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One Approach to Reviewing Geography in the Context of NZC and Revised AS

As part of: Teachers Day at Positioning Geography Conference January 20th 2010

Paul Keown


22 January 2012 1

There are Five Key Directions set by p.7 of NZC

And they all contribute to the School Curriculum of your school

22 January 2012

The School Curriculum: Design and Review

(NZC p.37)

Curriculum is designed and interpreted in a three-stage process: as the national curriculum, the school curriculum, and the classroom curriculum. The national curriculum provides the framework and common direction for schools, regardless of type, size, or location. It gives schools the scope, flexibility, and authority they need to design and shape their curriculum so that teaching and learning is meaningful and beneficial to their particular communities of students. In turn, the design of each schools curriculum should allow teachers the scope to make interpretations in response to the particular needs, interests, and talents of individuals and groups of students in their classes. (NZC p.37)

Has your school developed a school curriculum? What is your classroom curriculum?

22 January 2012

How might your School Curriculum be structured? (NZC p.37-38)

Schools may, for example, decide to organise their curriculum around: One of these three aspects (values, key competencies, or learning areas) and deliberately weave the other two through their programmes. Alternatively, they may decide to organise their curriculum around central themes, integrating values, key competencies, knowledge, and skills across a number of learning areas. Or they may use another approach or a combination of approaches. The values, competencies, knowledge, and skills that students will need for addressing real-life situations are rarely confined to one part of the curriculum. Wherever possible, schools should aim to design their curriculum so that learning crosses apparent boundaries.

22 January 2012

One way of Integrating NZC front-end requirements to arrive at School Curriculum Themes
Value Excellence Inquiry Curiosity Innovation Diversity Respect Community Participation Equity Integrity Ecological sustainability Equity Integrity Principle Vision Key Competency Future focus (p39) Managing self Thinking Language Symbols and Text Globalisation Citizenship Enterprise Curriculum Theme Being our best: doing our best Great thinking: great thinkers High Lifelong learner expectations Learning to learn Lifelong learner Coherence

Inclusion Community engagement

Cultural diversity Relating to others Actively involved Participating & Contributing

Celebrating our differences Our community and taking part

Future focus


Looking after the Future Personal growth: becoming who we want to be


Managing self Thinking Language Symbols and Text

22 January 2012

A Classroom Curriculum for Geography Level 1

School Curriculum Theme Geography Topics Level 1 NCEA NZC Social Sciences Geography Achievement Objective Investigating a significant Natural Natural and cultural and cultural environment environment characteristics, geographic issue, (eg Samoan processes and patterns. Tsunami, Haiti Earthquake etc) Either according to development of the topic. People interact with natural and cultural environments and these have consequences. People interact with natural and cultural environments and these have consequences. People interact with natural and cultural environments and these have consequences. People interact with natural and cultural environments and these have consequences. NCEA Level One Achievement Standard possibilities Extreme natural event Geographic Research

Being our best: doing our best (Understanding at depth) Great thinking: great Geographical thinkers and Us. (eg Wegner and plate tectonics; Paul thinkers Celebrating our differences Our community and taking part Looking after the Future
Vidal de la Blache and cultural geography etc) Differing geographic viewpoints and perspectives (eg land issues, cultural urban spaces etc)

Apply spatial analysis to solve a geographic problem Geographic Research Contemporary Geographic Issues (Viewpoints) Apply spatial analysis to solve a geographic problem Contemporary Geographic Issues (Actions) Apply spatial analysis to solve a geographic problem Sustainable resource use Population geography concepts Causes and significance of a global geographic pattern Apply spatial analysis to solve a geographic problem Apply geographic skills and ideas Contemporary Geographic Issues (Actions)

Geographers make a difference in our community and the world (eg Niwa, Landcare and us!) Population and development and a sustainable future: The future of the Globe? Developing my geographic knowledge and skills for personal and community benefit. (Could include geographers and the real world) .

Personal growth: becoming who we want to be

22 January 2012

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