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KEITH L. T. WRIGHT Assemblyman 70TH District New York County REPLY TO: Harlem State Office Building 163 West 125th Street, Suite 911 New York, New York 10027 (212) 866-5809 FAX (212) 864-1368 Room 522 Legislative Office Building Albany, New York 12248 (518) 455-4793 FAX (518) 455-3890

CHAIRMAN Labor CHAIRMAN Subcommittee on Public Housing CHAIRMAN Subcommittee on Equal Economic Opportunity and Human Rights MEMBER Black, Puerto Rican and Hispanic Legislative Caucus MTA Capital Program Review Board Puerto Rican/Hispanic Task Force Task Force on Criminal Justice Reform High Speed Rail Task Force COMMITTEES Ways and Means Codes Correction Housing

STATEMENT FROM ASSEMBLYMAN KEITH WRIGHT ON MAYOR BLOOMBERGS REQUEST FOR REMOVAL OF JUDGE WHO RULED FOR FEDERAL OVERSIGHT OF NEW YORK CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT DIVERSITY "In the epitome of contradiction, Mayor Bloomberg has accused Federal District Judge Nicholas Garaufis of bias after his ruling for federal oversight on the over four year old litigation concerning diversity in the New York City Fire Department. He even went so far as to ask for Judge Garaufis removal from the case. After protecting the nepotistic and blatantly racist practices of the FDNY for what equates to an entire mayoral term, it is ridiculous and shameful for the Mayor to again stand on the side of ignorance with this bizarre request. Although the City has taken some actions to finally integrate the FDNY in recent years, in moves designed to draw attention away from the fact that they were still fighting the integration of the FDNY in the courts, the Judge is right to be distrustful of this administration and their true commitment to justice and equality. As Judge Garaufis has correctly stated, The city still doesnt get it and his bombastic request for removal confirms that Mayor Bloomberg gets it just about as much as Blacks and Latinos get jobs as firefighters in New York City," said Assemblyman Keith Wright of Harlem, Chairman of the State Assembly Labor Committee. ### Contact: Ben Rosen 518-455-4793- Office 518-635-0794- Cell

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