Principal Chief Sekhu Hidden Eagle Gentle - Yamassee Muskogee Nation

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Chief Sekhu Hidden Eagle Gentle

Born August 25th, 1974 in Florida to Chief Brenda Red Crow Thunderbird Mitchell Daughter of Betty Robinson & Edward James Mitchell; Chief Sekhu's father is Colonel Geronimo Gentle son of Katherine Simmons & Willie Gentle. Chief Sekhu Hidden Eagle is the one of the Few Last Yamassee Pure bloods, that has been raised and taught by the Elders. Living in Monticello & Tampa, Fl for most of his adolescent life, then living in Louisiana amongst the Choctaw, and Apalachee of his family during his pre-teen years Sent to his Great Grandmother for learning of culture and heritage of the Yamassee, then Clan Mother and Elder Martha Mary Magdalene Wright, Whom became Clan Mother and Matriarch after the Death of her Aunt and Grand Matriarch Roberta Wright-(Ryham).
(More Information provided later)

Matron Martha Tiny Wright Miki Sekhu Gentle is also the Great Grandson of Matriach Fannie Gentle, daughter of Grand Matron Frances Rivers of Yamassee, Fl now known as Jackson County,FL. Frances Rivers was born to Chief London & Fannie Rivers in Yemessee,Beaufort County, SC. London Rivers father of Frances Rivers was born to Chief Simon Rivers also in Yemessee, SC. Us Census Record of Simon Rivers Beaufort County,SC As the Story is passed down to Chief Sekhu, after the War's settled down Alot of our Yamassee Family that was living in Yamassee, Fl ( Jackson County) & Monticello, Florida along with Multiple Towns, in Northern Florida, returned to our home land of South Carolina around the early 1800's. We easily integrated back in with our family that never left, whom stayed in South Carolina, amongst the White Settlers disguised as Tama, Cherokee, Upper Creek and Various Tribes by the old Names.

The White Settlers who for the most part after the wars, left us alone, and did not want war with us again. "The Stories said by My Ancestors" Miki Sekhu Says, "tells of the pale face as we called them, reasons for leaving us out of history was knowing that if they alerted the British government of our presence still in the region, it would be a costly and devasting situation for the Colonial Whites to deal with AGAIN. So we all shared a reciprocity, (Please note the Movie the Patriot with " Mel Gibson") they allowed us to live in peace as independent and Sovereign Farmers, and traders in Beaufort County area and we did the same trying to stay neutral when Wars or Conflicts Arose with other family members. Chief Sekhu also notes the " Lie" of total Extinction was fabricated by Governor Craven to Save face, and as they openly admit in documents, they only attacked, the Saltkechie family members who consisted of a colony of Elders, Women and Children, that was sent there for Protection during the "Yamassee War of 1715". Craven had an advantage knowing they were defenseless because of whom resided in that area and also having reassurance that the Yamassee looked at him as a Brother, so of course he took them By complete Surprise. Further stories confirm, Craven took this approach because there were over a Million of the Yamassee Creek people and as history shows, is the reason why this war was supposed to be so monumental. Some of Chiefs Sekhu Gentle Family and Chiefs later returned to Georgia, And Florida, to reunite with the rest of the Yamassee Family that stayed and permanently relocated to Florida intermingling with the Various tribes, Such as the "Seminole" which means Runaway, this term was used and explained by his ancestors, to show those whom ran instead of fight, contradictory to His-Story being told today. The

Seminoles comes from the fact that Yamassee, Apalachee, and a few Spanish & British "owned" slaves of that time were mixing, and became part of this Tribe of Yamassee. The Light Complexion of current Seminole seen today is from out Breeding with the Spanish and English Settlers and our sisters and brothers are far Lighter than their (Ab)-Original Ancestors, which are the Yamassee. Chief Sekhu's was told, that the matriarchs of the family was faced with being killed, raped or mixing by whites of their day and time through slave raids, and common disrespect so they Listed themselves on the "Dawes Roll" as Cherokee because the Cherokee had aligned themselves better with the Whites than the Yamassee. They also made note that there was No Cherokee in Florida, and all was of Muskogee Creek-stock, further verification is noted in the accepted tribes on the B.I.A. list who could not confirm their existence in Florida. His Grandmother, on his father side "Katherine Simmons" is an Example of the Yamassee Mixture with the Apalachee & other Mound Builders like the "Tocobaga of Tampa". Matron Katherine "Kat" Simmons passed on this knowledge of the Seminole blood line & Traditions, Stories & Stern Discipline of the Seminole people from the attempted mass genocide attempted several times after the final Yamassee War. Chief Sekhu has a long list of Direct family members listed on the Dawes Roll, Miller Roll & More! (More to Come on the Yamassee History).

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