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Guidelines for Writers

Stepping Stones Magazine: ALMIA is web-based journal showcasing poetry, short fiction and visual art written by both new and establish artists. Our address is: While SSM: ALMIA strives to be a starting point for new writers to experiment with their craft, acceptance into the journal is not automatic. Putting it plainly, if your work appears in SSM: ALMIA, then it deserves to be there. What we accept: Poetry (to 100 lines) appearing in SSM: ALMIA is as diverse as are the authors themselves. Poems should have something to say besides, Hi, Im a poem please publish me. Please send no more than five poems per submission. Fiction (to 5,000 words) should be able to hold the readers interest in the first paragraph and sustain that interest throughout the rest of the story. Please send no more than four stories per submission. * Writing that promotes intolerance or hate will not be accepted. Manuscript Format: Printed manuscripts should use a clean font. Some examples are Times New Roman, Courier or Verdana. Please double space your manuscript. Include your email address if you would like us to respond to you by email. Enclose a SASE (self-addressed stamped envelope) with your postal submission. Our mailing address is: First Step Press Post Office Box 902 Norristown, PA 19404-0902 Send electronic submissions to the following email addresses: For Fiction: For Poetry: If we accept your work for publication, it will appear on our website within 4-6 weeks from the date of acceptance. If you provided an email address, you will receive notification prior to your work appearing on the site. We publish work under One-time Electronic Rights. All other rights revert to the author. We accept simultaneous and reprint submissions. Please notify us if either situation applies. *Archives remain on our website indefinitely. Please notify us in writing if you would like your material removed for any reason. PAYMENT: SSM: ALMIA is a labor of love and is presently unable to offer payment. We hope to change that sooner rather than later.

Stepping Stones Magazine: ALMIA First Step Press Post Office Box 902 Norristown, PA 19404-0902 e-mail:
rev. 01/2012

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