3 - Configuration

DHCP Reservation
If you want a computer or devce to always have the same IP address assgned, you can create a DHCP reservaton. The router wll assgn the IP address only to that computer or devce. Note: This IP address must be within the DHCP IP Address Range.
Enable: Check ths box to enable the reservaton. Computer Name: Enter the computer name or select from the drop-down menu and clck <<. IP Address: Enter the IP address you want to assgn to the computer or devce. Ths IP Address must be wthn the DHCP IP Address Range. MAC Address: Enter the MAC address of the computer or devce. Copy Your PCs MAC If you want to assgn an IP address to the computer you are Address: currently on, clck ths button to populate the fields. Save: Clck Save to save your entry. You must clck Save.Settings at the top to actvate your reservatons. Dynamic DHCP In ths secton you can see what LAN devces are currently Clients: leasng IP addresses. Revoke: Clck Revoke to cancel the lease for a specfic LAN devce and free an entry n the lease table. Do ths only f the devce no longer needs the leased IP address, because, for example, t has been removed from the network. Note: The Revoke option will not disconnect a PC with a current network session from the network; you would need to use MAC Address Filter to do that. Revoke will only free up a DHCP Address for the very next requester. If the previous owner is still available, those two devices may both receive an IP Address Conflict error, or the second device may still not receive an IP Address; in that case, you may still need to extend the DHCP IP Address Range to address the issue, it is located in the DHCP Server section. Reserve: The Reserve opton converts ths dynamc IP allocaton nto a DHCP Reservaton and adds the correspondng entry to the DHCP Reservatons Lst.

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Section 3 - Configuration

Virtual Server
The DIR-615 can be configured as a vrtual server so that remote users accessng Web or FTP servces va the publc IP address can be automatcally redrected to local servers n the LAN (Local Area Network). The DIR-615 firewall feature filters out unrecognzed packets to protect your LAN network so all computers networked wth the DIR-615 are nvsble to the outsde world. If you wsh, you can make some of the LAN computers accessble from the Internet by enablng Vrtual Server. Dependng on the requested servce, the DIR-615 redrects the external servce request to the approprate server wthn the LAN network. The DIR-615 s also capable of port-redrecton meanng ncomng traffic to a partcular port may be redrected to a dfferent port on the server computer. Each vrtual servce that s created wll be lsted at the bottom of the screen n the Vrtual Servers Lst. There are pre-defined vrtual servces already n the table. You may use them by enablng them and assgnng the server IP to use that partcular vrtual servce. For a lst of ports for common applcatons, please vst http:// support.dlink.com/faq/view.asp?prod_id=1191.

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Section 3 - Configuration Ths wll allow you to open a sngle port. If you would lke to open a range of ports, refer to the next page.
Name: Enter a name for the rule or select an applcaton from the dropdown menu. Select an applcaton and clck << to populate the fields. IP Address: Enter the IP address of the computer on your local network that you want to allow the ncomng servce to. If your computer s recevng an IP address automatcally from the router (DHCP), you computer wll be lsted n the Computer Name drop-down menu. Select your computer and clck <<. Private Port/ Enter the port that you want to open next to Prvate Port and Public Port: Publc Port. The prvate and publc ports are usually the same. The publc port s the port seen from the Internet sde, and the prvate port s the port beng used by the applcaton on the computer wthn your local network. Protocol Type: Select TCP, UDP, Both.or.Other.from the drop-down menu. Inbound Filter: Select Allow. All (most common) or a created Inbound filter. You may create your own nbound filters n the Advanced. >. Inbound.Filter page. Schedule: The schedule of tme when the Vrtual Server Rule wll be enabled. The schedule may be set to Always, whch wll allow the partcular servce to always be enabled. You can create your own tmes n the Tools > Schedules secton.

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Section 3 - Configuration

Port Forwarding
Ths wll allow you to open a sngle port or a range of ports.
Name: Enter a name for the rule or select an applcaton from the dropdown menu. Select an applcaton and clck << to populate the fields. IP Address: Enter the IP address of the computer on your local network that you want to allow the ncomng servce to. If your computer s recevng an IP address automatcally from the router (DHCP), you computer wll be lsted n the Computer Name drop-down menu. Select your computer and clck <<. TCP/UDP: Enter the TCP and/or UDP port or ports that you want to open. You can enter a sngle port or a range of ports. Separate ports wth a common. Example: 24,1009,3000-4000 Inbound Filter: Select Allow.All (most common) or a created Inbound filter. You may create your own nbound filters n the Advanced.>.Inbound. Filter page. Schedule: The schedule of tme when the Vrtual Server Rule wll be enabled. The schedule may be set to Always, whch wll allow the partcular servce to always be enabled. You can create your own tmes n the Tools > Schedules secton.

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Section 3 - Configuration

Application Rules
Some applcatons requre multple connectons, such as Internet gamng, vdeo conferencng, Internet telephony and others. These applcatons have dfficultes workng through NAT (Network Address Translaton). Specal Applcatons makes some of these applcatons work wth the DIR-615. If you need to run applcatons that requre multple connectons, specfy the port normally assocated wth an applcaton n the Trgger Port field, select the protocol type as TCP or UDP, then enter the firewall (publc) ports assocated wth the trgger port to open them for nbound traffic. The DIR-615 provdes some predefined applcatons n the table on the bottom of the web page. Select the applcaton you want to use and enable t.
Name: Enter a name for the rule. You may select a pre-defined applcaton from the drop-down menu and clck <<. Trigger: Ths s the port used to trgger the applcaton. It can be ether a sngle port or a range of ports. Traffic Type: Select the protocol of the trgger port (TCP, UDP, or Both). Firewall: Ths s the port number on the Internet sde that wll be used to access the applcaton. You may define a sngle port or a range of ports. You can use a comma to add multple ports or port ranges. Traffic Type: Select the protocol of the firewall port (TCP, UDP, or Any). Schedule: The schedule of tme when the Applcaton Rule wll be enabled. The schedule may be set to Always, whch wll allow the partcular servce to always be enabled. You can create your own tmes n the Tools > Schedules secton.

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Section 3 - Configuration

QoS Engine
The QoS Engne opton helps mprove your network gamng performance by prortzng applcatons. By default the QoS Engne settngs are dsabled and applcaton prorty s not classfied automatcally.
Enable QoS Engine: Ths opton s dsabled by default. Enable ths opton for better performance and experence wth onlne games and other nteractve applcatons, such as VoIP. Automatic Uplink Ths opton s enabled by default when the QoS Engne Speed: opton s enabled. Ths opton wll allow your router to automatcally determne the uplnk speed of your Internet connecton. Measured Uplink Ths dsplays the detected uplnk speed. Speed: Manual Uplink The speed at whch data can be transferred from the router Speed: to your ISP. Ths s determned by your ISP. ISPs offer speed as a download/upload par. For example, 1.5Mbts/284Kbts. Usng ths example, you would enter 284. Alternatvely you can test your uplnk speed wth a servce such as www. dslreports.com.

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Section 3 - Configuration

Network Filters
Use MAC (Meda Access Control) Flters to allow or deny LAN (Local Area Network) computers by ther MAC addresses from accessng the Network. You can ether manually add a MAC address or select the MAC address from the lst of clents that are currently connected to the Broadband Router.

Configure MAC Select Turn MAC Flterng Off, allow MAC addresses lsted Filtering: below, or deny MAC addresses lsted below from the dropdown menu. MAC Address: Enter the MAC address you would lke to filter. To find the MAC address on a computer, please refer to the Networkng Bascs secton n ths manual. DHCP Client: Select a DHCP clent from the drop-down menu and clck << to copy that MAC Address.

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Section 3 - Configuration

Access Control
The Access Control secton allows you to control access n and out of your network. Use ths feature as Parental Controls to only grant access to approved stes, lmt web access based on tme or dates, and/or block access from applcatons lke P2P utltes or games.
Add Policy: Check the Enable.Access.Control check box and clck the Add.Policy button to start the Access.Control.Wizard.

Access Control Wizard

Clck Next to contnue wth the wzard.

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Section 3 - Configuration Enter a name for the polcy and then clck Next to contnue.

Select a schedule (I.E. Always) from the drop-down menu and then clck Next to contnue.

Enter the followng nformaton and then clck Next to contnue.

Address. Type - Select IP address, MAC address, or Other Machnes. IP.Address - Enter the IP address of the computer you want to apply the rule to.

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Section 3 - Configuration Select the filterng method and then clck Next to contnue.

Enter the rule:

Enable - Check to enable the rule. Name - Enter a name for your rule. Dest.IP.Start - Enter the startng IP address. Dest.IP.End - Enter the endng IP address. Protocol - Select the protocol. Dest.Port.Start - Enter the startng port number. Dest.Port.End - Enter the endng port number.

To enable web loggng, clck Enable. Clck Save to save the access control rule.

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Section 3 - Configuration

Website Filters
Webste Flters are used to allow you to set up a lst of allowed Web stes that can be used by multple users through the network. To use ths feature select to Allow or Deny, enter the doman or webste and clck Add, and then clck Save.Settings. You must also select Apply.Web.Filter under the Access Control secton (page 36).
Configure Website Filter Select Deny or Allow computers access to only these Below: stes. Clear the list below: Clck to delete all entres n the lst. Website URL/Domain: Enter the keywords or URLs that you want to allow or deny.

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Section 3 - Configuration

Inbound Filters
The Inbound Flter opton s an advanced method of controllng data receved from the Internet. Wth ths feature you can configure nbound data filterng rules that control data based on an IP address range. Inbound Flters can be used wth Vrtual Server, Port Forwardng, or Remote Admnstraton features.

