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#!/bin/bash # # Script used to cleanup any Oracle environment.

# # Cleans: audit_log_dest # background_dump_dest # core_dump_dest # user_dump_dest # Clusterware logs # # Rotates: Alert Logs # Listener Logs # # Scheduling: 00 00 * * * /export/home/oracle/bin/ -d 31 > /tmp/cl eanhouse.log 2>&1 # # Created By: Shad Rich 2008-09-16 # # History: Shad Rich 2009-01-01 - Fixed some bugs to make it compatible wit h Linux. # RM="rm -f" RMDIR="rm -rf" LS="ls -l" MV="mv" TOUCH="touch" TESTTOUCH="echo touch" TESTMV="echo mv" TESTRM=$LS TESTRMDIR=$LS SUCCESS=0 FAILURE=1 TEST=0 HOSTNAME=`hostname` ORAENV="oraenv" TODAY=`date +%Y%m%d` ORIGPATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH ORIGLD=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH export PATH=$ORIGPATH # Usage function. f_usage(){ echo "Usage: `basename $0` -d DAYS [-a DAYS] [-b DAYS] [-c DAYS] [-n DAYS] [-r DAYS] [-u DAYS] [-t] [-h]" echo " -d = Mandatory default number of days to keep log files that are not explicitly passed as parameters." echo " -a = Optional number of days to keep audit logs." echo " -b = Optional number of days to keep background dumps." echo " -c = Optional number of days to keep core dumps." echo " -n = Optional number of days to keep network log files." echo " -r = Optional number of days to keep clusterware log files." echo " -u = Optional number of days to keep user dumps." echo " -h = Optional help mode." echo " -t = Optional test mode. Does not delete any files." } if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then f_usage

exit $FAILURE fi # Function used to check the validity of days. f_checkdays(){ if [ $1 -lt 1 ]; then echo "ERROR: Number of days is invalid." exit $FAILURE fi if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "ERROR: Number of days is invalid." exit $FAILURE fi } # Function used to cut log files. f_cutlog(){ # Set name of log file. LOG_FILE=$1 CUT_FILE=${LOG_FILE}.${TODAY} FILESIZE=`ls -l $LOG_FILE awk '{print $5}'` # Cut the log file if it has not been cut today. if [ -f $CUT_FILE ]; then echo "Log Already Cut Today: $CUT_FILE" elif [ ! -f $LOG_FILE ]; then echo "Log File Does Not Exist: $LOG_FILE" elif [ $FILESIZE -eq 0 ]; then echo "Log File Has Zero Size: $LOG_FILE" else # Cut file. echo "Cutting Log File: $LOG_FILE" $MV $LOG_FILE $CUT_FILE $TOUCH $LOG_FILE fi } # Function used to delete log files. f_deletelog(){ # Set name of log file. CLEAN_LOG=$1 # Set time limit and confirm it is valid. CLEAN_DAYS=$2 f_checkdays $CLEAN_DAYS # Delete old log files if they exist. find $CLEAN_LOG.[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9] -type f -mtime +$CLEA N_DAYS -exec $RM {} \; 2>/dev/null } # Function used to get database parameter values. f_getparameter(){ if [ -z "$1" ]; then return fi PARAMETER=$1 sqlplus -s /nolog <<EOF awk -F= "/^a=/ {print \$2}"

set head off pagesize 0 feedback off linesize 200 whenever sqlerror exit 1 conn / as sysdba select 'a=' value from v\$parameter where name = '$PARAMETER'; EOF } # Function to get unique list of directories. f_getuniq(){ if [ -z "$1" ]; then return fi ARRCNT=0 MATCH=N x=0 for e in `echo $1`; do if [ ${#ARRAY[*]} -gt 0 ]; then # See if the array element is a duplicate. while [ $x -lt ${#ARRAY[*]} ]; do if [ "$e" = "${ARRAY[$x]}" ]; then MATCH=Y fi done fi if [ "$MATCH" = "N" ]; then ARRAY[$ARRCNT]=$e ARRCNT=`expr $ARRCNT+1` fi x=`expr $x + 1` done echo ${ARRAY[*]} } # Parse the command line options. while getopts a:b:c:d:n:r:u:th OPT; do case $OPT in a) ADAYS=$OPTARG ;; b) BDAYS=$OPTARG ;; c) CDAYS=$OPTARG ;; d) DDAYS=$OPTARG ;; n) NDAYS=$OPTARG ;; r) RDAYS=$OPTARG ;; u) UDAYS=$OPTARG ;; t) TEST=1 ;; h) f_usage exit 0 ;; *) f_usage

