Viktoras Kulvinskas

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Viktoras Peter Kulvinskas M.S. is an American holistic health practitioner, nutritionist, raw foods1 advocate and author. 1. Background After joining Ann Wigmore's Boston based Rising Sun Christianity movement, Kulvinskas co-founded, with Wigmore, the Hippocrates Health Institute, a health resort in the United States, in the late 1960s2, 3 where he was Director of Research, and is active in the living foods movement4, 5. 2. Biography 2.1. Early years Viktoras Kulvinskas is a Piscean who was born in Lithuania during World War II. He received his M.S. Degree in pure mathematics from the University of Connecticut, where he later taught mathematics. He then became a computer consultant for Harvard University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, and the Apollo Project, among others 6. He is a member of the Physics honor society Sigma Pi Sigma and is also known for a variety of mystic and faith-based activities such as palmistry, numerology,
1 Orthorexia: Obsessing Over Health Food Eating Disorder Stems From Too Much of a Good Thing By JOHN STOSSEL and MIGUEL SANCHO Sept. 5, 2008, ABC NEWS "Kulvinskas is a leading advocate of the "raw food" diet." 2 Biography of Viktoras Kulvinskas at Rawfood Planet 3 Hippocrates Background at Rawfood Planet. 4 Sarasota Herald Tribune; Wednesday, November 08, 2006; Getting connected; With plenty of activities and groups, Sarasota is becoming a raw-food haven.(FLORIDA WEST), Byline: ABBY WEINGARTEN, "Meanwhile, Patty Foley was planning a lecture by internationally known raw guru Viktoras Kulvinskas." 5 Raw energy, Vegetarian Times; June 01, 1998; Reiss, Valerie; "Spearheaded in the early 1970s by the late Ann Wigmore, M.D., founder of the Ann Wigmore Institute in Puerto Rico, and Viktras Kulvinskas," 6 Interview with Kulvinskas by The Fresh Network

2 iridology, reflexology, physiognomy and acupressure. 2.2. Alternative health related activities After co-founding the Hippocrates Health Institute7, he began 35 years operating as a practitioner in the area of holistic treatments and techniques, consulted by a claimed figure of tens of thousands of people through his "lifestyle consultation services". He is also a lecturer (internationally for a claimed over 20,000 hours in the field of alternative and non-conventional health theories), chef (served raw food vegetarian meals to a claimed half a million people), and a Bishop of the First Christian Essene Church of Christ8 (San Diego, California). As nutritionist (the non-official self-claimed title given to alternative versions of qualified dieticians), he was the personal health consultant to comedian/activist Dick Gregory during his 900 mile run for peace, and has been a Nutritional and Education Director at Gregorys Obesity & Substance Abuse Resorts (Florida & Bahamas). His self-authenticated theory on cancer was practiced at the Hippocrate Institute, and documented in his book "Survival in the 21st Century"9, along with a new model of menstruation with program to eliminate PMS. He spent 7 years developing his HHI Live Food program - which has followers in many countries, and teaches at his own Hippocrates Health Institute in West Palm Beach, Florida []. He is an active promoter and salesman of blue green algae, probiotics, enzymes and other nutritional products. 2.3. Appearances Kulvinskas has toured extensively and given seminars for the World Symposium on Humanity in Canada and Australia. He has lectured for over 10,000 hours at alternative health events such as the New Earth Exposition, the Whole Earth Festival, the World Vegetarian Congress, the Cancer Victims and Friends Convention, the National Health Federation Convention, and others. Kulvinskas has often appeared as a keynote speaker at Cell Tech August Celebration, Raw Expo, Essene Annual Conference and the Hippocrates Health Educator Intensive. He was also a keynote speaker at the alternative World Congress on Incurable Diseases in Germany in 2002 []; Raw World: International Festival of Raw Food Enthusiasts in Costa Rica in 2003 [], and at various other workshops. 2.4. Speaker and advocate Kulvinskas also trained the staff in Enzymatic Nutrition and Live Food Therapies for Degenerative Disease at his Hippocrates Clinic of Asia [] in the Philippines, 2002. After opening a culinary school in 2002, Kulvinskas continued to be active in enzymatic theories and development of foods, as well as lecturing and writing in the field of alternative wellness and enzymatic therapies. He was one of the first to popularize the long out-of-print works of Chicago enzyme researcher Dr Edward

The diversity and effectiveness of natural cancer cures. (includes related article on conventional cancer treatments), The Ecologist, March 01, 1998, Last, Walter, "Together with Victoras Kulvinskas she formed the Hippocrates Health Institute in Boston". 8 Essene Church. 9 Symposium Examines the Raw-Food Diet Phenomenon. Athens Banner-Herald (Athens, GA), March 02, 2004, Byline: Kimberly E. Mock "Kulvinskas claimed a diet of raw foods can rid the human body of ailments."

