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Proactively Manage IT Service Performance Across Your Enterprise with CA eHealth Network Performance Manager

CA eHealth CA Network & Voice Management CA Service Availability Management

CA eHealth
CA eHealth Network Performance Manager CA eHealth E2E Console CA eHealth Live Health Application CA eHealth Distributed eHealth CA eHealth Application Response CA eHealth Traffic Accountant CA eHealth SystemEDGE CA eHealth Remote Poller CA eHealth CA SPECTRUM Integration CA eHealth Universal Workflow Integration Modules (HP OpenView, Micromuse Netcool, Cisco CIC) CA eHealth Universal Data Integration Modules (Cisco WAN Manager, Cisco IP Solution Center, Lucent, Nortel, Alcatel and Psytechnics Experience Manager) CA eHealth Universal Wireless Data Integration Modules (Nortel, Starent)

Copyright 2008 CA. All rights reserved. All trademarks, trade names, service marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies.

CA eHealth helps improve service availability across your multivendor, multiplatform network infrastructure and reduce the cost of IT operations. With proactive management from CA eHealth, you can pinpoint service degradations, enabling you to take corrective action before your business is affected.

Management of todays enterprise networks can be a very noisy affair as management tools bury you in data. This data is in multiple formats, doesnt distinguish well between transient and persistent conditions and provides little predictability making IT staff reactive, overburdened and inefficient. CA eHealth Network Performance Manager (CA eHealth NPM) unifies and automates performance management of multivendor, multitechnology networks with proactive, real-time analysis, distilling data from disparate sources across all technology silos into clear, predictive and actionable information.

CA eHealth NPM maximizes IT infrastructure performance by proactively detecting degradations in real time before users and business processes are affected. You can transform your IT operations from reactive to proactive and be more efficient through CA eHealth NPM intelligent real-time and information-rich historical reporting for all technology domains. With CA eHealth NPM, you can demonstrate ITs business value to executives and business stakeholders with its extensive reporting for performance, service level, capacity and traffic analysis.

The CA Advantage
CA eHealth NPM integrates with other CA network, system, database and application management solutions, agents and third-party products to provide rapid problem identification and resolution and proactive service assurance across multivendor and multitechnology infrastructures, ensuring high availability and performance. CA eHealth NPM is a key component of CAs Enterprise IT Management (EITM) initiative, which provides a complete service-oriented solution to help you Unify and Simplify the management of complex IT computing environments across your enterprise.


CA eHealth NPM Integrates and Automates Performance Management Across Multivendor and Multitechnology Networks
Business today is network-dependent, with IT services that must be always available and operating at acceptable performance levels for both internal and external users and automated business processes. The importance of service availability is escalating; studies indicate that network outages now cost enterprises an average of $100,000 per hour and that network service performance problems are top-of-mind among IT professionals. This challenge is compounded by budgetary constraints that force IT departments to do more with less as they struggle to tame converged multivendor, multitechnology network environments that add new dimensions of complexity. Using fragmented management tools that manage various systems and network elements in isolation, IT teams are buried in redundant and conflicting data and are assaulted by false alarms. In fact, industry research reveals that if your IT operation is at all typical, IT staff members are spending about 80 percent of their time looking for the causes of infrastructure problems. You need to recapture this time with a proactive performance management system that gives you a unified view and centralized control of your entire heterogeneous infrastructure.

Automated and Infrastructure-wide Performance Management

The CA eHealth product family integrates network performance management across the most complex multivendor and multitechnology networks encompassing IPv4, IPv6 and mixed dual stack IPv4/IPv6 environments and presents it in a single, consolidated, actionable view. To provide a complete view of infrastructure health, CA eHealth NPM also monitors, consolidates and reports performance information from systems, databases and applications, all of which affect the health of IT services. CA eHealth NPM collects performance data, evaluates it for threshold violations and issues early warnings in real time so you can address problems before they become critical. The data is stored in a historical database and used for a wide variety of out-of-the box reports to understand the availability and performance of the IT components in your infrastructure. Reports are role-based to meet the specific needs of IT and business management, network operations staff, administrators, engineers and capacity planners. You can spot developing bottlenecks and impending failures in network segments and devices, systems, databases and applications and then document the need for repair, reconfiguration or additional capacity. Conversely, you can identify underutilized assets and downsize or redeploy them to reduce your costs. CA eHealth NPM includes granular service level management for defining different classes of service and assigning goals, core thresholds and other performance metrics to them. Service level reports show the quality of service (QoS) achieved and police service provider compliance with external service level agreements (SLAs).


