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Students Council


Dubai Modern Education School Students Council 2011-2012

Students Council Report Background Information: The Students Council at Dubai Modern Education School first came to light back in 2011. Students were mostly unable to reach the administration and the responsible people to express their needs/wants in the school. Their complaints were never clearly heard. However, after the formation of the Student Body, this has changed and their voices are finally being heard. Not only did the council show progress in the school development, students abilities and skills greatly improved as well. Students Council of 2010-2011 Last year, the first elections for the Students Council positions surfaced. Papers were distributed in classes and students had to choose their class representatives and a number of members, known as Class Presidents and Committee Leaders respectively. Shortly after, one of the Class Presidents was chosen to take the position of the Students Council President. This was decided during a meeting which had all the class representatives and committee leaders. To clarify, the Students Council was split into five committees: y y y y y Sportive Committee Literary Committee Social and Religion Committee Scientific Committee Art Committee

Each of these five committees has a leader (a class representative) and members. They are guided by the President of the Students Council. Those committees feature members that are dedicated to do certain tasks. For example, people in the Art committee should have experience in art and they are responsible to help whenever something in common is need (posters, banner designs, etc). The Council achieved lots of things last year. The elections were a bit messy, but it turned out right at the end. There were many activities that were made and held last year even with the short amount of time the students had to organize them. Everything was packed in the last term.


Students Council (2011-2012)

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