Normal Laboratory Values

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Serum (Normal Laboratory Values) WBC neutrophils Eosinophils Basophils monocyte lymphocyte Hgb Hct McV Blood Glucose

ESR 5-10 x 109/L 45-70% 1-3% 0-2% 3-9% 20-40% M: 13-18 g/dl F:12-16g/dl M: 42-52% F:35-47% 76-79 fL FBS: 70-120mg/dl Post prandial (2h): 65-140 mg/dl F (<50 y/o): <25mm/h F (>50 y/o): <30mm/h M (<50 y/o):<15mm/h M (>50 y/o):<20mm/h 1.5-9.5 min ~Melon2012 RBC McH MCHC Platelet Albumin Creatinine BUN AST ALT aPTT INR 4.5 6 x 1012/L 27-32pg 332-360 g/L 150-400 x 109/L 39.7-49.7 g/L 44-80 mol/L 8-23 mg/dl 0-32 /L 0-33 /L 20-39 seconds 2-3 for therapy in atrial fib, DVT Pulmonary embolism 2.5-3.5 prosthetic heart valve Na K Ca Mg Cl Phosphate ABGs pH pCO2 pO2 HCO3 136-145 mmol/L 3.5-5.1 mmol/L 3.5-5 mEq/L 1.6-2.5 mg/dL or 1.3-2.1 mEq/L 98-106 mEq/L 1.7 2/6 mEq/L or 2.5-4.5 mg/dl

7.35 7.45 35-45 mmHg 80-100mmHg 22-26 mEq/L

The world like people who have dreams The world likes people who try to realize their dreams

Bleeding time

Therapeutic values Acetaminophen Aminophyline (Theophyline) Bromide Carbamazepine Carbon monoxide 10-30g/ml 10-20 g/ml 5-20 g/ml 4-12 g/ml Symptoms with 10-30% saturation Chlordiozepoxid e Diazepam Digoxin Digitoxin Ethanol 0.7-1.0 g/ml 0.2-1.0 g/ml 0.8-2ng/ml 18-35ng/ml Legal Intoxication: 0.1% or above Marked Intoxication: 0.3 0.4% Alcoholic Stupor: 0.4-0.5% 10-20mg/L Phenytoin Primidone Quinidine Salicylate Vnacomycin 10-20 g/ml 5-12 g/ml 0.2-0.5mg/dl 2-25mg/dl Toxic levels: >30mg/dl 20-40 g/ml

Gentamicin Lithium Methanol Lidocaine Valproic acid 2012 ~Melon

4-10 g/ml 0.6-1.2mEq/L Maybe Fatal in concentration as low as 10mg/dl 1.5-5 g/ml 50-100 ng/ml


Phenobarbital Methotrexate

15-40 g/ml Toxic (48h p high dose) 454 mg/ml

Amitriptylin e Doxepin Imipramine Propanolol

80-200ng/ml 150-250ng/ml 100-300ng/ml 50-100 ng/ml

Our greatest Glory is not in never failing but in rising every time we fall

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