Proactive Performance Management for Service Availability

The proactive intelligence in CA eHealth NPM is based on two advanced algorithms that are used to understand exceptions in a historical context and assure that only persistent degradation problems are reported. CA has certified hundreds of third-party IT components (routers, switches, servers, databases and applications) to ensure that all key performance indicators (KPIs) are fully monitored and evaluated.
TIME OVER THRESHOLD This algorithm compares the value of a KPI at each poll to a predefined threshold and reports if the value has been too wrong for too long. Instead of generating a trap each time the threshold is crossed, the software looks to historical data to spot real, persistent problems. Fixed, out-of-the-box thresholds for each KPI are based on CAs and its customers years of best practices, and they can be manually configured based on your unique practices. In addition to KPIs, CA eHealth NPM also monitors Time over Threshold for availability and reachability. DEVIATION FROM NORMAL This algorithm baselines the end-to-end performance of your network infrastructure. Rather than comparing current performance to a fixed threshold, the software uses historical data to establish what is normal for a specific day and time and then assesses whether the current behavior deviates from that norm. The algorithm dynamically adjusts normal thresholds (for example, based on the rolling average over the previous six weeks) to reflect the dynamic state of your business.



With predefined thresholds for each key performance indicator (KPI) based on best practices, the CA eHealth NPM Time over Threshold algorithm lets you know when an IT resource has persistent performance problems. The Deviation from Normal algorithm creates a baseline and monitors violations for what is normal for each KPI for your business per hour per day and dynamically adjusts the baseline over time.


Immediate Value, Less Noise, Increased Efficiency

Using these algorithms and applying out-of-the-box rules and intelligence, CA eHealth NPM can discover your network assets, set a baseline for your network and begin detecting performance degradations within hours of installation. Policy-based auto-discovery lets you specify technologies that you want CA eHealth to discover, managing them according to naming and grouping properties that fit your unique environment and IT practices. As you expand your network, automated policy-based discovery incorporates new IT assets into its management domain. Real-time monitoring tools with default profiles for detecting brownouts and service delays let you start monitoring your network without configuring complicated rules. You can elect to monitor your infrastructure at user-defined intervals on specified days or to un-monitor specified devices, systems and applications if you want to focus on areas with higher probabilities of failures. CA eHealth NPM has powerful algorithms that naturally remove redundant alarms. This effectively eliminates the noise caused by transient spikes or repetitive threshold violations and takes the guesswork out of prioritizing management efforts. You get fewer, more intelligent alarms that have been refined by business and historical perspectives. With easy workflow, from live monitoring and exception reporting, and drilling down to insightful role-based reports, your entire team will be more efficient and can take corrective measures before service levels are affected.

CA Live Health: Dynamic, Real-time Performance Reporting Displays

The CA eHealth Live Health Application provides four related real-time displays for monitoring and visualizing the performance of your infrastructure, its components and the services it supports. Notification levels include normal, warning, minor, major and critical.
LIVE STATUS Designed to serve as a single central console for performance alarms, Live Status enables you to map technologies (switches, LAN/WAN segments, systems, etc.) to the groups of users, customers, services, locations and regions that they support. Logically mapping your business environment, it displays the current alarm status of the technologies, using live analysis of incoming data based on performance over time. LIVE EXCEPTIONS

This live interface has three interactive components: an event chart, an organizational view and an event table. Using the organizational view, you select the technology category (for example, routers, DNS servers, Oracle databases, etc.) to watch, enabling the event chart at the top to display the number of active alarms or exceptions over time in that category. The event table provides details on all events for the category.


Using this display, you can seamlessly launch real-time monitoring of affected elements to view performance patterns. Up to 10 variables (key performance indicators) can be displayed for a single IT component (for example, a switch or application) or a single variable can be displayed for up to 10 components of the same type.



This brings you a Web-based on-demand, real-time display of up to 10 variables per graph and selectable timeframes for a historical view of those variables leading up to the present. Variables and historical time frames are easily selected and precise variable attributes and deep granularity can be displayed by hovering your cursor over each point on the graph. For efficient workflow, the displays provided by CA Live Health let you drill down to alarm details and the rich portfolio of CA eHealth NPM historical reports for further triage.