Name: Enter a name for the nbound filter rule. Action: Select Allow or Deny. Enable: Check to enable rule. Source IP Start: Enter the startng IP address. Enter f you do not want to specfy an IP range. Source IP End: Enter the endng IP address. Enter f you do not want to specfy and IP range. Save: Clck the Save button to apply your settngs. You must clck Save Settngs at the top to save the settngs. Inbound Filter Rules Ths secton wll lst any rules that are created. You may clck List: the Edit con to change the settngs or enable/dsable the rule, or clck the Delete con to remove the rule.

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Section 3 - Configuration

Firewall Settings
A firewall protects your network from the outsde world. The D-Lnk DIR-615 offers a firewall type functonalty. The SPI feature helps prevent cyber attacks. Sometmes you may want a computer exposed to the outsde world for certan types of applcatons. If you choose to expose a computer, you can enable DMZ. DMZ s short for Demltarzed Zone. Ths opton wll expose the chosen computer completely to the outsde world.
Enable SPI: SPI (Stateful Packet Inspecton, also known as dynamc packet filterng) helps to prevent cyber attacks by trackng more state per sesson. It valdates that the traffic passng through the sesson conforms to the protocol. NAT Endpoint Select one of the followng for TCP and UDP ports: Filtering: Endpoint.Independent.- Any ncomng traffic sent to an open port wll be forwarded to the applcaton that opened the port. The port wll close f dle for 5 mnutes. Address. Restricted - Incomng traffic must match the IP address of the outgong connecton. Address.+.Port.Restriction - Incomng traffic must match the IP address and port of the outgong connecton. Enable Anti-Spoof Enable ths opton to provde protecton from certan knds of spoofing Checking: attacks. Enable DMZ Host: If an applcaton has trouble workng from behnd the router, you can expose one computer to the Internet and run the applcaton on that computer. Note: Placing a computer in the DMZ may expose that computer to a variety of security risks. Use of this option is only recommended as a last resort. IP Address: Specfy the IP address of the computer on the LAN that you want to have unrestrcted Internet communcaton. If ths computer obtans ts IP address automatcally usng DHCP, be sure to make a statc reservaton on the System.>.Network.Settings page so that the IP address of the DMZ machne does not change.

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Section 3 - Configuration

Ths page allows you to specfy custom routes that determne how data s moved around your network.
Routing List: Each Route has a checkbox next to t, check the box of the route you wsh to enable. Metric: The route metrc s a value from 1 to 16 that ndcates the cost of usng ths route. A value 1 s the lowest cost and 15 s the hghest cost. Name: Specfy a name for dentficaton of ths route. Metric: The route metrc s a value from 1 to 16 that ndcates the cost of usng ths route. A value 1 s the lowest cost and 15 s the hghest cost. Interface: Select the nterface whch the IP packet must use to transt out of the router when ths route s used. Destination IP: Enter the address of the host or network you wsh to access. Netmask: Ths field dentfies the porton of the destnaton IP n use. Gateway: The IP address of the router wll be dsplayed here.

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Section 3 - Configuration

Advanced Wireless Settings

Transmit Power: Set the transmt power of the antennas. Beacon Period: Beacons are packets sent by an Access Pont to synchronze a wreless network. Specfy a value. 100 s the default settng and s recommended. RTS Threshold: Ths value should reman at ts default settng of 2346. If nconsstent data flow s a problem, only a mnor modficaton should be made. Fragmentation The fragmentaton threshold, whch s specfed n bytes, Threshold: determnes whether packets wll be fragmented. Packets exceedng the 2346 byte settng wll be fragmented before transmsson. 2346 s the default settng. DTIM Interval: (Delvery Traffic Indcaton Message) 3 s the default settng. A DTIM s a countdown nformng clents of the next wndow for lstenng to broadcast and multcast messages. WLAN Partition: Ths enables 802.11d operaton. 802.11d s a wreless specficaton developed to allow mplementaton of wreless networks n countres that cannot use the 802.11 standard. Ths feature should only be enabled f you are n a country that requres t. WMM Enable: WMM s QoS for your wreless network. Ths wll mprove the qualty of vdeo and voce applcatons for your wreless clents. Short GI: Check ths box to reduce the guard nterval tme therefore ncreasng the data capacty. However, ts less relable and may create hgher data loss.

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Section 3 - Configuration

Advanced Network Settings

UPnP Settings: To use the Unversal Plug and Play (UPnP) feature clck on Enabled. UPNP provdes compatblty wth networkng equpment, software and perpherals. WAN Ping: Uncheckng the box wll not allow the DIR-615 to respond to pngs. Blockng the Png may provde some extra securty from hackers. Check the box to allow the Internet port to be pnged. WAN Port Speed: You may set the port speed of the Internet port to 10Mbps, 100Mbps, or auto. Some older cable or DSL modems may requre you to set the port speed to 10Mbps. Multicast Streams: Check the box to allow multcast traffic to pass through the router from the Internet.

UPnP Internet Ping Block Internet Port Speed Multicast Streams

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Section 3 - Configuration

Link-Local Connectivity
My IPv6 Connection: Select Link-Local.Only from the drop-down menu. LAN IPv6 Address Dsplays the IPv6 address of the router. Settings:

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Section 3 - Configuration

Static IPv6 (Stateful)

My IPv6 Connection: Select Static.IPv6 from the drop-down menu. WAN IPv6 Address Settings: Enter the address settngs suppled by your Internet provder (ISP). LAN IPv6 Address: Enter the LAN (local) IPv6 address for the router. LAN Link-Local Address: Dsplays the Routers LAN Lnk-Local Address. Enable Autoconfiguration: Check to enable the Autoconfiguraton feature. Autoconfiguration Type: Select Stateful.(DHCPv6) or Stateless. Refer to the next page for Stateless. IPv6 Address Range Start: Enter the start IPv6 Address for the DHCPv6 range for your local computers. IPv6 Address Range End: Enter the end IPv6 Address for the DHCPv6 range for your local computers. IPv6 Address Lifetime: Enter the IPv6 Address Lfetme (n mnutes).

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Section 3 - Configuration

Static IPv6 (Stateless)

My IPv6 Connection: Select Static.IPv6 from the drop-down menu. WAN IPv6 Address Enter the address settngs suppled by your Internet Settings: provder (ISP). LAN IPv6 Address: Enter the LAN (local) IPv6 address for the router. LAN Link-Local Address: Dsplays the Routers LAN Lnk-Local Address. Enable Autoconfiguration: Check to enable the Autoconfiguraton feature. Autoconfiguration Type: Select Stateless. Refer to the prevous page for Stateful. Router Advertisement Enter the Router Advertsement Lfetme (n mnutes). Lifetime:

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Section 3 - Configuration

DHCPv6 (Stateful)
My IPv6 Connection: Select DHCPv6 from the drop-down menu. IPv6 DNS Settings: Select ether Obtain.DNS.server.address.automatically or Use.the.following.DNS.Address. Primary/Secondary DNS Enter the prmary and secondary DNS server addresses. Address: LAN IPv6 Address: Enter the LAN (local) IPv6 address for the router. LAN Link-Local Address: Dsplays the Routers LAN Lnk-Local Address. Enable Check to enable the Autoconfiguraton feature. Autoconfiguration: Autoconfiguration Type: Select Stateful. (DHCPv6) or Stateless. Refer to the next page for Stateless. IPv6 Address Range Start: Enter the start IPv6 Address for the DHCPv6 range for your local computers. IPv6 Address Range End: Enter the end IPv6 Address for the DHCPv6 range for your local computers. IPv6 Address Lifetime: Enter the IPv6 Address Lfetme (n mnutes).

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Section 3 - Configuration

DHCPv6 (Stateless)
My IPv6 Connection: Select DHCPv6 from the drop-down menu. IPv6 DNS Settings: Select ether Obtain.DNS.server.address.automatically or Use.the.following.DNS.Address. Primary/Secondary DNS Enter the prmar y and secondar y DNS ser ver Address: addresses. LAN IPv6 Address: Enter the LAN (local) IPv6 address for the router. LAN Link-Local Address: Dsplays the Routers LAN Lnk-Local Address. Enable Autoconfiguration: Check to enable the Autoconfiguraton feature. Autoconfiguration Type: Select Stateless. Refer to the prevous page for Stateful. Router Advertisement Enter the Router Advertsement Lfetme (n mnutes). Lifetime:

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Section 3 - Configuration

IPv6 over PPPoE (Stateful)

My IPv6 Connection: Select PPPoE from the drop-down menu. PPPoE: Enter the PPPoE account settngs suppled by your Internet provder (ISP). Address Mode: Select Static f your ISP assgned you the IP address, subnet mask, gateway, and DNS server addresses. In most cases, select Dynamic. IP Address: Enter the IP address (Statc PPPoE only). User Name: Enter your PPPoE user name. Password: Enter your PPPoE password and then retype the password n the next box. Service Name: Enter the ISP Servce Name (optonal). Reconnection Mode: Select ether Always-on, On-Demand, or Manual. MTU: Maxmum Transmsson Unt - you may need to change the MTU for optmal performance wth your specfic ISP. 1500 s the default MTU. Maximum Idle Time: Enter a maxmum dle tme durng whch the Internet connecton s mantaned durng nactvty. To dsable ths feature, enable Auto-reconnect. IPv6 DNS Settings: Select ether Obtain. DNS. server. address. automatically or Use. the. following.DNS.Address. Primary/Secondary DNS Enter the prmary and secondary DNS server addresses. Address: LAN IPv6 Address: Enter the LAN (local) IPv6 address for the router. LAN Link-Local Address: Dsplays the Routers LAN Lnk-Local Address. Enable Autoconfiguration: Check to enable the Autoconfiguraton feature.

