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Jens Mueller

PREPARED BY : Inderjit Kaur 20110142 Parnay Lokare 20110854 Udita Sood 20101401

Live so that when your children think of fairness and integrity, they think of you.

Conflict of interest

Insider trading and Fair Trading

Disclosure of information

Confidentiality and Privacy of information

Company asset protection

Compliance with law and regulation




Reduction in salary



Criminal prosecution

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Goodwill of organization Privacy Set from top Reflects policies, controls and processes. Create transparency. Job involvement.

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Low profits Waste of time Compromise Shift of focus Distrust of employees Low moral in employees.

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Bankrupt in 2001 Orchestrate the financial statement. Chairman charged guilty for 9 out of 10 cases. Jeffery convinced chairman to hide real statements

Participation of staff

Appreciative through Training:

Involvement of senior management

Communication and Raising Awareness

Measuring Code of Conduct Programs

Employee surveys and Feedback

Identify ethics and observe issues before becoming serious Respond Quickly with Corrective action Whistle blowing

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