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What is the Mission Pack?

The following document has been created to allow gamers a much wider scope of 40k gaming through various new missions and new rules. The level of difficulty will be set by you and your friends. Choose your Mission Set Up! Choose your Objectives! Choose your Special Rules! THEN ENJOY!

Select Mission
You have THREE broad categories of Missions to choose from!
Option 1: Standard Mission Chart: Using the three missions in the standard rule book ie: Seize Ground, Capture and Control or Annihilation. Option 2: Advanced Mission Chart: Using the three Advanced Missions in this Mission Pack. Option 3: Customized Mission Chart: Rolling for Primary, Secondary, Tertiary and/or Bonus Objectives.

Deploy Forces
Roll a d6 or simply agree with your opponent which mission you wish to play!

THENAdd any additional Special Rules* for more flavor! (coming soon)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Breakthrough Take the Flank Entrenched Apocalypse Two to one Last stand

These all new mission set-ups will be coming soon!

Playing Area

There are 6 new field of battle set-ups. However, we recommend not using these with the advanced missions, until you are more accustomed to them! Since the field of deployment changes so drastically from mission to mission, please read each description carefully !

Mission Type
Select your Mission Type by choosing one of the three options below. Option 1: Standard Mission Chart: Using the three missions in the standard rule book ie: Seize Ground, Capture and Control or Annihilation. Option 2: Advanced Mission Chart: Using the three Advanced Missions in this Mission Pack. Option 3: Advanced Mission Chart: Rolling for Primary, Secondary,Tertiary and/or Bonus Objectives.

Advanced Mission Chart


Advanced Seize Ground:

Before deciding deployment zones, the players must determine the position of D3+2 Objectives. The winner of a roll-off chooses a point on the table to be an objective by placing a counter on it, choosing a detail of terrain feature, or any other method that is equally clear). Then the opponent does the same, and the players alternate choosing a point until the position of all the objectives has been determined. These objectives may not be in impassable terrain, nor within 12 or a table edge or another objective. After positioning the objectives, deployment of the forces begins, as described in rules for the type of deployment being used. At the end of the game you control an objective if you have a scoring Troop unit PLUS at least ONE OTHER non HQ unit within 3 of the objective (dedicated transports DO NOT count). Additionally, you may only contest an objective if you have equal to or more units within 3 of the objective (dedicated transports DO count).


Advanced Capture and Control:

After deciding deployment zones, but before deploying any unit, starting with the player that will deploy first, each player chooses a point in his own deployment zone to be an objective by placing a counter on it, choosing a detail of terrain feature, or any other method that is equally clear). These objectives may not be in impassable terrain, nor may they be within 24 of the other objective. After positioning the objectives, deployment of the forces begins, as described in the type of deployment being used. At the end of the game, you control an objective if you have a scoring Troop unit PLUS at least ONE OTHER unit of any type within 3 of the objective (dedicated transports DO NOT count). Additionally, if the additional controlling unit is an HQ unit, then that objective cannot be contested by anything other than an enemy HQ PLUS one additional unit. Otherwise , you may contest if you have an equal amount of or more units within 3 of the objective (dedicated transports DO count).


Advanced Annihilation

At the end of the game, each player receives Kill Points for the units that have been completely destroyed as per standard Annihilation Mission:


Use the standard Seize Ground mission rules to set up 5 Objective tokens. (This number will not be rolled foryou will always set up 5.) Each objective claimed will be worth 2 Kill Points. A contested objective will be worth 1 Kill Point to whoever is contesting the objective with a Troop unit (This may be one player or both). The winner is the player with the most Kill Points

Over the next three pages you can choose to agree with your opponent which Objectives you wish to play or you can simply let the dice decide.
Pick up to ONE Primary, up to ONE Secondary, up to ONE Tertiary and finally up to THREE Bonus Objectives! NOTE: If you find that multiple objectives are too complicated for casual gaming, feel free to simply use one main objective out of these lists and play that!

Primary Objectives
2d6 Result: (Once again, feel free to just agree with an opponent!)
You may claim a board quarter by having a higher combined point cost of scoring units than the enemy in that area. Claim the most quarters to win. A unit may only claim one board quarter. The player must have more than 50% of their current unit strength in the quarter to claim it. Use Victory Points to determine the point cost of scoring units. Each player secretly writes down one of the opponents HQ on a piece of paper. This is the target. Kill this unit to get the points. This unit must be dead, or fleeing at the end of the game to win. Reveal the target at the end of the game. (Grab a calculator!) End with a higher ratio of scoring units than your opponent to win. (Ratio = the number of scoring units at the end divided by the number of scoring units at the start). Kill more HQ, ELITE, HEAVY and FAST units than your opponent to win. (Dedicated Transports are ignored and not counted in any way) Old school VP! Follow the rules for VP as noted on page 108 of the rule book. Before deployment, inform your opponent which one squad (no single unit model, except monstrous creatures) of his will be selected as the target. Kill this unit to win. 50% or more of your army (in Victory Points) must survive to win this mission. Place one Relic (40mm base objective) in the middle of the board. Players will win by claiming this Relic when they have more units within 6 of this objective than their enemy. ANY unit (except Dedicated Transports) may claim. Have more scoring Troop units in your opponents deployment area than theirs in yours! 2: Board Quarter Capture