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Autoconfiguration Type: Select Stateful.(DHCPv6) or Stateless. Refer to the next page for Stateless. IPv6 Address Range Start: Enter the start IPv6 Address for the DHCPv6 range for your local computers. IPv6 Address Range End: Enter the end IPv6 Address for the DHCPv6 range for your local computers. IPv6 Address Lifetime: Enter the IPv6 Address Lfetme (n mnutes).

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Section 3 - Configuration

IPv6 over PPPoE (Stateless)

My IPv6 Connection: Select PPPoE from the drop-down menu. PPPoE: Enter the PPPoE account settngs suppled by your Internet provder (ISP). Address Mode: Select Static f your ISP assgned you the IP address, subnet mask, gateway, and DNS server addresses. In most cases, select Dynamic. IP Address: Enter the IP address (Statc PPPoE only). User Name: Enter your PPPoE user name. Password: Enter your PPPoE password and then retype the password n the next box. Service Name: Enter the ISP Servce Name (optonal). Reconnection Mode: Select ether Always-on, On-Demand, or Manual. Maximum Idle Time: Enter a maxmum dle tme durng whch the Internet connecton s mantaned durng nactvty. To dsable ths feature, enable Auto-reconnect. MTU: Maxmum Transmsson Unt - you may need to change the MTU for optmal performance wth your specfic ISP. 1500 s the default MTU. IPv6 DNS Settings: Select ether Obtain. DNS. server. address. automatically or Use. the. following.DNS.Address. Primary/Secondary DNS Enter the prmary and secondary DNS server addresses. Address: LAN IPv6 Address: Enter the LAN (local) IPv6 address for the router. LAN Link-Local Address: Dsplays the Routers LAN Lnk-Local Address.

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Section 3 - Configuration
Enable Autoconfiguration: Check to enable the Autoconfiguraton feature. Autoconfiguration Type: Select Stateful.(DHCPv6) or Stateless. Router Advertisement Lifetime: Enter the Router Advertsement Lfetme (n mnutes).

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Section 3 - Configuration

6 to 4 Tunneling (Stateful)
My IPv6 Connection: Select 6.to.4 from the drop-down menu. 6 to 4 Settings: Enter the IPv6 settngs suppled by your Internet provder (ISP). Primary/Secondary DNS Enter the prmary and secondary DNS server addresses. Address: LAN IPv6 Address: Enter the LAN (local) IPv6 address for the router. LAN Link-Local Address: Dsplays the Routers LAN Lnk-Local Address. Enable Check to enable the Autoconfiguraton feature. Autoconfiguration: Autoconfiguration Type: Select Stateful.(DHCPv6) or Stateless. Refer to the next page for Stateless. IPv6 Address Range Enter the start IPv6 Address for the DHCPv6 range for your Start: local computers. IPv6 Address Range Enter the end IPv6 Address for the DHCPv6 range for your End: local computers. IPv6 Address Lifetime: Enter the IPv6 Address Lfetme (n mnutes).

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Section 3 - Configuration

6 to 4 Tunneling (Stateless)
My IPv6 Connection: Select 6.to.4 from the drop-down menu. 6 to 4 Settings: Enter the IPv6 settngs suppled by your Internet provder (ISP). Primary/Secondary DNS Enter the prmar y and secondar y DNS ser ver Address: addresses. LAN IPv6 Address: Enter the LAN (local) IPv6 address for the router. LAN Link-Local Address: Dsplays the Routers LAN Lnk-Local Address. Enable Autoconfiguration: Check to enable the Autoconfiguraton feature. Autoconfiguration Type: Select Stateless. Refer to the prevous page for Stateful. Router Advertisement Enter the Router Advertsement Lfetme (n mnutes). Lifetime:

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Section 3 - Configuration

IPv6 in IPv4 Tunneling (Stateful)

My IPv6 Connection: Select IPv6.in.IPv4.Tunnel from the drop-down menu. IPv6 in IPv4 Tunnel Enter the settngs suppled by your Internet provder (ISP). Settings: LAN IPv6 Address: Enter the LAN (local) IPv6 address for the router. LAN Link-Local Dsplays the Routers LAN Lnk-Local Address. Address: Enable Check to enable the Autoconfiguraton feature. Autoconfiguration: Autoconfiguration Select Stateful. Refer to the prevous page for Stateful. Type: IPv6 Address Range Enter the start IPv6 Address for the DHCPv6 range for your Start: local computers. IPv6 Address Range Enter the end IPv6 Address for the DHCPv6 range for your End: local computers. Pv6 Address Lifetime: Enter the Router Advertsement Lfetme (n mnutes).

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Section 3 - Configuration

IPv6 in IPv4 Tunneling (Stateless)

My IPv6 Connection: Select IPv6.in.IPv4.Tunnel from the drop-down menu. IPv6 in IPv4 Tunnel Enter the settngs suppled by your Internet provder Settings: (ISP). LAN IPv6 Address: Enter the LAN (local) IPv6 address for the router. LAN Link-Local Address: Dsplays the Routers LAN Lnk-Local Address. Enable Check to enable the Autoconfiguraton feature. Autoconfiguration: Autoconfiguration Type: Select Stateful.(DHCPv6) or Stateless. Refer to the next page for Stateless. IPv6 Address Lifetime: Enter the IPv6 Address Lfetme (n mnutes).

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Section 3 - Configuration

Stateless Autoconfiguration (Stateless)

My IPv6 Connection: Select Stateless. Autoconfiguration from the drop-down menu. IPv6 DNS Settings: Enter the settngs suppled by your Internet provder (ISP). LAN IPv6 Address: Enter the LAN (local) IPv6 address for the router. LAN Link-Local Dsplays the Routers LAN Lnk-Local Address. Address: Enable Check to enable the Autoconfiguraton feature. Autoconfiguration: Autoconfiguration Select Stateless. Refer to the prevous page for Stateful. Type: IPv6 Address Lifetime: Enter the Router Advertsement Lfetme (n mnutes).

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Section 3 - Configuration

Stateless Autoconfiguration (Stateful)

My IPv6 Connection: Select Stateless.Autoconfiguration from the drop-down menu. IPv6 DNS Settings: Enter the settngs suppled by your Internet provder (ISP). LAN IPv6 Address: Enter the LAN (local) IPv6 address for the router. LAN Link-Local Dsplays the Routers LAN Lnk-Local Address. Address: Enable Check to enable the Autoconfiguraton feature. Autoconfiguration: Autoconfiguration Select Stateful. Refer to the prevous page for Stateful. Type: IPv6 Address Lifetime: Enter the start IPv6 Address for the DHCPv6 range for your local computers. IPv6 Address Range Enter the end IPv6 Address for the DHCPv6 range for your Start: local computers. IPv6 Address Lifetime: Enter the Router Advertsement Lfetme (n mnutes).

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Section 3 - Configuration

Administrator Settings
Ths page wll allow you to change the Admnstrator and User passwords. You can also enable Remote Management. There are two accounts that can access the management nterface through the web browser. The accounts are admn and user. Admn has read/wrte access whle user has read-only access. User can only vew the settngs but cannot make any changes. Only the admn account has the ablty to change both admn and user account passwords.
Admin Password: Enter a new password for the Admnstrator Logn Name. The admnstrator can make changes to the settngs. User Password: Enter the new password for the User logn. If you logn as the User, you can only see the settngs, but cannot change them. Gateway Name: Enter a name for the DIR-615 router. Enable Graphical Enables a challenge-response test to requre users to type letters or numbers Authentication: from a dstorted mage dsplayed on the screen to prevent onlne hackers and unauthorzed users from ganng access to your routers network settngs. Enable HTTPS Server: Check to enable HTTPS to connect to the router securely. Enable Remote Remote management allows the DIR-615 to be configured from the Internet by Management: a web browser. A username and password s stll requred to access the WebManagement nterface. In general, only a member of your network can browse the bult-n web pages to perform Admnstrator tasks. Ths feature enables you to perform Admnstrator tasks from the remote (Internet) host. The port number used to access the DIR-615. Remote Admin Example: http://x.x.x.x:8080 whereas x.x.x.x s the Internet IP address of the DIR-615 Inbound Filter: and 8080 s the port used for the Web Management nterface. If you have enabled HTTPS.Server and checked Use.HTTPS, you must enter https:// as part of the URL to access the router remotely. Details: Ths secton wll lst any rules that are created. You may clck the Edit con to change the settngs or enable/dsable the rule, or clck the Delete con to remove the rule.
Change Password Remote Management

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Section 3 - Configuration

Time Settings
The Tme Configuraton opton allows you to configure, update, and mantan the correct tme on the nternal system clock. From ths secton you can set the tme zone that you are n and set the Tme Server. Daylght Savng can also be configured to automatcally adjust the tme when needed.

Time Zone: Select the Tme Zone from the drop-down menu. Daylight To select Daylght Savng tme manually, select enabled or Saving: dsabled, and enter a start date and an end date for daylght savng tme. Enable NTP NTP s short for Network Tme Protocol. NTP synchronzes Server: computer clock tmes n a network of computers. Check ths box to use a NTP server. Ths wll only connect to a server on the Internet, not a local server. NTP Server Enter the NTP server or select one from the drop down Used: menu. Manual: To manually nput the tme, enter the values n these fields for the Year, Month, Day, Hour, Mnute, and Second and then clck Set.Time. You can also clck Copy.Your. Computers. Time.Settings.

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Section 3 - Configuration

The Broadband Router keeps a runnng log of events and actvtes occurrng on the Router. You may send these logs to a SysLog server on your network.
Enable Logging to Check ths box to send the router logs to a SysLog Server. SysLog Server: SysLog Server IP The address of the SysLog server that wll be used to send Address: the logs. You may also select your computer from the dropdown menu (only f recevng an IP address from the router va DHCP).

