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congerv|no natural resou-rces

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Board Members in Attendance Mrs. Anne Bennett, Mr. Richard Freisinger, Mr. Lynn Laird. Mr. Jeff DeWeese was unable to attend due to a family emergency. Attendees
Mr. Joshua McElhaney, District Conservationist; Mr. Eddie Cooper, NRC Division Manger.

Call to Order Mr. Lynn Laitd called the meeting to order at 8:05am. Those present stated the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag in unison. Mr. Eddie Cooper gave the invocation.

Minutes of the Last Meeting Mr. Richard Freisinger made a motion to accept the September's Board minutes. Mrs. Anne Bennett seconded the motion. The motion carried unopposed. Acknowledgement of Public Notice
The meeting advertisement was noted.

Treasurer's Report
Mrs. Anne Bennett gave the Treasurer's Report. Discussion was held on transferring the Board's bank account to Bank of the South due to cuffent bank's excessive fees. Mrs. Bennett made the motion to transfer the Board's account to Bank of the South since the monthly service fees will not exceed $5.00 and they are a qualified Public Depositor. The authorized signatures would be Mrs. Anne Bennett, Treasurer; Mr. Dan Cain, Chairman, and Mr. Richard Freisinger, Board member. Mr. Freisinger seconded the motion. The motion caried unopposed.


Mt. McElhaney gave the District Conservationist report. Mr. McElhaney stated the FY programs sbn up ends October 31.,201J.


Old Business In an email to Mrs. Debbie Williams, Mr. Jeff DeWeese stated he would send the seeds to the office. Once received, Mrs. Williams and Mr. McElhaney will affrx the Board's labels on them, make bags to be delivered to the three selected schools, and de[ver the bags to Mr. Lutd and/ or Mrs. Bennett. From there the bags will be taken to the schools.
The Christmas meeting will be held at Fran's Country Kitchen on Wednesday, December 21, 201,1at8:00a.

With no frrrther business before the Board, Mrs. Bennett made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Freisinger seconded the motion. Mr. Lafud adjourned the meeting at8;45arn.

Mr. Dan Cain. Chairman

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