exit 2 ;; esac done shift $(($OPTIND - 1)) # Ensure the default number of days is passed. if [ -z "$DDAYS" ]; then echo "ERROR: The default days parameter is mandatory." f_usage exit $FAILURE fi f_checkdays $DDAYS echo "`basename $0` Started `date`." # Use test mode if specified. if [ $TEST -eq 1 ] then RM=$TESTRM RMDIR=$TESTRMDIR MV=$TESTMV TOUCH=$TESTTOUCH echo "Running in TEST mode." fi # Set the number of days to the default if not explicitly set. ADAYS=${ADAYS:-$DDAYS}; echo "Keeping audit logs for $ADAYS days."; f_checkdays $ADAYS BDAYS=${BDAYS:-$DDAYS}; echo "Keeping background logs for $BDAYS days."; f_check days $BDAYS CDAYS=${CDAYS:-$DDAYS}; echo "Keeping core dumps for $CDAYS days."; f_checkdays $CDAYS NDAYS=${NDAYS:-$DDAYS}; echo "Keeping network logs for $NDAYS days."; f_checkday s $NDAYS RDAYS=${RDAYS:-$DDAYS}; echo "Keeping clusterware logs for $RDAYS days."; f_chec kdays $RDAYS UDAYS=${UDAYS:-$DDAYS}; echo "Keeping user logs for $UDAYS days."; f_checkdays $ UDAYS # Check for the oratab file. if [ -f /var/opt/oracle/oratab ]; then ORATAB=/var/opt/oracle/oratab elif [ -f /etc/oratab ]; then ORATAB=/etc/oratab else echo "ERROR: Could not find oratab file." exit $FAILURE fi # Build list of distinct Oracle Home directories. OH=`egrep -i ":Y :N" $ORATAB grep -v "^#" grep -v "\*" t uniq` # Exit if there are not Oracle Home directories. if [ -z "$OH" ]; then echo "No Oracle Home directories to clean." exit $SUCCESS fi cut -d":" -f2 sor

# Get the list of running databases. SIDS=`ps -e -o args grep pmon grep -v grep # Gather information for each running database. for ORACLE_SID in `echo $SIDS` do # Set the Oracle environment. ORAENV_ASK=NO export ORACLE_SID . $ORAENV

awk -F_ '{print $3}'


if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Could not set Oracle environment for $ORACLE_SID." else export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib:$ORIGLD ORAENV_ASK=YES echo "ORACLE_SID: $ORACLE_SID" # Get the audit_dump_dest. ADUMPDEST=`f_getparameter audit_dump_dest` if [ ! -z "$ADUMPDEST" ] && [ -d "$ADUMPDEST" 2>/dev/null ]; then echo " Audit Dump Dest: $ADUMPDEST" ADUMPDIRS="$ADUMPDIRS $ADUMPDEST" fi # Get the background_dump_dest. BDUMPDEST=`f_getparameter background_dump_dest` echo " Background Dump Dest: $BDUMPDEST" if [ ! -z "$BDUMPDEST" ] && [ -d "$BDUMPDEST" ]; then BDUMPDIRS="$BDUMPDIRS $BDUMPDEST" fi # Get the core_dump_dest. CDUMPDEST=`f_getparameter core_dump_dest` echo " Core Dump Dest: $CDUMPDEST" if [ ! -z "$CDUMPDEST" ] && [ -d "$CDUMPDEST" ]; then CDUMPDIRS="$CDUMPDIRS $CDUMPDEST" fi # Get the user_dump_dest. UDUMPDEST=`f_getparameter user_dump_dest` echo " User Dump Dest: $UDUMPDEST" if [ ! -z "$UDUMPDEST" ] && [ -d "$UDUMPDEST" ]; then UDUMPDIRS="$UDUMPDIRS $UDUMPDEST" fi fi done # Do cleanup for each Oracle Home. for ORAHOME in `f_getuniq "$OH"` do # Get the standard audit directory if present. if [ -d $ORAHOME/rdbms/audit ]; then ADUMPDIRS="$ADUMPDIRS $ORAHOME/rdbms/audit" fi

