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Comfort is a state of physical and emotional well being B. Assisting patients with their comfort needs is a major nursing assistant responsibility C. Patients are uncomfortable when their physical and emotional needs are not met 1. Unmet needs cause tension and anxiety, and interfere with comfort and rest II. Pain A. Pain is a state of discomfort that is unpleasant for the patient; it is always a warning that something is wrong B. Pain slows recovery in individuals with acute illness ans increases health care costs C. Patients responses to pain vary widely and may be affected by culture D. Pain affects well-being and quality of life E. Patients have the right to timely pain assessments and management F. The patients self-report of pain is the most accurate indicator of the existence and intensity of pain, and should be respected and believed 1. Never question the validity of the patients complaints 2. Pain always needs further intervention; it should never be ignored 3. Always report verbal complaints of pain and body language suggesting pain G. Purpose of the pain rating scale H. Observations about pain I. Nursing assistant comfort measures III.Rest A. Rest in a state of mental and physical comfort, calmness, and relaxation B. The patients basic needs of hunger, thirst, elimination, and pain must be met before effective rest is possible C. Environmental factors that promote rest D. Importance of balancing activity with rest IV. Sleep A. Sleep is a period of continuous or intermittent unconsciousness in which physical movements are decreased B. Sleep is a basic need of all people that allows the mind and body to rest C. Adequate sleep in necessary for the body and mind to function properly D. Factors affecting the quantity and quality of sleep E. Nonrapid eye movement (NREM) sleep 1. Has four phrases, progressing from light to very deep 2. Begins when the patient first falls asleep 3. Arousal is easy in the first two phases; it becomes more difficult as the patient progresses through the cycle F. Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep 1. Restores mental functions 2. Dreams occur 3. avoid wakening the patient, if possible 4. Lasts 60-90 minutes

G. Sleep disorders 1. Insomnia 2. Hypersomnia 3. Narcolepsy 4. Sleep apnea 5. Sleep deprivation 6. Bruxism 7. Enuresis 8. Somnambulism V. Nursing Assistant Measures to Promote Comfort, Rest, and Sleep

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