Collab Barriers

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Barriers to Collaboration

Barrier controlling principal shot down ideas or required extensive documentation of progress. Barrier Taking turns teaching; 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off Barrier Collaborating with parents Barrier Teachers relinquishing control of their classroom Barrier As an ECE resource teacher collaborating with many general education teachers. Barrier I am shy and don t always ask questions. Barrier teacher didn t want to ask me to do too much Barrier it was hard to find time to communicate with teacher Barrier I did not have a lot of information about the students. Barrier cooperating teacher was disorganized and had difficulty relinquishing control of the classroom. Barrier I struggled getting to know all of the students Barrier I was new Barrier My own self confidence. I was afraid of over stepping my bounds Barrier Lack of communication between general and special ed teachers. Barrier My own self confidence. I was afraid of over stepping my bounds. Barrier General ed teacher has difficulty giving up control to ECE teacher Barrier Lack of support, communication, other teacher is set in her ways

Barrier I am shy and quiet and it takes me a while to feel comfortable. Barrier Cooperating teacher had difficulty relinquishing control of the classroom. Barrier Cooperating teacher did not take time to communicate or collaborate. Barrier Lack of common planning Barrier Acting as an assistant to ECE students exclusively Barrier Lack of involvement from other person Barrier Lack of common planning Barrier Gen ed teacher has difficulty giving up control to spec ed teacher Barrier my own assertiveness; afraid of stepping on toes .

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