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Section 3 - Configuration

E-mail Settings
The Emal feature can be used to send the system log files, router alert messages, and firmware update notficaton to your e-mal address.
Enable Email When ths opton s enabled, router actvty logs are e-maled Notification: to a desgnated e-mal address. From Email Address: Ths e-mal address wll appear as the sender when you receve a log file or firmware upgrade notficaton va emal. To Email Address: Enter the e-mal address where you want the emal sent. SMTP Server Enter the SMTP server address for sendng e-mal. If your Address: SMTP server requres authentcaton, select ths opton. Enable Check ths box f your SMTP server requres authentcaton. Authentication: Account Name: Enter your account for sendng e-mal. Password: Enter the password assocated wth the account. Re-type the password assocated wth the account. On Log Full: When ths opton s selected, logs wll be sent va e-mal when the log s full. On Schedule: Selectng ths opton wll send the logs va e-mal accordng to schedule. Schedule: Ths opton s enabled when On Schedule s selected. You can select a schedule from the lst of defined schedules. To create a schedule, go to Tools.>.Schedules.

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Section 3 - Configuration

System Settings
Save Settings to Use ths opton to save the current router configuraton Local Hard Drive: settngs to a file on the hard dsk of the computer you are usng. Frst, clck the Save button. You wll then see a file dalog, where you can select a locaton and file name for the settngs. Load Settings from Use ths opton to load prevously saved router configuraton Local Hard Drive: settngs. Frst, use the Browse control to find a prevously save file of configuraton settngs. Then, clck the Load button to transfer those settngs to the router. Restore to Factory Ths opton wll restore all configuraton settngs back to Default Settings: the settngs that were n effect at the tme the router was shpped from the factory. Any settngs that have not been saved wll be lost, ncludng any rules that you have created. If you want to save the current router configuraton settngs, use the Save button above. Reboot Device: Clck to reboot the router.

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Section 3 - Configuration

Update Firmware
You can upgrade the firmware of the Router here. Make sure the firmware you want to use s on the local hard drve of the computer. Clck on Browse to locate the firmware file to be used for the update. Please check the D-Lnk support ste for firmware updates at http://support.dlnk.com. You can download firmware upgrades to your hard drve from the D-Lnk support ste.
Firmware Clck on the Check. Now. button to find out f there s an Information: updated firmware or language pack verson; f so, download the new firmware to your hard drve. Remove: To remove the language pack, clck Remove. Note: The Remove button will show up after a language pack is uploaded. Firmware Upgrade: After you have downloaded the new firmware, clck Browse to locate the firmware update on your hard drve. Clck Upload to complete the firmware upgrade. Language Pack To upgrade the language pack, follow these steps: Upgrade: 1. Clck the Browse button to locate the D-Lnk language pack upgrade file on your computer. Note: Language pack file extension will be *.lng 2. Once you have found the file, clck the Upload.button to begn the language pack upgrade process. Ths can take a mnute or more. 3. Wat for the router to reboot. Ths process can take about 75 seconds.

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Section 3 - Configuration

The DDNS feature allows you to host a server (Web, FTP, Game Server, etc) usng a doman name that you have purchased (www.whateveryournames. com) wth your dynamcally assgned IP address. Most broadband Internet Servce Provders assgn dynamc (changng) IP addresses. Usng a DDNS servce provder, your frends can enter n your doman name to connect to your server no matter what your IP address s.
DDNS: Dynamc Doman Name System s a method of keepng a doman name lnked to a changng IP Address. Check the box to enable DDNS. Server Address: Choose your DDNS provder from the drop down menu. Host Name: Enter the Host Name that you regstered wth your DDNS servce provder. Username or Key: Enter the Username for your DDNS account. Password or Key: Enter the Password for your DDNS account. Timeout: Enter a tme (n hours). Status: Dsplays the current connecton status to your DDNS server.

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Section 3 - Configuration

System Check
Ping Test: The Png Test s used to send Png packets to test f a computer s on the Internet. Enter the IP Address that you wsh to Png, and clck Ping. Ping Results: The results of your png attempts wll be dsplayed here.

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Section 3 - Configuration

Name: Enter a name for your new schedule. Days: Select a day, a range of days, or All Week to nclude every day. Time: Check All.Day.-.24hrs or enter a start and end tme for your schedule. Save: Clck Save to save your schedule. You must clck Save Settngs at the top for your schedules to go nto effect. Schedule Rules List: The lst of schedules wll be lsted here. Clck the Edit con to make changes or clck the Delete con to remove the schedule.

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Section 3 - Configuration

Device Information
Ths page dsplays the current nformaton for the DIR-615. It wll dsplay the LAN, WAN (Internet), and Wreless nformaton. If your Internet connecton s set up for a Dynamc IP address then a Release button and a Renew button wll be dsplayed. Use Release to dsconnect from your ISP and use Renew to connect to your ISP. If your Internet connecton s set up for PPPoE, a Connect button and a Disconnect button wll be dsplayed. Use Disconnect to drop the PPPoE connecton and use Connect to establsh the PPPoE connecton. See the followng page for more nformaton.

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Section 3 - Configuration
General: Dsplays the routers tme and firmware verson. WAN: Dsplays the MAC address and the publc IP settngs for the router. LAN: Dsplays the MAC address and the prvate (local) IP settngs for the router. Wireless LAN: Dsplays the wreless MAC address and your wreless settngs such as SSID and Channel. LAN Computers: Dsplays computers and devces that are connected to the router va Ethernet and that are recevng an IP address assgned by the router (DHCP). IGMP Multicast Dsplays the Multcast Group IP Address. Memberships:

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Section 3 - Configuration

The router automatcally logs (records) events of possble nterest n ts nternal memory. If there snt enough nternal memory for all events, logs of older events are deleted but logs of the latest events are retaned. The Logs opton allows you to vew the router logs. You can define what types of events you want to vew and the level of the events to vew. Ths router also has external Syslog Server support so you can send the log files to a computer on your network that s runnng a Syslog utlty.
What to View: You can select the types of messages that you want to dsplay from the log. Frewall & Securty, System, and Router Status messages can be selected. View Levels: There are three levels of message mportance: Informatonal, Warnng, and Crtcal. Select the levels that you want dsplayed n the log. Apply Log Settings: Wll filter the log results so that only the selected optons appear. Refresh: Updates the log detals on the screen so t dsplays any recent actvty. Clear: Clears all of the log contents. Email Now: Ths opton wll send a copy of the router log to the e-mal address configured n the Tools.>.Email.Settings screen. Save Log: Ths opton wll save the router to a log file on your computer.

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Section 3 - Configuration

The screen below dsplays the Traffic Statstcs. Here you can vew the amount of packets that pass through the DIR-615 on both the Internet and the LAN ports. The traffic counter wll reset f the devce s rebooted.

D-Lnk DIR-615 User Manual


Section 3 - Configuration

Internet Sessions
The Internet Sessons page dsplays full detals of actve Internet sessons through your router. An Internet sesson s a conversaton between a program or applcaton on a LAN-sde computer and a program or applcaton on a WAN-sde computer.

Local: The IP address and, where approprate, port number of the local applcaton. NAT: The port number of the LAN-sde applcaton as vewed by the WAN-sde applcaton. Internet: The IP address and, where approprate, port number of the applcaton on the Internet. Protocol: The communcatons protocol used for the conversaton. State: State for sessons that use the TCP protocol: NO: None -- Ths entry s used as a placeholder for a future connecton that may occur. SS: SYN Sent -- One of the systems s attemptng to start a connecton. EST: Establshed -- the connecton s passng data. FW: FIN Wat -- The clent system has requested that the connecton be stopped. CW: Close Wat -- The server system has requested that the connecton be stopped. TW: Tme Wat -- Watng for a short tme whle a connecton that was n FIN Wat s fully closed. LA: Last ACK -- Watng for a short tme whle a connecton that was n Close Wat s fully closed. CL: Closed -- The connecton s no longer actve but the sesson s beng tracked n case there are any retransmtted packets stll pendng. Dir: The drecton of ntaton of the conversaton: . . Out - Intated from LAN to WAN. In - Intated from WAN to LAN.

Priority: The preference gven to outbound packets of ths conversaton by the QoS Engne logc. Smaller numbers represent hgher prorty.

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Section 3 - Configuration
Time Out: The number of seconds of dle tme untl the router consders the sesson termnated. The ntal value of Tme Out depends on the type and state of the connecton. . . . 300.seconds - UDP connectons. 240.seconds - Reset or closed TCP connectons. The connecton does not close nstantly so that lngerng packets can pass or the connecton can be re-establshed. 7800.seconds - Establshed or closng TCP connectons.

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Section 3 - Configuration

Routing Table
Ths page dsplays the routng detals configured for your router.

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Section 3 - Configuration

The wreless clent table dsplays a lst of current connected wreless clents. Ths table also dsplays the connecton tme and MAC address of the connected wreless clents.

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Section 3 - Configuration

Ths screen wll dsplay all of your IPv6 nternet and network connecton detals are dsplayed on ths page.

