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1/18/2010 3:51:00 PM

Table of Contents to Printed User Guide to Design-Expert Version 8 Software

Table of Contents 0. i. ii. 1. i. ii. 2. i. ii. iii. iv. 3. i. ii. iii. iv. 4. i. ii. 5. i. ii. iii. iv. v. 6. i. ii. 7. i. ii. 8. Preface (this and other sections are spaced by colored paper) Table of Contents (this document) Flowchart [DX8-00-Flowchart] General One-Factor tutorials: Part 1 [DX8-02A-Gen1Factor-P1] Part 2 [DX8-02B-Gen1Factor-P2] General (One or Two) Factorial tutorials: Part 1 [DX8-02C-Gen2Factorial-P1] Part 2 [DX8-02D-Gen2Factorial-P2] Split plot [DX8-02E-SplitPlotGen] Nested [DX8-02F-NestedGen] Two-Level Factorial tutorials: Part 1 [DX8-03A-TwoLevel-P1] Foldover [DX8-03C-Foldover] Split plot [DX8-03D-TwoLevelSplitPlot] Taguchi [DX8-03E-Taguchi] One-Factor RSM tutorials: Part 1 [DX8-04A-OneFactorRSM-P1] Part 2 [DX8-04B-OneFactorRSM-P2] Multifactor RSM tutorials: Part 1 [DX8-04C-MultifactorRSM-P1] Part 2 [DX8-04D-MultifactorRSM-P2] Part 3 [DX8-04E-MultifactorRSM-P3] D-optimal RSM [DX8-04F-MultifactorRSM-Dopt] Categorical [DX8-04G-MultifactorRSM-Cat] Historical RSM tutorials: Part 1 [DX8-04H-HistRSM-P1] Part 2 [DX8-04I-HistRSM-P2] Mixture Design tutorials: Part 1 [DX8-05A-Mix-P1] Part 2 [DX8-05B-Mix-P2] Combined Mixture-Process tutorial [DX8-06-Combined]

Software-Training-Consulting Statistics Made Easy

Z:\Manual\DX8\Printed user-guide\DX8 Contents


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