3: Assassination-

4: Troop Killer -

5: Specialist Killer6: Victory Points 7: Marked for Death

8: Fight to Live 9: Relic Capture

10: Break the Line -

11: Combined Board Capture-You may claim a board quarter by having a higher combined point cost of units than the enemy in that area. You must combine a scoring Troop unit AND at least one more unit of either Troops, Heavy, or Elite units than the enemy in that area. Use Victory Points to determine the point cost of units. Ignore dedicated transports. 12: Escort Place one objective (40mm base) in the middle of the board. Roll a dice and choose Escort and Attacker players. Escorts may move this objective up to 6 (no running) in each movement phase, if at the start of their movement phase they have any unit within 3. The Escort must also finish its move within 3 of the objective if they have moved it. If the Escort moves the objective off the table, they win. If they have the objective within 6 of the table edge, they draw. If they do neither, they lose. Falling back, or going to ground will lose possession of the objective.

Secondary Objectives
1: Marked For Death Kill one of your opponents HQs, openly chosen by your opponent after deployment. (Half Points for them being wounded or Falling Back at the end of the game) (Reroll this if Primary is Assassination) 2: Aspiring Champion- Select one upgraded squad member of any enemy Troop or Elite squad to be the target. (If no such model exists, mark one of the identical models suitably to be a target). Upgraded also refers to weapon upgrades. Kill this model to get the points.(No Half Points) 3: Board Quarter Capture You may claim a board quarter by having a higher combined point cost of scoring units than the enemy in that area. Claim the most quarters to win. A unit may only claim one board quarter. The player must have more than 50% of the models of their current unit strength in the quarter to claim it. Use Victory Points to determine the point cost of scoring units. (Half points for a draw)

4: Decimator5: Grunt Basher 6: Dig in-

Kill 10% or more of the models of every enemy Troop and Elite unit. (No Half Points) Destroy all Enemy Troop units INCLUDING Dedicated Transports. (Half Points for 75% or more of his total units VP ) Determine how many terrain features your board has. Have INFANTRY and/or scoring Troop units claiming more terrain features than your opponent to win. Claim a feature by being in it, or having your models base touching it. Only other Infantry and/or scoring Troop units may contest claiming.(Half Points for a Draw)

Tertiary Objectives
1d6 Result:
1: Head Hunter Your opponents most expensive HQ must be dead at the end of the game.

2: Aspiring Champion- Select one upgraded squad member of any enemy Troop or Elite squad to be the target. (If no such model exists, mark one of the identical models suitably to be a target). Upgraded also refers to weapon upgrades. Kill this model to get the points. (Choose a DIFFERENT MODEL if Secondary is the same) 3: Retrieval Duty Have a non immobilised vehicle or non-HQ monstrous creature (with MORE than half its wounds) to assist with post battle salvage retrieval. (You get the points if you have a unit like this- you dont have to actually do anything with it.) (Re-roll if one army has no vehicles or MCs) Your opponent must choose one of his own Troop units to be the priority unit at the start of the game. If this unit is destroyed or fleeing you get the points ( This includes the units Dedicated Transport if applicable)

4: Priority Unit-

5: Damned if you do Before deployment, inform your opponent which one weapon, psychic power or ranged ability (in the case of demonic weapons) on one of his models will be the marked action. If your marked action is NOT used/fired the entire game you receive 5points. If it is used, you receive nothing. 6: Troop detail Have all your Troop units surviving at the end of the game. Fleeing units count as surviving.

Select up to THREE Bonus Point Items. Each Bonus Point is worth an additional TWO points.
Dont worry if the Bonus Point mission is the same as one of the three main missions. It just makes it all the more exciting!! Once again if you find that multiple objectives are too complicated for casual gaming, feel free to simply use one main objective out of the previous lists.

2d6 Result: 2:
3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: Destroy an enemy HQ in hand to hand. (Run down by sweeping advance counts) Destroy your opponents lowest point unit * Keep all your Troops above 50% VP level. If your highest point unit is still at above 50%VP or undamaged. * All enemy HQs are at least wounded or damaged at the end of the game. * Destroy your enemys highest point unit. * Destroy your enemys lowest point TROOP unit (Dedicated Transports do not count) * Destroy an enemy HQ by shooting (or breaking and fleeing as a result of shooting). Destroy an enemy vehicle or monstrous creature in close combat. Have all your HQs alive at the end of the game.

12: One unit chosen by you at any time, may not voluntarily move or fire (before or after chosen) the entire game. * Points marked with an asterisk include units broken/fleeing at the end of the game.

EXAMPLE MISSIONS: 1- Surgical Strike: a. Primary Mission: b. Secondary Mission: c. Tertiary Mission: i. Bonus: 2- Tactical Positioning: a. Primary Mission: b. Secondary Mission: c. Tertiary Mission: i. Bonus: 3- War Games: a. Primary Mission: b. Secondary Mission: c. Tertiary Mission: i. Bonus:

Specialist Killer Aspiring Champion Priority Unit 7,3,11 Break the Line Board Quarters Retrieval 2,3,12 Escort Dig In Damned if you do 5,8,10

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