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Section 3 - Configuration


D-Lnk DIR-615 User Manual


Section 4 - Security

Wireless Security
Ths secton wll show you the dfferent levels of securty you can use to protect your data from ntruders. The DIR-615 offers the followng types of securty: WPA2 (W-F Protected Access 2) WPA (W-F Protected Access) WPA2-PSK(Pre-Shared Key) WPA-PSK (Pre-Shared Key)

What is WPA?
WPA, or W-F Protected Access, s a W-F standard that was desgned to mprove the securty features of WEP (Wred Equvalent Prvacy). The 2 major mprovements over WEP: Improved data encrypton through the Temporal Key Integrty Protocol (TKIP). TKIP scrambles the keys usng a hashng algorthm and, by addng an ntegrty-checkng feature, ensures that the keys havent been tampered wth. WPA2 s based on 802.11 and uses Advanced Encrypton Standard (AES) nstead of TKIP. User authentcaton, whch s generally mssng n WEP, through the extensble authentcaton protocol (EAP). WEP regulates access to a wreless network based on a computers hardware-specfic MAC address, whch s relatvely smple to be snffed out and stolen. EAP s bult on a more secure publc-key encrypton system to ensure that only authorzed network users can access the network. WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK uses a passphrase or key to authentcate your wreless connecton. The key s an alpha-numerc password between 8 and 63 characters long. The password can nclude symbols (!?*&_) and spaces. Ths key must be the exact same key entered on your wreless router or access pont. WPA/WPA2 ncorporates user authentcaton through the Extensble Authentcaton Protocol (EAP). EAP s bult on a more secure publc key encrypton system to ensure that only authorzed network users can access the network.

D-Lnk DIR-615 User Manual


Section 4 - Security

Wireless Network Setup Wizard

To run the securty wzard, browse to the Setup page and then clck the Wireless.Network.Setup.Wizard.button.

D-Lnk DIR-615 User Manual


Section 4 - Security Enter the SSID (Servce Set Identfier). The SSID s the name of your wreless network. Create a name usng up to 32 characters. The SSID s case-senstve. Select Automatcally and clck Next.

Once ths screen appears, the setup s complete. You wll be gven a detaled summary of your wreless securty settngs. Clck Save to contnue.

D-Lnk DIR-615 User Manual


Section 4 - Security Enter the SSID (Servce Set Identfier). The SSID s the name of your wreless network. Create a name usng up to 32 characters. The SSID s case-senstve. Select Manually and clck on Next.

Select a wreless securty password. It must be exactly 5 or 13 characters. It must also be exactly 10 or 26 characters usng 0-9 and A-F. Clck Next to contnue.

Your Setup s complete. You wll be gven a detaled summary of your wreless securty settngs. Clck Save to finsh the Securty Wzard.

D-Lnk DIR-615 User Manual


Section 4 - Security

Add Wireless Device with WPS Wizard

From the Setup > Wireless. Settings screen, clck Add.Wireless. Device. with.WPS.

Select Auto to add a wreless clent usng WPS (W-F Protected Setup). Once you select Auto.and clck.Connect, you wll have a 120 second tme lmt to apply the settngs to your wreless clent(s) and successfully establsh a connecton. If you select Manual, a settngs summary screen wll appear. Wrte down the securty key and enter ths on your wreless clents.

PIN: Select ths opton to use PIN method. In order to use ths method you must know the wreless clents 8 dgt PIN and clck Connect. PBC:.Select ths opton to use PBC (Push Button) method to add a wreless clent. Clck Connect.

D-Lnk DIR-615 User Manual


Section 4 - Security

Configure WPA-Personal (PSK)

It s recommended to enable encrypton on your wreless router before your wreless network adapters. Please establsh wreless connectvty before enablng encrypton. Your wreless sgnal may degrade when enablng encrypton due to the added overhead. 1.. Log nto the web-based configuraton by openng a web browser and enterng the IP address of the router ( Clck on.Setup.and then clck.Wireless.Settings on the left sde. 2. Next to Security Mode, select WPA-Personal. 3. Next to WPA Mode, select Auto, WPA2.Only, or.WPA.Only. Use Auto f you have wreless clents usng both WPA and WPA2. 4. Next to Cypher Type, select TKIP. and. AES, TKIP, or AES. If you have wreless clents that use both types, use TKIP.and.AES. 5. Next to Group Key Update Interval, enter the amount of tme before the group key used for broadcast and multcast data s changed (3600 s default). 6. Next to Pre-Shared Key, enter a key (passphrase). The key s entered as a pass-phrase n ASCII format at both ends of the wreless connecton. The pass-phrase must be between 8-63 characters. 7. Clck Save. Settings to save your settngs. If you are configurng the router wth a wreless adapter, you wll lose connectvty untl you enable WPA-PSK on your adapter and enter the same passphrase as you dd on the router.

D-Lnk DIR-615 User Manual


Section 4 - Security

Configure WPA-Enterprise (RADIUS)

It s recommended to enable encrypton on your wreless router before your wreless network adapters. Please establsh wreless connectvty before enablng encrypton. Your wreless sgnal may degrade when enablng encrypton due to the added overhead. 1.. Log nto the web-based configuraton by openng a web browser and enterng the IP address of the router ( Clck on.Setup.and then clck.Wireless.Settings on the left sde. 2. Next to Security Mode, select WPA-Enterprise. Note: The user must disable Wi-Fi Protected Setup in order to select WPAEnterprise. 3. Next to WPA Mode, select Auto, WPA2.Only, or.WPA.Only. Use Auto f you have wreless clents usng both WPA and WPA2. 4. Next to Cypher Type, select TKIP.and.AES, TKIP, or AES. If you have wreless clents that use both types, use TKIP.and.AES. 5. Next to Group Key Update Interval, enter the amount of tme before the group key used for broadcast and multcast data s changed (3600 s default). 6. Next to Authentication Timeout, enter the amount of tme before a clent s requred to re-authentcate (60 mnutes s default). 7. Next to RADIUS Server IP Address enter the IP Address of your RADIUS server. 8. Next to RADIUS Server Port, enter the port you are usng wth your RADIUS server. 1812 s the default port. 9. Next to RADIUS Server Shared Secret, enter the securty key. 10. If the MAC Address Authentication box s selected then the user wll need to connect from the same computer whenever loggng nto the wreless network.

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Section 4 - Security

11. Clck Advanced to enter settngs for a secondary RADIUS Server. 12. Clck Apply.Settings to save your settngs.

D-Lnk DIR-615 User Manual


Section 5 - Connecting to a Wireless Network

Connect to a Wireless Network

Using Windows 7
It s recommended to enable wreless securty (WPA/WPA2) on your wreless router or access pont before configurng your wreless adapter. If you are jonng an exstng network, you wll need to know the securty key or passphrase beng used.

1. Clck on the wreless con n your system tray (lower-rght corner).

Wreless Icon

2. The utlty wll dsplay any avalable wreless networks n your area.

D-Lnk DIR-615 User Manual


Section 5 - Connecting to a Wireless Network 3. Hghlght the wreless network (SSID) you would lke to connect to and clck the Connect button. If you get a good sgnal but cannot access the Internet, check your TCP/IP settngs for your wreless adapter. Refer to the Networkng Bascs secton n ths manual for more nformaton.

4. The followng wndow appears whle your computer tres to connect to the router.

D-Lnk DIR-615 User Manual


Section 5 - Connecting to a Wireless Network 5. Enter the same securty key or passphrase that s on your router and clck Connect. You can also connect by pushng the WPS button on the router. It may take 20-30 seconds to connect to the wreless network. If the connecton fals, please verfy that the securty settngs are correct. The key or passphrase must be exactly the same as on the wreless router.

D-Lnk DIR-615 User Manual


Section 5 - Connecting to a Wireless Network

Configure WPS
The WPS feature of the DIR-615 can be configured usng Wndows 7. Carry out the followng steps to use Wndows 7 to configure the WPS feature of the DIR-615:

1. Clck the Start button and select Computer from the Start menu.

2. Clck the Network opton.

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Section 5 - Connecting to a Wireless Network 3. Double-clck the DIR-615 router.

4. Input the WPS PIN number (dsplayed n the WPS wndow on the Routers LCD screen or n the Setup.> Wireless.Setup menu n the Routers Web UI) and clck Next.

D-Lnk DIR-615 User Manual


Section 5 - Connecting to a Wireless Network 5. Type a name to dentfy the network.

6. To configure advanced settngs, clck the


Clck Next to contnue.

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Section 5 - Connecting to a Wireless Network 7. The followng wndow appears whle the Router s beng configured. Wat for the configuraton to complete.

8. The followng wndow nforms you that WPS on the DIR-615 has been setup successfully. Make a note of the securty key as you may need to provde ths securty key f addng an older wreless devce to the network n the future.

9. Clck Close to complete WPS setup.

D-Lnk DIR-615 User Manual


Section 5 - Connecting to a Wireless Network

Connect to a Wireless Network

Using Windows Vista
Wndows Vsta users may use the bult-n wreless utlty. If you are usng another companys utlty or Wndows 2000, please refer to the user manual of your wreless adapter for help wth connectng to a wreless network. Most utltes wll have a ste survey opton smlar to the Wndows Vsta utlty as seen below.

If you receve the Wireless.Networks.Detected bubble, clck on the center of the bubble to access the utlty. or Rght-clck on the wreless computer con n your system tray (lower-rght corner next to the tme). Select Connect.to.a.network.

The utlty wll dsplay any avalable wreless networks n your area. Clck on a network (dsplayed usng the SSID) and clck the Connect button. If you get a good sgnal but cannot access the Internet, check you TCP/IP settngs for your wreless adapter. Refer to the Networking.Basics secton n ths manual for more nformaton.

D-Lnk DIR-615 User Manual


Section 5 - Connecting to a Wireless Network

Configure WPA/WPA2
It s recommended to enable wreless securty (WPA/WPA2) on your wreless router or access pont before configurng your wreless adapter. If you are jonng an exstng network, you wll need to know the securty key or passphrase beng used.

1. Open the Wndows Vsta Wreless Utlty by rght-clckng on the wreless computer con n your system tray (lower rght corner of screen). Select Connect.to.a.network.

2. Hghlght the wreless network (SSID) you would lke to connect to and clck Connect.

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Section 5 - Connecting to a Wireless Network 3. Enter the same securty key or passphrase that s on your router and clck Connect. It may take 20-30 seconds to connect to the wreless network. If the connecton fals, please verfy that the securty settngs are correct. The key or passphrase must be exactly the same as on the wreless router.

