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Internet Multimedia & Interactivity Course Outline

ITEC N454 Course Name: Course Code: Credits: Grading Mode(s): Total Periods: Internet Multimedia & Interactivity ITEC N454 4 N - Normal Grading Mode Default (semester based): 64

Course Description: This course covers the concept of multimedia and how to develop multimedia components using different multimedia elements such as text, audio, video and animation. The course also teaches the student how to customize the multimedia elements for an effective way of communicating the information through the web. Students develop a multimedia enhanced application as a part of the course.

Student Course Learning Outcomes: 1. Evaluate the different multimedia elements, formats and the concepts of multimedia for the web and interactive application environment. 2. Develop, using multimedia development tools, multimedia-enhanced elements for web and multimedia applications. 3. Design a simple website for a business using multimedia elements. 4. Design and develop a project with organized multimedia elements, with emphasis on the ability to communicate ideas effectively for a business environment.

Assessment Schedule (may be subject to change)

KEY: Colour Code Assessment Mid-Term Exam Final Exam Timed Class Quiz Individual Project 01 Individual Project 02 Continuous Assessment* Description Theory & Concepts Flash Review: Theory & Practical Drawing Tools Animation Web Content (Classroom Projects, presentations, participation) Weighting 17.5% 30% 10.5% 10.5% 10.5% 21% Deadline Week 10 Week 21 Week 6 Week 8 Week 15 Week 21 (ongoing)
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*see Edmodo Gradebook for more details (Deadlines are subject to change)



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Internet Multimedia & Interactivity Course Outline


Course Outline
Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Topic Orientation & Course Introduction Web graphics & Interactive media examples Introduction to Flash CS5 Class Project 01: Welcome to RAK Class Project 01 (cont) Creating an Avatar Class Project 02: Coffee Banner Class Project 02 (cont) Drawing Tools Review Quiz 01: Flash Drawing Introducing Animation Mini assessment: Individual project 01 Creating a Flash Animation Eid Break (tbc) Mid-Term Exam (Jargon; Concepts; Theory) Group Presentation 1: Movie Ad Animation Group Presentation 2: Motion and Morphing Group Presentation 3: Interactive Content Group Presentation 4: Text Layout Mini assessment: Individual project 02 Creating Web Content Semester Break Introducing sound and video files Class Project 04: Using sound and video Final Exam Review of Flash tools and Applications Notes Web graphics and multimedia purpose? Infographics; animation; interactive buttons The stage; objects; timelines; Using Flash drawing tools Shapes and Free Transform Prepare for Quiz 1 Timed Class Quiz Scenes and Tweens Day to Night Movie

Prep + Mid-Term Class project 03: Series of student-led presentations (taken from Classroom in a Book). (NB: process not end result will be assessed) Interactive page / banner Infographics (interactive map / graph) Advertisement Importing and interacting with sound / video

16-18 19 20 21

Theory and Practical

Please note changes may be necessary depending on the version of CS4 / CS5 software available.

It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that all work is completed and submitted on time and that all instructions are followed. You may lose marks for not following instructions (e.g. for not sending work in the proper file format; for not naming files correctly etc.)
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You must keep your work safe at all times. Make back-up copies. Problems with viruses or flash disks will not be accepted as valid reasons for missing deadlines or incomplete work. BarryL. 24/01/2012 Page 2 of 2

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