The Supreme Wisdom Lessons

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to His Servant,

Originated By Our Saviour,


ORIGINAL RULES OF INSTRUCTION...........................................................................2
Section 1A: The Explanation OI The Thirteen Original Rules OI Instruction
Given By Our Saviour, W. D. FARD MUHAMMAD
PROBLEM NUMBER THIRTEEN.....................................................................................7
Section 1B: The Greatest Desire OI Your Brother And Teachers
ACTUAL FACTS...............................................................................................................8
Section 2: Twenty Statements OI Actual Facts
STUDENT ENROLLMENT...............................................................................................9
Section 3: Ten Rules OI Islam
LOST-FOUND MUSLIM LESSON NO. 1.....................................................................11
Section 4: The Student's First Assignment
LOST-FOUND MUSLIM LESSON NO. 2.....................................................................17
Section 5: First Term Examination Assignment OI Mr. Elijah Muhammad
ENGLISH LESSON NO. C1...........................................................................................25
Section 7A: Introduction To Our Saviour, W. D. FARD MUHAMMAD
THE PROBLEM BOOK..................................................................................................27
Section 6: Thirty-Four Problems To Solve


THE FOLLOWING is the Original Rules oI Instruction to the Laborers oI Islam
and the TITLE OF MUSLIM Given by OUR SAVIOUR beIore HIS Departure,
With a Footnote oI a Iew words oI Explanation to lay Pressure Upon their Minds oI
their many Errors in the Past and Present, that they may see the Light and Walk therein.
I thank you. Elijah Muhammad

The student must study his Assignment--Lesson #1.
Each Student should copy the Answers oI Lesson oI Minister, Elijah Muhammad, and study until
the Student is able to memorize, By Heart, all Answers to, oI said, Lesson #1.
NOTE: Here, Lesson #1 is said to be the Student's Assignment-"First."
LESSON #1 lays the Base oI our Work today; and gives the Student a Clear
Knowledge oI HimselI and His Heavenly Home, the Best Part oI the Earth;
and who is the enemy to him and his Nation; and why the enemy and
Righteous could not live together; and why was the Righteous able to Cast
Out his enemy.
THIS Teaches the student what he must do with the enemy oI the Righteous
THE Righteous Nation is, now, Living in every part oI the planet Earth.
ThereIore the enemy must, now, be removed in every part oI the planet Earth.
Why is Stress made to the Muslims to Copy, the Minister, Elijah Muhammad's Answers?
The past History shows that the ALMIGHTY ALLAH sends Prophets and Apostles Ior the
people's Guide and Example, and through them HIS Mystery was Revealed. And those who
Iollow the Apostle's would see the Light.
Each Student must qualiIy his or herselI Ior Positions awaiting them.
Assignment oI OIIice will be made immediately aIter Examination, and on Completion oI his or
her Labor Course.
Consideration Ior the Laborers oI Islam will be taken, and Analysis, in the near Iuture by
NOTE: THIS PARAGRAPH puts a stop to all Quarreling and Arguments among the
Laborers over their OIIices in ISLAM until he or she have been qualiIied
and their qualiIication Examined to see iI they are Fit to be used in the

Respective Position.
THE past History shows that the First Examination oI Laborers is made by
the Apostle, whom the Laborers are to work with.
According to the Holy Qur'an 59:7, the Muslims were very poor when they Iirst started to Teach
ISLAM and all contribution was given to ALLAH's Apostle Ior him and his Family's Support.
And what the Apostle could spare, he gave to help take care oI the Poor Muslims that were
unable to help themselves and the other part was given to those who were conIined to the Labor
And soon, there arose an argument among the Hypocrites about the use oI the money because
they thought that they should share equally with the Apostle. Then ALLAH cast these
Hypocrites out and punished them Ior the Ialse accusation that they had spread against the
Prophet, that he was seeking to enrich himselI and acting unjustly to the poor and needy.
And, then ALLAH, told the other Laborers that HE would soon enrich all oI them but, at present,
every eIIort should be to maintain the Prophet and his household.
The enemy, then, tried to stop every Muslim Irom helping the Apostle and said he should be
killed. Then ALLAH Challenged the enemy to do so - to leave not a stone unturned in trying.
This is in the 34 Problems that you have, iI you understand.
So this is what is meant by ALLAH taking, under Analysis, the Consideration oI the Laborers in
the near Iuture. The student could practice his or her Labor while under study iI they were
sincere, and Submit themselves to Obey and Follow the Apostle. And it is written that all who
Rebelled against the Apostle, ALLAH made it impossible Ior them to live in Peace until they
would Submit.
The Holy Qur'an does not contradict a Muslim to Swear his Allegiance to his Brother so long as
he does not break his Allegiance - nor does the Bible in this case.
The Laborers must Speak and Use grammatical pronunciation oI words and syllables in Past,
Future, Present and PerIect Tense. The Laborer's answers to All Lessons must be in the above
Language. Others will not be considered.
Note: The Dumb must speak Plainly. the Stammering Tongue is Speaking
Clear. (He covers the Prophecies oI the Bible and, also, the Holy
Qur'an in a word).
NO man can be SuccessIul in Teaching a People that cannot speak,
Clearly, the People's Language.
But there is more to be understood in the words. That the Laborers'
Pronunciation oI words and syllables must be in the Past, Future and
Present PerIect Tense - Otherwise will not be considered.

