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Subjective: Masakit angopera ko asverbalized by thepatient.Objective: Facial mask ofpain. Limited rangeof motion. Disruption ofskin.

V/S taken asfollows:T: 37.2P: 90R: 19BP: 110/80

Impairedtissueintegrity related topresenceofsecretions.

After 3 daysof nursinginterventions,th e patient willachieve timelywoundhealingwit houtcomplications.

Independent: Changedressings asoften as neededand use karayapowder aroundthe incision. Use disposableostomy bag overa stab wounddrain. Place patient inlow or semi-fowlers position. Observe for skin,sclerae, urine forchange of color. Note color andconsistency ofstools. Investigatereports ofincreased rightupper quadrantpain,develop ment of fever,tachycardia. Collaborative: Administer antibiotics asprescribed. Monitorlaboratory

Keeps the skinaround theincision cleanand provides abarrier toprotect skinfromexcoriation. Ostomyappliance maybe used tocollect heavydrainage foraccuratemeasure mentof output andprotection of theskin. To facilitatesdrainage of bile. Developing jaundice mayindicateobstruction ofthe bile flow. Clay coloredstools resultwhen bile is notpresent in theintestine. Signssuggestive ofabcess of fistulaformation,requir ingmedical Necessary fortreatment ofabscess

After 3 daysof nursinginterventions,th e patientwas able toachieve timelywoundhealingwit houtcomplications

studieslike white bloodcells.interventio n.

orinfection. Leukocytosisreflectsi nflammatoryprocess

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