The CA eHealth NPM Live Exceptions web interface (background) displays enterprise-wide performance and utilization threshold violations and lets you launch Live Trend (middle ground) to view the ongoing live status of the key performance indicators status. You can also launch historical reports, such as Alarm Detail (foreground) to show the trend that resulted in the violation.

Live Exceptions Browser

Live Trend

Alarm Detail

Sophisticated Historical Performance Reporting

Sophisticated performance reporting is at the heart of the CA eHealth product family. CA eHealth NPM combines historical and real-time metrics with intelligent analysis to generate out-of-the-box, role-based views that you can use to rapidly pinpoint and correct developing performance degradations before service quality is jeopardized.

At-A-Glance reports provide a comprehensive view of the availability and performance of a particular IT resource, displaying the key statistics over a specified time interval. By automatically capturing performance data and presenting it uniformly, these reports can significantly reduce the time spent troubleshooting.

HEALTH REPORTS These reports evaluate the health of a group of IT components by comparing current performance to historical performance over the course of a day, week or month. The report provides a list of situations to watch and identifies errors, unusual utilization rates or volume shifts that warrant investigation. You can easily spot the overall status of a component by its health index, a value that CA eHealth NPM bases on multiple variables.



CA eHealth NPM generates Trend Reports that track the value of one or more performance variables over a period of time. Because of its flexibility, you can use a Trend Report to reveal traffic patterns over time and relationships between IT components and between variables. Components that you can track this way include: CPUs, disks, LANs, WANs, databases, processes and process sets, user or system partitions, and more.

MYHEALTH REPORTS Displayed in the CA eHealth NPM Web interface, MyHealth Reports are easily tailored to meet the unique needs of any individual user. They can include any collection of trend charts from the wide range of CA eHealth NPM reports that are critical to a particular users job function (for example, database, server, WAN and application availability performance, all related to a specific IT service). SERVICE AVAILABILITY REPORTS By performing regularly scheduled tests on IT services, you can watch over your critical business applications from email to SAP to ecommerce. Common examples are: ping testing for connectivity across sites, measuring time to load a URL to testing Web page performance and availability, and measuring specific SQL calls across a network to a server. SERVICE LEVEL REPORTS These reports demonstrate overall QoS across different classes of service and document compliance with internal and external SLAs. You can adapt them to your specific business by defining service level goals, core thresholds and other performance metrics. There are views tailored for business executives, IT managers and service customers. APPLICATION RESPONSE REPORTS

These reports help you troubleshoot performance problems quickly to minimize their impact and examine long-term trends for application tuning and capacity planning. To identify bottlenecks, these reports illustrate network transmission, client processing and server processing times as percentages of the total response time.

TOP N REPORTS A tabular Top N Report sorts the elements that meet some user-defined criteria. For example, you can use it to find the best, worst, fastest, slowest or least-utilized circuits, servers, databases and more. Top N Reports can be scheduled to run automatically at specified intervals, and they also make a useful on-demand tool. TRAFFIC ANALYSIS REPORTS Traffic analysis capabilities let you monitor traffic across Cisco NetFlow routers and standard RMON2 probes. These reports show you who is saturating a particular link and what protocols and applications they are using. You can view network resource consumption by users, business units, regions or applications, and use this mechanism to allocate costs back to individual departments. VOICE QUALITY REPORTS

In addition to voice, data and QoS monitoring for converged network performance management found in CA eHealth Live Health, CA eHealth NPM provides additional IP telephony management services. These include the Voice Quality Monitor for ongoing quality assurance and the integration of the Cisco IP SLA Jitter MOS test into CA eHealth NPM with reporting.




CA eHealth NPM enables you to spot and understand negative performance trends before they noticeably affect your business. At-A-Glance (background) reports provide historical trends of an IT assets key performance indicators, all precertified for hundreds of market-leading third-party products. MyHealth (foreground) is one of many role-based, multichart report types that can be customized for IT staff and business stakeholders.