D-Lnk DIR-615 User Manual


Section 5 - Connecting to a Wireless Network

Connect Using WCN 2.0

The router supports W-F protecton, referred to as WCN 2.0 n Wndows Vsta and Wndows 7. The followng nstructons for settng ths up depends on whether you are usng Wndows Vsta and Wndows 7 to configure the router or thrd party software. When you first set up the router, W-F protecton s dsabled and unconfigured. To enjoy the benefits of W-F protecton, the router must be both enabled and configured. There are three basc methods to accomplsh ths: use Wndows Vstas bult-n support for WCN 2.0, use software provded by a thrd party, or manually configure. If you are runnng Wndows Vsta, log nto the router and clck the Enable checkbox n the Basic > Wireless secton. Use the Current PIN that s dsplayed on the Advanced > Wi-Fi.Protected.Setup secton or choose to clck the Generate.New.PIN button or Reset.PIN.to.Default button.

If you are usng thrd party software to set up W-F Protecton, carefully follow the drectons. When you are finshed, proceed to the next secton to set up the newly-configured router.

D-Lnk DIR-615 User Manual


Section 5 - Connecting to a Wireless Network

Connect to a Wireless Network

Using Windows XP
Wndows XP users may use the bult-n wreless utlty (Zero Configuraton Utlty). The followng nstructons are for Servce Pack 2 users. If you are usng another companys utlty or Wndows 2000, please refer to the user manual of your wreless adapter for help wth connectng to a wreless network. Most utltes wll have a ste survey opton smlar to the Wndows XP utlty as seen below. If you receve the Wireless.Networks.Detected bubble, clck on the center of the bubble to access the utlty. or Rght-clck on the wreless computer con n your system tray (lower-rght corner next to the tme). Select View.Available.Wireless.Networks.

The utlty wll dsplay any avalable wreless networks n your area. Clck on a network (dsplayed usng the SSID) and clck the Connect button. If you get a good sgnal but cannot access the Internet, check you TCP/IP settngs for your wreless adapter. Refer to the Networking.Basics secton n ths manual for more nformaton.

D-Lnk DIR-615 User Manual


Section 5 - Connecting to a Wireless Network

Connect to a Wireless Network

Using Windows XP Through WPA-PSK
It s recommended to enable WEP on your wreless router or access pont before configurng your wreless adapter. If you are jonng an exstng network, you wll need to know the WEP key beng used.

1. Open the Wndows XP Wreless Utlty by rght-clckng on the wreless computer con n your system tray (lower-rght corner of screen). Select View.Available.Wireless.Networks.

2. Hghlght the wreless network (SSID) you would lke to connect to and clck Connect.

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Section 5 - Connecting to a Wireless Network 3. The Wireless.Network.Connection box wll appear. Enter the WPA-PSK passphrase and clck Connect. It may take 20-30 seconds to connect to the wreless network. If the connecton fals, please verfy that the WPA-PSK settngs are correct. The WPA-PSK passphrase must be exactly the same as on the wreless router.

D-Lnk DIR-615 User Manual


Section 6 - Troubleshooting

Ths chapter provdes solutons to problems that can occur durng the nstallaton and operaton of the DIR-615. Read the followng descrptons f you are havng problems. (The examples below are llustrated n Wndows XP. If you have a dfferent operatng system, the screen shots on your computer wll look smlar to the followng examples.) 1..Why.cant.I.access.the.web-based.configuration.utility? When enterng the IP address of the D-Lnk router ( for example), you are not connectng to a webste on the Internet or have to be connected to the Internet. The devce has the utlty bult-n to a ROM chp n the devce tself. Your computer must be on the same IP subnet to connect to the web-based utlty. Make sure you have an updated Java-enabled web browser. We recommend the followng: Internet Explorer 6 or hgher Mozlla 1.7.12 (5.0) or hgher Safar 3 or hgher Frefox 3.0 or hgher

Verfy physcal connectvty by checkng for sold lnk lghts on the devce. If you do not get a sold lnk lght, try usng a dfferent cable or connect to a dfferent port on the devce f possble. If the computer s turned off, the lnk lght may not be on. Dsable any Internet securty software runnng on the computer. Software firewalls such as Zone Alarm, Black Ice, Sygate, Norton Personal Frewall, and Wndows XP firewall may block access to the configuraton pages. Check the help files ncluded wth your firewall software for more nformaton on dsablng or configurng t.

D-Lnk DIR-615 User Manual


Section 6 - Troubleshooting Configure your Internet settngs: Go to Start > Settings > Control.Panel. Double-clck the Internet.Options Icon. From the Security tab, clck the button to restore the settngs to ther defaults. Clck the Connection tab and set the dal-up opton to Never Dal a Connecton. Clck the LAN Settngs button. Make sure nothng s checked. Clck OK. Go to the Advanced tab and clck the button to restore these settngs to ther defaults. Clck OK three tmes. Close your web browser (f open) and open t. Access the web management. Open your web browser and enter the IP address of your D-Lnk router n the address bar. Ths should open the logn page for your the web management. If you stll cannot access the configuraton, unplug the power to the router for 10 seconds and plug back n. Wat about 30 seconds and try accessng the configuraton. If you have multple computers, try connectng usng a dfferent computer. 2..What.can.I.do.if.I.forgot.my.password? If you forgot your password, you must reset your router. Unfortunately ths process wll change all your settngs back to the factory defaults. To reset the router, locate the reset button (hole) on the rear panel of the unt. Wth the router powered on, use a paperclp to hold the button down for 10 seconds. Release the button and the router wll go through ts reboot process. Wat about 30 seconds to access the router. The default IP address s When loggng n, the username s admin and leave the password box empty.

D-Lnk DIR-615 User Manual


Section 6 - Troubleshooting 3..Why.cant.I.connect.to.certain.sites.or.send.and.receive.e-mails.when.connecting.through.my.router?. If you are havng a problem sendng or recevng e-mal, or connectng to secure stes such as eBay, bankng stes, and Hotmal, we suggest lowerng the MTU n ncrements of ten (Ex. 1492, 1482, 1472, etc). Note:.AOL DSL+ users must use MTU of 1400.. To find the proper MTU Sze, youll have to do a specal png of the destnaton youre tryng to go to. A destnaton could be another computer, or a URL. Clck on Start and then clck Run. Wndows 95, 98, and Me users type n command (Wndows NT, 2000, and XP users type n cmd) and press Enter.(or clck OK). Once the wndow opens, youll need to do a specal png. Use the followng syntax: . ping.[url].[-f].[-l].[MTU.value]

Example: ping.yahoo.com.-f.-l.1472

D-Lnk DIR-615 User Manual


Section 6 - Troubleshooting You should start at 1472 and work your way down by 10 each tme. Once you get a reply, go up by 2 untl you get a fragmented packet. Take that value and add 28 to the value to account for the varous TCP/IP headers. For example, lets say that 1452 was the proper value, the actual MTU sze would be 1480, whch s the optmum for the network were workng wth (1452+28=1480). Once you find your MTU, you can now configure your router wth the proper MTU sze. To change the MTU rate on your router follow the steps below: Open your browser, enter the IP address of your router ( and clck OK. Enter your username (admn) and password (blank by default). Clck OK to enter the web configuraton page for the devce. Clck on Setup and then clck Manual.Configure. To change the MTU enter the number n the MTU field and clck Save.Settings to save your settngs. Test your e-mal. If changng the MTU does not resolve the problem, contnue changng the MTU n ncrements of ten.

D-Lnk DIR-615 User Manual


Appendix A - Wireless Basics

Wireless Basics
D-Lnk wreless products are based on ndustry standards to provde easy-to-use and compatble hgh-speed wreless connectvty wthn your home, busness or publc access wreless networks. Strctly adherng to the IEEE standard, the D-Lnk wreless famly of products wll allow you to securely access the data you want, when and where you want t. You wll be able to enjoy the freedom that wreless networkng delvers. A wreless local area network (WLAN) s a cellular computer network that transmts and receves data wth rado sgnals nstead of wres. Wreless LANs are used ncreasngly n both home and office envronments, and publc areas such as arports, coffee shops and unverstes. Innovatve ways to utlze WLAN technology are helpng people to work and communcate more efficently. Increased moblty and the absence of cablng and other fixed nfrastructure have proven to be benefical for many users. Wreless users can use the same applcatons they use on a wred network. Wreless adapter cards used on laptop and desktop systems support the same protocols as Ethernet adapter cards. Under many crcumstances, t may be desrable for moble network devces to lnk to a conventonal Ethernet LAN n order to use servers, prnters or an Internet connecton suppled through the wred LAN. A Wreless Router s a devce used to provde ths lnk.

D-Lnk DIR-615 User Manual


Appendix A - Wireless Basics

Wreless or W-F technology s another way of connectng your computer to the network wthout usng wres. W-F uses rado frequency to connect wrelessly, so you have the freedom to connect computers anywhere n your home or office network.

D-Lnk s the worldwde leader and award wnnng desgner, developer, and manufacturer of networkng products. D-Lnk delvers the performance you need at a prce you can afford. D-Lnk has all the products you need to buld your network.

Wreless works smlar to how cordless phone work, through rado sgnals to transmt data from one pont A to pont B. But wreless technology has restrctons as to how you can access the network. You must be wthn the wreless network range area to be able to connect your computer. There are two dfferent types of wreless networks Wreless Local Area Network (WLAN), and Wreless Personal Area Network (WPAN).

