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Harness Oracle Architecture

User Schema A

Harness Schema

Harness User (any existing schema)

User A Must be a user with sysdba privileges Only purpose is to grant select privileges on 21 virtual dictionary tables and execute privileges on 2 packages to the Harnessschema. Privileges are granted with harness_dba_privs script (note: the DBA role IS NOT granted, the name of the script is misleading)

Harness Schema Schema that owns the following Harness objects - 2 views - 1 table - 3 public synonyms - 1 global temp table No one needs access to this schema in order to use the tool. Objects are created by running the harness_sys_install script Objects are dropped by running the harness_sys_uninstall scripts. Tony Garciaserra, Moser Consulting, Inc.

Harness User Any existing user schema that wants to use the Harness tool. (a developer perhaps?) The following objects are created and private to the schema: - 15 tables - 1 sequence - 6 procedures


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