3 Howell (born 1898) of the Lindlahr Sanitarium (Illinois)10. Kulvinskas was also one of the first to promote sprouts11, algae, wheatgrass, plant enzymes and herbal formulations12 to offset the claimed impact of cooked foods, environmental pollution and inherited weaknesses. 3. Writing Viktoras Kulvinskas is an author of numerous books on natural living, whole foods, healthy eating and healing, which championed an enzyme rich, low protein, low starch, high liquid, pre-digested uncooked vegetarian diet to include fruits, vegetables, sprouted seeds and grains, weeds, algae, seaweeds, baby greens and seed milks, for health and longevity. 3.1. Survival Survival In The 21st Century: A Planetary Healer's Handbook (with artwork by Peter Max), which sold over a half a million copies worldwide, was the first holistic book published which cited (400) medical journal references and is notable for its coverage of living foods and enzyme nutrition.[citation needed] It was also one of the first books to document Johnny Lovewisom, who Kulvinskas visited in Vilcabamba, Ecuador, and his work on radioactive fallout zones13. Topics covered in Survival included alternative therapies, body ecology, consciousness expansion, dietary technology, disease, enzymes, food combining, fruitarianism, healing, holistic health, iridology, living foods, longevity, macrobiotics, meditation, physical survival, spirituality, raw nutrition, sproutarianism, vegetarianism and yoga. In the book, Dr Ann Wigmore, co-founder with Kulvinskas of the Hippocrates Health Institute, called it "The Bible of the Aquarian Age.", Washington Natural Hygienist, Dr Stanley Bass, called it "An encyclopedic and bold attempt at a Whole integrated look at man and the Universe." and Dr Brian Clement, Director of Kulvinskas' Hippcorates Health Institute, wrote: "Viktoras gives you the information you need to move forward." 3.2. Other writing Kulvinskas has contributed articles to numerous journals including Vegetarian Voice, Vegetarian Times, Vegetarian World, Health Street Journal and Alternatives. 3.3. Unpublished writing Unpublished writings mentioned in The Lover's Diet include: Eat It Raw, From Longevity To Immortality, Happy Belly, Life Extension Recipes and Youthing With

Edward Howell. Food Enzymes for Health & Longevity, 1994; Enzyme Nutrition, 1966; The Status of Food Enzymes in Digestion and Metabolism, 1946. 11 Protein and vitamins and enzymes, oh sprouts!, Nutraceuticals World, May 01, 2006, Schutt, Ellen. 12 Green foods: a research perspective. Nutraceuticals World; May 01, 2003; Sandoval, David, "The number of companies with green food offerings has increased steadily since the late 1790s when the second green foods revolution was being led by the likes of Anne Wigmore, Bernard Jensen, Christopher Hills and Victoras Kulvinskas. These advocates of non-conventional theories were basing their advocated therapies on ideas dating from the 1930s, the banyan days of the first green foods revolution when Dr. Charles Schnabel, V. E. Irons and other chemists" 13 Handbook on Radioactive Nuclear Fallout, Johnny Lovewisdom, Ecuador, Quito: International University of the Natural Vitalogical Sciences

