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P.E. Soccer 1. 11 Players all in all/Team Composition 2.

. Goal Keeper Only players allowed to touch the ball with their hands or arms 3. Penalty Shootout or Extra Time . If the score is tied at the end of the game, either a draw is declared 4. England Where the Laws of The Game was published by the Football Association 5. FIFA governs the Association Football and organizes the World Cup every four years 6. Running basic skill that every player should learn and master 7. Kicking In passing, dribbling and aiming for the goal, kicking is the basic skill that every player should master 8. Volleying The skill needed if one tries to kick a moving ball 9. Jab/Pass A kick especially used in passing a ball accurately over a short distance not exceeding 15 yards 10.Foot , Chest or Knees Proper timing should be observed if one executes a trap which may be employed through these 11.Dribbling a series of short taps on the ball from one foot to the another 12.Heading the Effective use of the neck muscle as one makes a bump on the ball What are the three major 13.Forwards 14.Fullbacks 15.Halfbacks

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