Comprehensive At-A-Glance Report

Customized MyHealth Report

High Scalability With CA eHealth NPM Distributed Reporting, you can manage up to 1 million elements from a single view by distributing CA eHealth NPM applications across multiple systems, either in server clusters or in multiple locations around the globe. The machines can be inside or outside the enterprise firewall and you can have multiple simultaneous operators. The CA eHealth NPM Remote Poller environment overcomes data collection delays resulting from long-distance links to monitored resources across wide geographic spans. The environment contains a central CA eHealth NPM system that retrieves data from remote polling systems located closer to the monitored resources. Predictive Capacity Planning With capacity planning reports, you can identify trends and areas of high resource utilization and make proactive and informed decisions about where to upgrade, downgrade or eliminate capacity. The result is a right-sized infrastructure that delivers maximum performance at minimal cost.
WHAT-IF CAPACITY REPORTS You can run what-if scenarios of expected or possible future conditions to prepare your infrastructure to satisfy increased demand for existing services, support new applications and extend your network to new locations. You can also manipulate demand and configuration values to gauge capacity and rerun scenarios at will. CAPACITY PROJECTION REPORTS

Based on historical trends, these reports forecast how the capacity requirements of a particular variable for any IT component (for example, sever memory or CPU, LAN/WAN bandwidth, storage and database utilization) will change in the future.



You can use these reports to compare projected capacity values against an upgrade threshold, identify the IT components predicted to exceed the threshold, and determine the number of days until an upgrade is required. With this information, you get more out of existing resources and can make capital expenditures at precisely the right time. Ultimate Flexibility in Report Generation In addition to providing an industry leading portfolio of out-of-the-box, rolebased reports, CA eHealth NPM lets you customize your reports using templates or completely from scratch. The capabilities are available in the CA eHealth NPM Report Center, which includes:


A Web-based, drag-and-drop interface for mining information from the CA eHealth NPM database of your infrastructures complete performance history.

For translating queries into reports for broad distribution, or into reports for specific individuals, such as CIOs, business unit vice presidents or line-of-business owners.
REPORT STUDIO WEB INTERFACE Offers the broadest population of users an easy, folder-based, hierarchical access to stored reports.

Integrated Multivendor, Multitechnology Performance Management The CA eHealth E2E (end-to-end) Console, combined with the CA eHealth Live Health displays, acts as a central point for performance management so you can measure performance over the entire infrastructure. Using a combination of industry SNMP MIBs and certified, vendor-specific custom MIBS, the console supports monitoring for a wide range of network technologies including: LANs, routers, switches, ATM, Frame Relay, end-to-end permanent virtual circuits, Remote Access Servers, cable, DSL, MPLS, IP VPN, VoIP, QoS and cellular wireless. Using lightweight agent technology and leveraging integrations with other CA IT management products, the CA eHealth E2E Console also monitors systems, databases and applications.
CA PRODUCT INTEGRATION The CA eHealth NPM product family integrates smoothly with a range of CA products for comprehensive Enterprise IT Management (EITM):

CA SPECTRUM Network Fault Manager performs configuration-aware, fault and service management, advanced event correlation, root cause analysis and impact analysis. CA eHealth for Voice brings data networks, IP telephony and legacy voice under one management umbrella. CA NSM helps you unify your IT environment and simplify complex systems management processes to ensure service availability. CA Insight Database Performance Monitor consolidates and streamlines management of multivendor distributed database environments to ensure availability of critical business applications.


For example, CA eHealth NPM and CA SPECTRUM NFM create a comprehensive solution that improves service performance, helps avoid outages and reduces the impact of outages if they occur. This comprehensive solution includes the following features: Single sign-on to both products and the use of an LDAP or Active Directory store for user authentication is provided. The common look and feel of the administrative interface and data integration create a solid foundation for seamless workflow between the products. Alarms generated by CA eHealth Live Health are presented in the CA SPECTRUM NFM interface and, through policy, can be correlated and factored in root cause analysis by CA SPECTRUM NFM. CA SPECTRUM NFM provides context-sensitive launching from its alarms and topology views to CA eHealth NPM real-time displays and trend reports for performance triage. CA SPECTRUM NFM global data collections can be used to seed eHealth discovery; eHealth discovered elements names and attributes can be synchronized to SPECTRUM model names and attributes. CA SPECTRUM NFM forwards alarms to CA Service Desk for remediation.



CA eHealth Network Performance Manager integrates with other CA products to provide end-to-end Enterprise IT Management, including CA SPECTRUM Network Fault Manager (background), which provides network as well as multitechnology IT service modeling, event correlation and root cause analysis. Through CA product integrations, SNMP and agents, CA eHealth NPM performancemonitors all four multitechnology silos (networks, systems, databases and applications).



