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Subiecte examen engleza 1)London Wich is the capital of UK?(London) Wich is the most important river in England?

(The Thames) Wich is the most favorite food for british people ?(fish and chips) What does UK stand for? (United Kindom of Great Britain and Northen Ireland) The countries that compose UK are: England, Scotland Wales and Northen Ireland Wich is a favorite drink for English people? ( the tea ) and milk Who's the monarch of the UK? (the Queen Elisabeth 2) What are the symbols of English? (the flag, David Beckam, the red rose, tea fish and chips, the royal family, Big Ben, the black cab, London Eye) 2) Canada Wich is the capital of Canada? ( Ottawa 994 300 population) Canadian symbols(maple leaf on the flag, the beaver, the canadian goose, the toten pole) The most important cities in Canada(Queben, Montreal,Toronto,Hamilton,Halifax,Vancouver) Three important sports (ice hockey, baseball, golf) 3) Australia Wich is the capital of Australia? (Camberra) The most popular animal (kangaroo) The native population: aborigenes official language: English most important cities: Sidney, Camberra,Melbourne,Adelaide,Perth,Brisbane.,Hobart,Darwin monarch Queen Elisabeth 4) New Zealand the capital: Wellington composed of: 2 islands symbols: kiwi bird, the flag, aborigenes national wealth: gold, diamonds, sheeps 5)America 1.How many states is in America(50 states) U.S.A(United States America) The most important cites in the America(New York,Los Angeles,Chicago,Huston,Dallas) Capital USA(Washington D.C(District of Columbia) National bird of the U.S.A:bald eagle.The Statue of Liberty,WHITE HOUSE,the pentagon(headquarters of the USA Departament of Defence in Virginia),apple pie,baseball and the American flag,hamburger,steak,hot,dog,American football,Uncle Sam,Mount Rushmore,Hollywood,Coca Cola,GRAND CANYON(COLORADO). Most famous Universities of USA(HARVARD,YALE,PRINCENTON) The flag of the USA(50 stars and 13 red and white stripes(the 13 independent colonies) FOOD:TURKEY,POTATOES,SWEET POTATOES,CORN.

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