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NASTASIA NOENS 2011-2012 INTERVIEW Great moments from this season 2010-2011 Your first World Cup slalom

podium in Flachau? It was a great satisfaction because I realized a few races before that I could climb the podium. Also, the run in Flachau is one of my favorites, so I could ski like I wanted. That moment was incredible. Your entry into the worlds Top 10 after a very consistent season? My goal last season was to consistently be in the Top 10. So I am so happy to have been able to be so consistent in all my races. Your ambitions for next season 2011-2012 Your preparation and goals for the off-season, notably after your injury? This year I changed everything because of my injury, but it is interesting to focus on physical training because I can progress in other aspects like my endurance. I think it will have a positive effect for this season. Your goals for next season? My goal is to be 100% ready at the beginning of December.Then, I hope to be consistent in all my races, climb the podium and earn points in giant slalom. Nastasia without her skis Your other passions and hobbies? At the beginning of my rehab, I could not bike or run much, so I swam a lot. I love being in the water or on my lounge chair! Also, shopping and spending time with my family and friends in Nice. Your home when you are not travelling? I am always moving around a lot, but I like to spend time in Annecy. I dont have to drive as much and life is sweet around the lake! Your career and major life events I grew up in Nice and spent every winter in Auron. I belong to the Inter Club de Nice. After middle school in St. Etienne de Tinee, I went to high school in Villars de Lans then entered the high level athlete studies program in Albertville. Your family and their role in your career My family has always supported me and my career, but thank goodness they are not part of the ski world so I can really disconnect from it when I visit. If you were not a skier, who would you be? I would still be athletic, maybe even a swimmer. When I was little, I swam and raced with a club! I loved sports. Or something completely different rally race car driver.

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