Databases Service Dashboard Applications



CA eHealth NPM includes integration modules linking it with third-party management systems and tools so you can leverage and enhance existing investments while managing your network more effectively. For example, integrated with Cisco IP Solution Center, CA eHealth NPM obtains configuration and performance information from Cisco VPNs based on Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) or the IPsec protocol. You can prioritize fixes, document adherence to SLAs and report performance in VPN-oriented reports that distinguish between classes of service. Toolbars added to third-party management consoles such as HP OpenView Network Node Manager, IBM Netcool and Cisco CIC provide direct access to CA eHealth NPM applications, so operators gain CA eHealth NPM performance management capabilities without having to learn a new product. CA eHealth NPM scales to meet the needs of service provider networks and has integration modules that support equipment from Cisco, Alcatel-Lucent and Nortel bringing this gear into the CA eHealth NPM domain for managing the performance of carrier-class switching environments.

The CA eHealth Family of Products

CA eHEALTH E2E CONSOLE The foundation component of the CA eHealth family of products, CA eHealth E2E Console collects and analyzes multitechnology, multinetwork performance data from all areas of your business infrastructure and delivers sophisticated, out-of-the-box historical trend reports and predictive analysis. Available in Windows and UNIX versions, the E2E console includes the following reporting capabilities: At-a-Glance Health MyHealth Trend Top N Service Availability Service Level Voice Quality Capacity Planning
CA eHEALTH LIVE HEALTH APPLICATION Bundled with the CA eHealth E2E Console, the CA eHealth Live Health Application provides intelligent algorithms and live displays for managing management across networks, systems, databases and applications in real time. CA eHealth Live Health displays are:

Live Status Live Exceptions Live Trend Live Reporting


CA eHEALTH NPM REPORT CENTER Bundled with the E2E Console, this three-part toolset enables you to dive deeply into your rich CA eHealth NPM historical database and create fully customized reports. Additional features are:

Power users can tap Query Studios Web-based drag-and-drop interface to mine data for advanced troubleshooting. Report experts can use Report Studio to translate queries into customized reports. General users can tap a Report Center Web Interface to access reports created for them by power users and report experts and to store those reports in personalized folders.
CA eHEALTH TRAFFIC ACCOUNTANT This add-on module provides a business-level view of network utilization and delivers automated reports on network resource consumption by users, business units, regions or applications. The software imports and analyzes Netflow and RMON2 data, combining it with sophisticated grouping and sorting capabilities to create concise, understandable reports revealing trends and usage patterns that can impact the performance of your network.

CA eHealth Traffic Accountant includes an embedded NetFlow collector with full support for the latest Netflow versions and aggregation schemes. These include: NetFlow record format V9, the Enhanced Cisco NetFlow Collector, router and collector aggregations including simultaneous collection and reporting for AS to AS (Automomous System to Autonomous System), and IP to IP traffic. CA eHealth Traffic Accountant preformatted reports provide visibility into traffic priorities and usage for converged networks and are customizable through the CA eHealth NPM Report Center.
CA eHEALTH NPM APPLICATION RESPONSE This add-on module provides sophisticated trend reporting of application performance, enabling you to plainly see how network transmission and client system and application server processing time each contribute to response degradation. Reports include path response analysis, relative application performance for a selected location or business function, response data for a business group whose function may be spread over several locations, and more.

This add-on module enables you to monitor the availability of business critical applications. You can automate and perform regularly scheduled service availability tests for Web, DNS, FTP, email and other application servers. When used in conjunction with CA eHealth NPM Application Response, n-tier application performance management is easily accomplished.

This light-weight, SNMP-based agent monitors the status of critical server resources, such as CPU utilization, storage, memory capacity and processes, etc. CA eHealth SystemEDGE captures and stores this data twenty four hours a day, detects threshold violations in real-time and utilizes this information in Live Heath displays. It can also send standard SNMP traps to CA SPECTRUM NFM for higher-level processing (for example, event correlation, service alarming and root cause analysis). CA eHealth NPM stores system performance data collected from CA eHEALTH SystemEDGE for generating the broad range of historical performance reports (for example, At-A-Glance, Health and Trend Reports) and for live alarming.



Designed for geographically dispersed environments, this add-on module is a highly scalable solution for distributing data collection, analysis and storage across multiple machines residing inside and outside the enterprise firewall. The software delivers a seamless view of your entire enterprise to a single Web-based workstation.