# Get the Cluster Ready Services Daemon (crsd) log directory if present. if [ -d $ORAHOME/log/$HOSTNAME/crsd ]; then CRSLOGDIRS="$CRSLOGDIRS $ORAHOME/log/$HOSTNAME/crsd" fi # Get the Oracle Cluster Registry (OCR) log directory if present. if [ -d $ORAHOME/log/$HOSTNAME/client ]; then OCRLOGDIRS="$OCRLOGDIRS $ORAHOME/log/$HOSTNAME/client" fi # Get the Cluster Synchronization Services (CSS) log directory if present. if [ -d $ORAHOME/log/$HOSTNAME/cssd ]; then CSSLOGDIRS="$CSSLOGDIRS $ORAHOME/log/$HOSTNAME/cssd" fi # Get the Event Manager (EVM) log directory if present. if [ -d $ORAHOME/log/$HOSTNAME/evmd ]; then EVMLOGDIRS="$EVMLOGDIRS $ORAHOME/log/$HOSTNAME/evmd" fi # Get the RACG log directory if present. if [ -d $ORAHOME/log/$HOSTNAME/racg ]; then RACGLOGDIRS="$RACGLOGDIRS $ORAHOME/log/$HOSTNAME/racg" fi done # Clean the audit_dump_dest directories. if [ ! -z "$ADUMPDIRS" ]; then for DIR in `f_getuniq "$ADUMPDIRS"`; do if [ -d $DIR ]; then echo "Cleaning Audit Dump Directory: $DIR" find $DIR -type f -name "*.aud" -mtime +$ADAYS -exec $RM {} \; 2>/dev/null fi done fi # Clean the background_dump_dest directories. if [ ! -z "$BDUMPDIRS" ]; then for DIR in `f_getuniq "$BDUMPDIRS"`; do if [ -d $DIR ]; then echo "Cleaning Background Dump Destination Directory: $DIR" # Clean up old trace files. find $DIR -type f -name "*.tr[c,m]" -mtime +$BDAYS -exec $RM {} \; 2>/dev/ null find $DIR -type d -name "cdmp*" -mtime +$BDAYS -exec $RMDIR {} \; 2>/dev/n ull fi if [ -d $DIR ]; then # Cut the alert log and clean old ones. for f in `find $DIR -type f -name "alert\_*.log" ! -name "alert_[0-9A-Z]*. [0-9]*.log" 2>/dev/null`; do echo "Alert Log: $f" f_cutlog $f f_deletelog $f $BDAYS done fi done fi