In a wreless local area network, a devce called an Access Pont (AP) connects computers to the network. The access pont has a small antenna attached to t, whch allows t to transmt data back and forth over rado sgnals. Wth an ndoor access pont as seen n the pcture, the sgnal can travel up to 300 feet. Wth an outdoor access pont the sgnal can reach out up to 30 mles to serve places lke manufacturng plants, ndustral locatons, college and hgh school campuses, arports, golf courses, and many other outdoor venues.

Bluetooth s the ndustry standard wreless technology used for WPAN. Bluetooth devces n WPAN operate n a range up to 30 feet away. Compared to WLAN the speed and wreless operaton range are both less than WLAN, but n return t doesnt use nearly as much power whch makes t deal for personal devces, such as moble phones, PDAs, headphones, laptops, speakers, and other devces that operate on batteres. D-Lnk DIR-615 User Manual 106

Appendix A - Wireless Basics

Wreless technology as become so popular n recent years that almost everyone s usng t, whether ts for home, office, busness, DLnk has a wreless soluton for t.

Gves everyone at home broadband access Surf the web, check e-mal, nstant message, and etc Gets rd of the cables around the house Smple and easy to use

Stay on top of everythng at home as you would at office Remotely access your office network from home Share Internet connecton and prnter wth multple computers No need to dedcate office space

D-Lnk DIR-615 User Manual


Appendix A - Wireless Basics

Wreless technology s expandng everywhere not just at home or office. People lke the freedom of moblty and ts becomng so popular that more and more publc facltes now provde wreless access to attract people. The wreless connecton n publc places s usually called hotspots. Usng a D-Lnk Cardbus Adapter wth your laptop, you can access the hotspot to connect to Internet from remote locatons lke: Arports, Hotels, Coffee Shops, Lbrares, Restaurants, and Conventon Centers. Wreless network s easy to setup, but f youre nstallng t for the first tme t could be qute a task not knowng where to start. Thats why weve put together a few setup steps and tps to help you through the process of settng up a wreless network.

Here are a few thngs to keep n mnd, when you nstall a wreless network.

Make sure you place the router/access pont n a centralzed locaton wthn your network for the best performance. Try to place the router/access pont as hgh as possble n the room, so the sgnal gets dspersed throughout your home. If you have a two-story home, you may need a repeater to boost the sgnal to extend the range.

Place home applances such as cordless telephones, mcrowaves, and televsons as far away as possble from the router/access pont. Ths would sgnficantly reduce any nterference that the applances mght cause snce they operate on same frequency.

Dont let you next-door neghbors or ntruders connect to your wreless network. Secure your wreless network by turnng on the WPA or WEP securty feature on the router. Refer to product manual for detal nformaton on how to set t up.

D-Lnk DIR-615 User Manual


Appendix A - Wireless Basics

Wireless Modes
There are bascally two modes of networkng: Infrastructure All wreless clents wll connect to an access pont or wreless router. Ad-Hoc Drectly connectng to another computer, for peer-to-peer communcaton, usng wreless network adapters on each computer, such as two or more DIR-615 wreless network Cardbus adapters. An Infrastructure network contans an Access Pont or wreless router. All the wreless devces, or clents, wll connect to the wreless router or access pont. An Ad-Hoc network contans only clents, such as laptops wth wreless cardbus adapters. All the adapters must be n Ad-Hoc mode to communcate.

D-Lnk DIR-615 User Manual


Appendix B - Networking Basics

Networking Basics
Check your IP address
After you nstall your adapter, by default, the TCP/IP settngs should be set to obtan an IP address from a DHCP server (.e. wreless router) automatcally. To verfy your IP address, please follow the steps below. Clck on Start > Run. In the run box type cmd and clck OK. (Wndows Vsta users type cmd n the Start.Search box.) At the prompt, type ipconfig and press Enter. Ths wll dsplay the IP address, subnet mask, and the default gateway of your adapter. If the address s, check your adapter nstallaton, securty settngs, and the settngs on your router. Some firewall software programs may block a DHCP request on newly nstalled adapters.

D-Lnk DIR-615 User Manual


Appendix B - Networking Basics

Statically Assign an IP address

If you are not usng a DHCP capable gateway/router, or you need to assgn a statc IP address, please follow the steps below: Step.1 Wndows 7 Wndows Vsta Wndows XP Wndows 2000 Clck on Start > Control.Panel > Network.and.Internet > Network.and.Sharing.Center > Change.Adapter.Setting.. Clck on Start > Control.Panel > Network.and.Internet > Network.and.Sharing.Center > Manage.Network.Connections. Clck on Start > Control.Panel > Network.Connections. From the desktop, rght-clck My.Network.Places > Properties.

Step.2 Rght-clck on the Local.Area.Connection whch represents your network adapter and select Properties. Step.3 Hghlght Internet.Protocol.(TCP/IP) and clck Properties. Step.4 Clck Use.the.following.IP.address and enter an IP address that s on the same subnet as your network or the LAN IP address on your router. Example: If the routers LAN IP address s, make your IP address 192.168.0.X where X s a number between 2 and 99. Make sure that the number you choose s not n use on the network. Set Default Gateway the same as the LAN IP address of your router ( Set Prmary DNS the same as the LAN IP address of your router ( The Secondary DNS s not needed or you may enter a DNS server from your ISP. Step.5 Clck OK twce to save your settngs.

D-Lnk DIR-615 User Manual


Appendix C - Technical Specifications

Technical Specifications
Standards IEEE 802.11n IEEE 802.11g IEEE 802.3 IEEE 802.3u Security WPA-Personal WPA2-Personal WPA-Enterprse WPA2-Enterprse Wireless.Signal.Rates* . 300Mbps 12Mbps 108Mbps 11Mbps 54Mbps 9Mbps 48Mbps 6Mbps 36Mbps 5.5Mbps 18Mbps 2Mbps 24Mbps 1Mbps MSC.(0-15) 130Mbps (270) 104Mbps (216) 66Mbps (135) 52Mbps (108) 26Mbps (54) 12Mbps (27) 117Mbps (243) 78Mbps (162) 58.5Mbps (121.5) 39Mbps (81) 19.5Mbps (40.5) 6.5Mbps (13.5) Frequency.Range 2.4GHz to 2.483GHz Transmitter.Output.Power 17dBm 2dB LEDs Power WLAN Internet LAN (10/100)

Operating.Temperature 32F to 104F ( 0C to 40C) Humidity 95% maxmum (non-condensng) Safety.&.Emissions FCC IC CE Dimensions L = 7.8 nches W = 5 nches H = 1.2 nches Warranty 1 Year Lmted

* Maxmum wreless sgnal rate derved from IEEE Standard 802.11g and 802.11n specficatons. Actual data throughput wll vary. Network condtons and envronmental factors, ncludng volume of network traffic, buldng materals and constructon, and network overhead, lower actual data throughput rate. Envronmental factors wll adversely affect wreless sgnal range.

D-Lnk DIR-615 User Manual


Appendix D - Contacting Technical Support

Contacting Technical Support

U.S. and Canadan customers can contact D-Lnk techncal support through our web ste or by phone. Before you contact techncal support, please have the followng ready: Model number of the product (e.g. DIR-615) Hardware Revson (located on the label on the bottom of the router (e.g. rev E3)) Seral Number (s/n number located on the label on the bottom of the router). You can find software updates and user documentaton on the D-Lnk webste as well as frequently asked questons and answers to techncal ssues.

Phone.Support: (877) 453-5465 Internet.Support: http://support.dlnk.com

Phone.Support: (800) 361-5265 Internet.Support: http://support.dlnk.ca

D-Lnk DIR-615 User Manual


Appendix E - Warranty

Subject to the terms and condtons set forth heren, D-Lnk Systems, Inc. (D-Lnk) provdes ths Lmted Warranty: Only to the person or entty that orgnally purchased the product from D-Lnk or ts authorzed reseller or dstrbutor, and Only for products purchased and delvered wthn the fifty states of the Unted States, the Dstrct of Columba, U.S. Possessons or Protectorates, U.S. Mltary Installatons, or addresses wth an APO or FPO.

D-Lnk warrants that the hardware porton of the D-Lnk product descrbed below (Hardware) wll be free from materal defects n workmanshp and materals under normal use from the date of orgnal retal purchase of the product, for the perod set forth below (Warranty Perod), except as otherwse stated heren. Hardware (excludng power supples and fans): One (1) year lmted Power supples and fans: One (1) year lmted Spare parts and spare kts: Nnety (90) days The customers sole and exclusve remedy and the entre lablty of D-Lnk and ts supplers under ths Lmted Warranty wll be, at D-Lnks opton, to repar or replace the defectve Hardware durng the Warranty Perod at no charge to the orgnal owner or to refund the actual purchase prce pad. Any repar or replacement wll be rendered by D-Lnk at an Authorzed D-Lnk Servce Office. The replacement hardware need not be new or have an dentcal make, model or part. D-Lnk may, at ts opton, replace the defectve Hardware or any part thereof wth any recondtoned product that D-Lnk reasonably determnes s substantally equvalent (or superor) n all materal respects to the defectve Hardware. Repared or replacement hardware wll be warranted for the remander of the orgnal Warranty Perod or nnety (90) days, whchever s longer, and s subject to the same lmtatons and exclusons. If a materal defect s ncapable of correcton, or f D-Lnk determnes that t s not practcal to repar or replace the defectve Hardware, the actual prce pad by the orgnal purchaser for the defectve Hardware wll be refunded by D-Lnk upon return to D-Lnk of the defectve Hardware. All Hardware or part thereof that s replaced by D-Lnk, or for whch the purchase prce s refunded, shall become the property of D-Lnk upon replacement or refund.