CA eHEALTH NPM CA SPECTRUM NETWORK FAULT MANAGER (NFM) INTEGRATION With CA eHealth NPM and CA SPECTRUM NFM integration, you can combine best-in-class performance management with best-in-class service, fault and configuration management into one unified management solution. This helps ensure high availability and responsiveness of your critical business services. CA eHealth NPM alarms are integrated into CA SPECTRUM NFM and presented through its user interface. CA SPECTRUM NFM global collections seed CA eHealth NPM discovery, and there is context-sensitive launching from CA SPECTRUM NFM alarms and topology views to eHealth reports. CA eHEALTH NPM INSIGHT DATABASE PERFORMANCE MONITOR (DPM) This add-on module enables network operation staffs to view multivendor live and historical database performance trends right from their CA eHealth NPM interface. This provides early warning system and fast triage to database problems affecting services. CA Insight DPM, itself, automates monitoring, data collection and performance analysis of SQL Server, Oracle, Sybase, and DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows (LUW) databases. CA eHEALTH NPM AND CA NSM INTEGRATION

CA eHealth NPM is natively integrated with and provides vital network performance monitoring to CA NSM. CA NSM is a comprehensive service and systems management product that monitors and automatically manages multivendor servers and operating systems, network elements, storage resources, applications and other IT components. This service and systems management product provides advanced, extensible system monitoring, advanced event correlation, root cause analysis and automated remediation.

CA eHEALTH NPM FOR VOICE INTEGRATION The CA eHealth NPM for Voice product automatically and continuously collects voice call statistics from a variety of IPT and legacy voice systems. It also presents a complete picture of the health of your voice network from a single, intuitive management console. A complete picture of voice service health is achieved when combining this with CA eHealth NPM dynamic thresholding and reporting for MOS and IP SLA performance. CA eHEALTH NPM UNIVERSAL WORKFLOW INTEGRATION MODULES (HP OPENVIEW, IBM NETCOOL AND CISCO CIC) These add-on integration modules provide two-way communication between

CA eHealth NPM and third-party management platforms. Operators of these third-party products gain a historical perspective of network performance by accessing CA eHealth NPM reports dynamically. They can also launch CA eHealth NPM applications from a toolbar inside the third-party consoles to exploit CA eHealth NPM troubleshooting capabilities without learning new applications.



Designed for carrier-class environments, these add-on integration modules enable CA eHealth NPM to manage a variety of high-end voice and data switching equipment from industry leaders. CA eHealth NPM can collect performance, configuration, utilization and availability data from these third-party platforms, correlate and analyze it, and generate reports with actionable information. Supported technologies include legacy voice and VoIP and data networking.
CA eHEALTH NPM UNIVERSAL WIRELESS DATA INTEGRATION MODULES (NORTEL GGSN AND STARENT PDSN) Designed for carrier-class wireless networks, these add-on integration

modules enable CA eHealth NPM to gather the statistics needed to manage these industry leading wireless voice and data gateways. CA eHealth NPM can collect performance, configuration, utilization and availability data from these platforms, correlate and analyze it, and generate reports with actionable information.

The CA Advantage
CA eHealth NPM integrates with other CA Enterprise IT Management and third-party products to provide comprehensive, end-to-end management of diverse IT network environments. Rapid problem identification and resolution and proactive service assurance ensure high availability and performance of heterogeneous infrastructures. Vendor-neutral and platform-independent, CA management products offer the widest support of system types and versions available and broad language support for global deployments. CA Services and our partners can help you assess your current IT situation, define your goals and implement solutions to gain measurable results. To keep your CA Solutions operating at peak performance, CA Support delivers unparalleled technical and customer support worldwide, and we offer training and certification through CA Education.

Next Steps
You should consider CA eHealth NPM if youre finding that: You are experiencing too much costly service degradation and downtime Your staff cant identify and fix performance problems before users and business processes are affected Managing different technologies and systems separately is proving to be inefficient and error-prone The CA eHealth NPM product family unifies and automates network performance management across multivendor and multiplatform networks, improving service levels while managing costs. To learn more about CA eHealth Network Performance Manager and to see how CA software solutions enable organizations to unify IT and simplify the management of complex computing environments for better business results, visit


CA (NSD: CA), one of the world's leading independent, enterprise management software companies, unifies and simplifies complex information technology (IT) management across the enterprise for greater business results. With our Enterprise IT Management vision, solutions and expertise, we help customers effectively govern, manage and secure IT.


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