# Clean the core_dump_dest directories. if [ ! -z "$CDUMPDIRS" ]; then for DIR in `f_getuniq "$CDUMPDIRS"`; do if [ -d $DIR ]; then echo "Cleaning Core Dump Destination: $DIR" find $DIR -type d -name "core*" -mtime +$CDAYS -exec $RMDIR {} \; 2>/dev/n ull fi done fi # Clean the user_dump_dest directories. if [ ! -z "$UDUMPDIRS" ]; then for DIR in `f_getuniq "$UDUMPDIRS"`; do if [ -d $DIR ]; then echo "Cleaning User Dump Destination: $DIR" find $DIR -type f -name "*.trc" -mtime +$UDAYS -exec $RM {} \; 2>/dev/null fi done fi # Cluster Ready Services Daemon (crsd) Log Files for DIR in `f_getuniq "$CRSLOGDIRS $OCRLOGDIRS $CSSLOGDIRS $EVMLOGDIRS $RACGLOGD IRS"`; do if [ -d $DIR ]; then echo "Cleaning Clusterware Directory: $DIR" find $DIR -type f -name "*.log" -mtime +$RDAYS -exec $RM {} \; 2>/dev/null fi done # Clean Listener Log Files. # Get the list of running listeners. It is assumed that if the listener is not r unning, the log file does not need to be cut. ps -e -o args grep tnslsnr grep -v grep while read LSNR; do # Derive the lsnrctl path from the tnslsnr process path. TNSLSNR=`echo $LSNR awk '{print $1}'` ORACLE_PATH=`dirname $TNSLSNR` ORACLE_HOME=`dirname $ORACLE_PATH` PATH=$ORACLE_PATH:$ORIGPATH LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib:$ORIGLD LSNRCTL=$ORACLE_PATH/lsnrctl echo "Listener Control Command: $LSNRCTL" # Derive the listener name from the running process. LSNRNAME=`echo $LSNR awk '{print $2}' tr "[:upper:]" "[:lower:]"` echo "Listener Name: $LSNRNAME" # Get the listener version. LSNRVER=`$LSNRCTL version grep "LSNRCTL" awk -F. '{print $1}'` echo "Listener Version: $LSNRVER" # Get the TNS_ADMIN variable. echo "Initial TNS_ADMIN: $TNS_ADMIN" unset TNS_ADMIN TNS_ADMIN=`$LSNRCTL status $LSNRNAME print $4}'` if [ ! -z $TNS_ADMIN ]; then grep "Version" awk '{print $5}'

grep "Listener Parameter File"

awk '{

export TNS_ADMIN=`dirname $TNS_ADMIN` else export TNS_ADMIN=$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin fi echo "Network Admin Directory: $TNS_ADMIN" # If the listener is 11g, get the diagnostic dest, etc... if [ $LSNRVER -ge 11 ]; then # Get the listener log file directory. LSNRDIAG=`$LSNRCTL<<EOF grep log_directory awk '{print $6}' set current_listener $LSNRNAME show log_directory EOF` echo "Listener Diagnostic Directory: $LSNRDIAG" # Get the listener trace file name. LSNRLOG=`lsnrctl<<EOF grep trc_directory set current_listener $LSNRNAME show trc_directory EOF` echo "Listener Log File: $LSNRLOG" awk '{print $6"/"$1".log"}'

# If 10g or lower, do not use diagnostic dest. else # Get the listener log file location. LSNRLOG=`$LSNRCTL status $LSNRNAME grep "Listener Log File" $4}'` fi

awk '{print

# See if the listener is logging. if [ -z "$LSNRLOG" ]; then echo "Listener Logging is OFF. Not rotating the listener log." # See if the listener log exists. elif [ ! -r "$LSNRLOG" ]; then echo "Listener Log Does Not Exist: $LSNRLOG" # See if the listener log has been cut today. elif [ -f $LSNRLOG.$TODAY ]; then echo "Listener Log Already Cut Today: $LSNRLOG.$TODAY" # Cut the listener log if the previous two conditions were not met. else # Remove old 11g+ listener log XML files. if [ ! -z "$LSNRDIAG" ] && [ -d "$LSNRDIAG" ]; then echo "Cleaning Listener Diagnostic Dest: $LSNRDIAG" find $LSNRDIAG -type f -name "log\_[0-9]*.xml" -mtime +$NDAYS -exec $RM {} \; 2>/dev/null fi # Disable logging. $LSNRCTL <<EOF set current_listener $LSNRNAME set log_status off EOF # Cut the listener log file. f_cutlog $LSNRLOG # Enable logging.

$LSNRCTL <<EOF set current_listener $LSNRNAME set log_status on EOF # Delete old listener logs. f_deletelog $LSNRLOG $NDAYS fi done echo "`basename $0` Finished `date`." exit

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