4 Enzymes. 4. Coverage 4.1. Articles Articles featuring Kulvinskas have appeared in issues of SPIN, Magical Blend, New Life Magazine, Living Nutrition and other publications. Articles on Kulvinskas appeared in The Heart of Greatness: Ordinary People Creating Extraordinary Success (1997), Wheatgrass Nature's Finest Medicine: The Complete Guide to Using Grass Foods & Juices to Revitalize Your Health (1998) by Steve Meyorowitz, and Raw Knowledge: Enhance The Powers of Your Mind, Body and Soul by Paul Nison (2002). 4.2. Awards Kulvinskas received "The Lifetime of Achievement Award" at the "2000 Raw Food Culinary Showcase", Jamaica, where he was a keynote speaker14. He was also awarded the "Live Food Culinary Chef and Instructor" Certificate of Accomplishment by the Light Culinary Institute15. 4.3. Contemporaries Contemporaries of Kulvinskas have included Ann Wigmore, Marcia Acciardo, Brian Clements Ph.D, Dr. Douglas N. Graham, and Humbart Santillo16. 5. Criticism Blue green algae, a food advocated by Kulvinskas, is associated with anatoxin and microcystins.17 6. Books 6.1. English Don't Die Without Enzymes Life in the Twenty-First Century, 21st Century Publications For The Love Of A Sprout, Connecticut: OMango Press, 1970s Love Your Body: Live Food Recipes, with Dick Gregory, 1972 Love Your Body: Or, How To Be A Live Food Lover, Mass: OMango Press, 1972 Love Your Body: Or, How To Be A Live Food Lover, with Dick Gregory, 1975 Survival Into The 21st Century: Natural Planetary Healer's Manual, Connecticut: OMango d'Press, 1975 Sprout For The Love Of Everybody, Survival Foundation, 1978 The New Age Health Directory Holistic Health Guide, 1978 Survival Into The 21st Century: Natural Planetary Healer's Manual, 1979
14 15 16 Humbart Santillo. Food Enzymes: The Missing Ingredient to Radiant Health; Humbart Santillo. Intuitive Eating. 17 Blue-Green Algae Toxins in Washington Lakes: Screening Fish Tissue for Microcystins and Anatoxin-a, Department of Ecology, State of Washington, A. Johnson, March 2010.

5 The New Age Health Directory Holistic Health Guide, 1981 Survival Into The 21st Century: Natural Planetary Healer's Manual, 21st Century Publications, 1981 Sprout For The Love Of Everybody, 1988 The Lover's Diet, 2000s Survival Into The 21st Century: A Planetary Healer's Handbook, (Millennium Edition), Arizona: Ihopea Incorporated, 2002, 318 pages, with New Foreword. Survival Into The 21st Century: A Planetary Healer's Handbook, Woodstock Valley, Ct.: 21st Century Publications, 2006 Raw Survival (DVD), 2008 Survival In The 21st Century: Planetary Healer's Manual, Book Publishing Company, 2010 6.2. Other language editions Sund med Spirer: nringsindholdet i spirer og grs, oversat af Arne Herlv Petersen, Thaning & Appel, 1985. Denmark, Schlagwrter: Helse, Kogebger. Le Mythe Menstruel: La Menstruation est-elle Ncessaire la Sant et La Fcondit?, with Ann Wigmore, Morges: M. Dgallier, 1986 L'elixir Vert du Rajeunissement, Morges: M. Dgallier, 1986 L'importance de La Nutrition pour le Dveloppement Oculaire et la Fonction Visuelle, Morges: M. Dgallier, 1986 Comment Passer du Vgtarisme au Respirianisme, Morges: M. Dgallier, 1986 Nutricin En La Nueva Era, Mandala Ediciones, 1992, ISBN 8486961513, ISBN 978-8486961510 Leben und berleben: Kursbuch im 21. Jahrhundert, by Viktoras Kulvinskas; Ursula von Wiese, Mnchen: Hirthammer, 2001 Csratelek: fiatalods s gygyuls az Anyatermszet segtsgvel, ford. Gazdik gnes, Budapest: Mandala-Veda, cop. 2007. 6.3. With others The Food Enzymes for Health & Longevity, with Edward Howell, Lotus Brands Inc. The Nutritional Evaluation Of Sprouts & Grasses - with Robert Silverstein, Omango D'Press, 1978. Intuitive Eating: Everybody's Guide to Vibrant Health and Lifelong Vitality Through Food with Humbart Santillo and Regina Sara Ryan, Hohm Press, 1993 Dining in the Raw: Groundbreaking Natural Cuisine That Combines the Techniques of Macrobiotic, Vegan, Allergy-Free, and Raw Food Discipline with Rita Romano and Nancy Jolly, Taschenbuch 1997. 7. External links Pour un point de vue sur Viktoras Kulvinskas, voir les rfrences du Professeur franais Henri Joyeux [] Viktoras Kulvinskas Official Website [] Survival in the 21st Century []

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