D-Lnk DIR-615 User Manual


Appendix E - Warranty

D-Lnk warrants that the software porton of the product (Software) wll substantally conform to D-Lnks then current functonal specficatons for the Software, as set forth n the applcable documentaton, from the date of orgnal retal purchase of the Software for a perod of nnety (90) days (Software Warranty Perod), provded that the Software s properly nstalled on approved hardware and operated as contemplated n ts documentaton. D-Lnk further warrants that, durng the Software Warranty Perod, the magnetc meda on whch D-Lnk delvers the Software wll be free of physcal defects. The customers sole and exclusve remedy and the entre lablty of D-Lnk and ts supplers under ths Lmted Warranty wll be, at D-Lnks opton, to replace the non-conformng Software (or defectve meda) wth software that substantally conforms to D-Lnks functonal specficatons for the Software or to refund the porton of the actual purchase prce pad that s attrbutable to the Software. Except as otherwse agreed by D-Lnk n wrtng, the replacement Software s provded only to the orgnal lcensee, and s subject to the terms and condtons of the lcense granted by D-Lnk for the Software. Replacement Software wll be warranted for the remander of the orgnal Warranty Perod and s subject to the same lmtatons and exclusons. If a materal non-conformance s ncapable of correcton, or f D-Lnk determnes n ts sole dscreton that t s not practcal to replace the non-conformng Software, the prce pad by the orgnal lcensee for the non-conformng Software wll be refunded by D-Lnk; provded that the non-conformng Software (and all copes thereof ) s first returned to D-Lnk. The lcense granted respectng any Software for whch a refund s gven automatcally termnates.

The Lmted Warranty provded hereunder for Hardware and Software portons of D-Lnks products wll not be appled to and does not cover any refurbshed product and any product purchased through the nventory clearance or lqudaton sale or other sales n whch D-Lnk, the sellers, or the lqudators expressly dsclam ther warranty oblgaton pertanng to the product and n that case, the product s beng sold As-Is wthout any warranty whatsoever ncludng, wthout lmtaton, the Lmted Warranty as descrbed heren, notwthstandng anythng stated heren to the contrary. Submitting.A.Claim: The customer shall return the product to the orgnal purchase pont based on ts return polcy. In case the return polcy perod has expred and the product s wthn warranty, the customer shall submt a clam to D-Lnk as outlned below: The customer must submt wth the product as part of the clam a wrtten descrpton of the Hardware defect or Software nonconformance n sufficent detal to allow D-Lnk to confirm the same, along wth proof of purchase of the product (such as a copy of the dated purchase nvoce for the product) f the product s not regstered. The customer must obtan a Case ID Number from D-Lnk Techncal Support at 1-877-453-5465, who wll attempt to assst the customer n resolvng any suspected defects wth the product. If the product s consdered defectve, the customer must obtan a Return Materal Authorzaton (RMA) number by completng the RMA form and enterng the assgned Case ID Number at https://rma.dlnk.com/.

D-Lnk DIR-615 User Manual


Appendix E - Warranty After an RMA number s ssued, the defectve product must be packaged securely n the orgnal or other sutable shppng package to ensure that t wll not be damaged n transt, and the RMA number must be promnently marked on the outsde of the package. Do not nclude any manuals or accessores n the shppng package. D-Lnk wll only replace the defectve porton of the product and wll not shp back any accessores. The customer s responsble for all n-bound shppng charges to D-Lnk. No Cash on Delvery (COD) s allowed. Products sent COD wll ether be rejected by D-Lnk or become the property of D-Lnk. Products shall be fully nsured by the customer and shpped to D-Lnk Systems, Inc., 17595 Mt. Herrmann, Fountan Valley, CA 92708. D-Lnk wll not be held responsble for any packages that are lost n transt to D-Lnk. The repared or replaced packages wll be shpped to the customer va UPS Ground or any common carrer selected by D-Lnk. Return shppng charges shall be prepad by D-Lnk f you use an address n the Unted States, otherwse we wll shp the product to you freght collect. Expedted shppng s avalable upon request and provded shppng charges are prepad by the customer. D-Lnk may reject or return any product that s not packaged and shpped n strct complance wth the foregong requrements, or for whch an RMA number s not vsble from the outsde of the package. The product owner agrees to pay D-Lnks reasonable handlng and return shppng charges for any product that s not packaged and shpped n accordance wth the foregong requrements, or that s determned by D-Lnk not to be defectve or non-conformng.


The Lmted Warranty provded heren by D-Lnk does not cover: Products that, n D-Lnks judgment, have been subjected to abuse, accdent, alteraton, modficaton, tamperng, neglgence, msuse, faulty nstallaton, lack of reasonable care, repar or servce n any way that s not contemplated n the documentaton for the product, or f the model or seral number has been altered, tampered wth, defaced or removed; Intal nstallaton, nstallaton and removal of the product for repar, and shppng costs; Operatonal adjustments covered n the operatng manual for the product, and normal mantenance; Damage that occurs n shpment, due to act of God, falures due to power surge, and cosmetc damage; Any hardware, software, firmware or other products or servces provded by anyone other than D-Lnk; and Products that have been purchased from nventory clearance or lqudaton sales or other sales n whch D-Lnk, the sellers, or the lqudators expressly dsclam ther warranty oblgaton pertanng to the product. Whle necessary mantenance or repars on your Product can be performed by any company, we recommend that you use only an Authorzed DLnk Servce Office. Improper or ncorrectly performed mantenance or repar vods ths Lmted Warranty.



Appendix E - Warranty


Ths Lmted Warranty shall be governed by the laws of the State of Calforna. Some states do not allow excluson or lmtaton of ncdental or consequental damages, or lmtatons on how long an mpled warranty lasts, so the foregong lmtatons and exclusons may not apply. Ths Lmted Warranty provdes specfic legal rghts and you may also have other rghts whch vary from state to state.

D-Lnk s a regstered trademark of D-Lnk Corporaton/D-Lnk Systems, Inc. Other trademarks or regstered trademarks are the property of ther respectve owners.

No part of ths publcaton or documentaton accompanyng ths product may be reproduced n any form or by any means or used to make any dervatve such as translaton, transformaton, or adaptaton wthout permsson from D-Lnk Corporaton/D-Lnk Systems, Inc., as stpulated by the Unted States Copyrght Act of 1976 and any amendments thereto. Contents are subject to change wthout pror notce. Copyrght 2008-2010 by D-Lnk Corporaton/D-Lnk Systems, Inc. All rghts reserved.


Ths s a Class B product. In a domestc envronment, ths product may cause rado nterference, n whch case the user may be requred to take adequate measures.

D-Lnk DIR-615 User Manual


Appendix E - Warranty


Ths equpment has been tested and found to comply wth the lmts for a Class B dgtal devce, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These lmts are desgned to provde reasonable protecton aganst harmful nterference n a resdental nstallaton. Ths equpment generates, uses and can radate rado frequency energy and, f not nstalled and used n accordance wth the nstructons, may cause harmful nterference to rado communcatons. However, there s no guarantee that nterference wll not occur n a partcular nstallaton. If ths equpment does cause harmful nterference to rado or televson recepton, whch can be determned by turnng the equpment off and on, the user s encouraged to try to correct the nterference by one of the followng measures: Reorent or relocate the recevng antenna. Increase the separaton between the equpment and recever. Connect the equpment nto an outlet on a crcut dfferent from that to whch the recever s connected. Consult the dealer or an experenced rado/TV techncan for help.

For detaled warranty nformaton applcable to products purchased outsde the Unted States, please contact the correspondng local D-Lnk office.


Any changes or modficatons not expressly approved by the party responsble for complance could vod the users authorty to operate ths equpment. Ths devce comples wth Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operaton s subject to the followng two condtons: (1) Ths devce may not cause harmful nterference, and (2) ths devce must accept any nterference receved, ncludng nterference that may cause undesred operaton.


FCC.Radiation.Exposure.Statement: Ths equpment comples wth FCC radaton exposure lmts set forth for an uncontrolled envronment. Ths equpment should be nstalled and operated wth mnmum dstance 20cm between the radator & your body. Ths transmtter must not be co-located or operatng n conjuncton wth any other antenna or transmtter. We declare that the product s lmted n CH1~CH11 by specfied firmware controlled n the USA.

D-Lnk DIR-615 User Manual


Appendix E - Warranty

Operaton s subject to the followng two condtons: 1) Ths devce may not cause nterference and 2) Ths devce must accept any nterference, ncludng nterference that may cause undesred operaton of the devce. Ths devce has been desgned to operate wth an antenna havng a maxmum gan of 2dB. Antenna havng a hgher gan s strctly prohbted per regulatons of Industry Canada. The requred antenna mpedance s 50 ohms.

IMPORTANT.NOTE: IC.Radiation.Exposure.Statement:
Ths equpment comples wth IC radaton exposure lmts set forth for an uncontrolled envronment. End users must follow the specfic operatng nstructons for satsfyng RF exposure complance. Ths equpment should be nstalled and operated wth mnmum dstance 20cm between the radator & your body. Ths transmtter must not be co-located or operatng n conjuncton wth any other antenna or transmtter. Rglement.dIndustry.Canada. Les condtons de fonctonnement sont sujettes deux condtons: 1) Ce prphrque ne dot pas causer dnterfrence et. 2) Ce prphrque dot accepter toute nterfrence, y comprs les nterfrences pouvant perturber le bon fonctonnement de ce prphrque. The Class [B] dgtal apparatus meets all requrements of the Canadan Interference-Causng Equpment Regulaton. Cet apparel numerque de la class [B] respecte toutes les exgences du Reglement sur le materel broulleur du Canada.

D-Lnk DIR-615 User Manual


Appendix F - Registration


Product regstraton s entrely voluntary and falure to complete or return ths form wll not dmnsh your warranty rghts.

Verson 5.3 March 18, 2010 D-Lnk DIR-615 User Manual 120

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