Occupy Leaflet1a

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- The Sky is not about to fall from a general strike

especially when we all have 3 months to prepare for it AND - Historically nothing works better at getting Authority's attention then just threatening to do something drastic or face a general strike AND if all the next few months prove is they're not listening then there really is no choice but to walk out on May 1st We really have to face the distinct possibility that no Authority will act until pushed to fix the systemic corporate abuse of human rights All complaints can be pressed as abuse of the UN Declaration of Human Rights This 1st pamphlet is first and foremost a heads up to start preparing and getting ready for a really long weekend. AND Any Occupy group can be very helpful by making a local community action plan for getting the word out about the strike and assist in people helping people during the strike by coordinating community public events Accept that there are lots of jobs that are designated as 'essential services'

Furthermore: in order to make a general strike work,

the movement encourages small family businesses to stay open.[because as a rule, they don't have oppressed workers] The need for local Occupy communities to facilitate events is real and it's an opportunity to galvanize local participation like creating a local Occupy wall listing where people can get stuff from local family run businesses or food banks & events, etc

The need for 'we the people' to act is impossible to avoid

because if it wasn't for politics, 80% of all jobs would already be filled by robots. This technology explosion cannot be stopped Permanent unemployment is unavoidable & should be welcomes We're being steered off-track: By demanding job security we should be demanding a good annual income guarantee = change everything . This is the Essential Element in a major shift in the evolution of mankind

Everything is in place to trigger our Golden Age &

Authority can only 'conceive' insane plans like AGENDA 21 - which is all about killing over 90% of the world's population This market economy only offers Hitler's final solution - The reality is THAT: we are all facing a situation that truly is biblical in nature & despots are leading us into an evil pit We truly live in interesting times The hope of all generations is that we will rise & do good, and in so doing achieve greatness so that evil in mankind can be conquered with love once & for all We must offer something big in return, which is AMNESTY We must realize that the sins of our fathers are largely responsible for the mess we are in, AND in this way, there's a way for Constitutional law to be restored with grace by Authority.

May 1st is a good date to start what essentially is a legitimate shot at giving Peace a chance with just Peaceful means

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