What is meant by the Laborers' answers to all LESSONS in the Past, Present and Future being
PERFECT is that we must know and be Able to Prove, at all times, to the New Converts that the
LESSONS that OUR SAVIOUR (ALLAH) gave us to Study and Learn is the FulIillment oI the
Prophecies oI All the Former Prophets concerning the Beginning oI the Devils, and the Ending iI
the Civilization, and oI our Enslavement by the Devils, and Present Time oI our Delivery Irom
the Devils by OUR SAVIOUR (ALLAH). PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME! There is No God but
ALLAH. How that ALLAH would separate us Irom the Devils and, then destroy them; and
Change us into a New and PerIect People; and Fill the Earth with FREEDOM, JUSTICE and
EQUALITY as it was Iilled with wickedness; and Making we, the Poor Lost-Founds, the PerIect
ThereIore iI we have not this Understanding, we are Yet Blind to HIM that has come to SAVE
us. For this is OUR SAVIOUR'S Desire - that we should Know HIM as OUR GOD AND
Saviour, and that Besides HIM there is NO SAVIOUR Ior us.
Why should the Lost-Founds Disbelieve and Dispute with one another about OUR SAVIOUR
(ALLAH) and HIS Work oI Delivering? Cannot a Fool see that a Mighty Change is in Progress
in every Living Creature?
The Laborers must practice the above Language with all new Converts.
The Laborers are liable to punishment iI Iound using Baby Language at any time.
The Laborers must greet a Registered Muslim in his own way.
Mistakes shall not exist among the Laborers oI Islam at NO time.
The MINISTERS' CLASS must study and prepare themselves Ior Examination as soon as they
are able to.
Everyone's FINAL EXAMINATION will be beIore ALLAH (OUR SAVIOUR), which will
include all oI the Forms oI Lessons, #1's Answers, and all the Problems, and a General Review
oI the three and one-halI years oI Labor.
Absence in the Ministers' Class must always be investigated.
Each Muslim should know all oI this By Heart. It is all his and her own.

The Time is ripe Ior us to Re-claim our own, which is knowledge, understanding and a high
civilization. We all are equipped physically and mentally to accomplish the said, above, with
little study - young, old, men, women and children.
The M.G.T. & G.C.C. should study along with the Training. Report their progress along with
the rest.
The TEMPLE READING CLASS: The Reading Class shall include all oI the
History. Report the Reading Class along
with the regular School Report.
The Secretary must report once a week
oI the Educational Department and a
general report oI the Temple.
All Students iI the University oI Islam must use OIIicial paper Ior their Lessons at all times.
Quickness, Iast moving, cleanliness - Internally and Externally - right down to the modern times.
The LAW OF ISLAM does not approve continuation oI Laborers with Devils' names.
The Register must be clear oI Devils' names.
ENGLISH LESSON NO. C1: Spelling must be used by all Muslim girls and
mothers to their children Ior Bedtime Study;
also, in regular Courses.
Muslim girls must get away Irom reading that
Devil's Bedtime Story to their children.
Application For Enlistment in the Fruit oI Islam will be accepted on the Approval oI their Holy
Names. Names oI Devils are not counted oI any value in the Fruit oI Islam.
Devils must stay away.
The RESTRICTIVE LAW OF ISLAM is our Success at any time.
Anyone who Iails to be ONE HUNDRED PERCENT to the LAW shall be dismissed Irom his or
her Post.

Brothers and Sisters, you all get busy and help to Arise the dead Nation, and place them on top
oI civilization. My dearest Desire is to give everyone his or her own.
I do not want importance among the OIIicials nor the Laborers.
Do not do other than yourselI.
Do not take on Mixed Instructions other than OUR ASSIGNMENT.
The M.G.T. & G.C.C.: I can sit on top oI the world and tell everyone that
the most beautiIul Nation is in the wilderness oI
North America.
But do not let me catch any sister other than herselI
in regards to living the LiIe and weighing properly.
Big Iields are awaiting Ior the wide Awake man to work out.
Arise the Dead by the thousands!
The dead Nation must arise - Ior the Time is at hand.
Look in your Poison Book.
Work cheerIully and Iear not!
You are the Righteous, the Best and the PowerIul.

AIter learning Mathematics, which is Islam, and Islam is Mathematics, it stands true. You can
always prove it at no limit oI time. Then you must learn to use it and secure some beneIit while
you are living, that is - luxury, money, good homes, Iriendship in all walks oI liIe.
Sit yourselI in Heaven at once! That is the greatest Desire oI your Brother and Teachers.
Now you must speak the Language so you can use your Mathematical Theology in the proper
Term-otherwise you will not be successIul unless you do speak well, Ior she knows all about
The Secretary oI Islam oIIers a reward to the best and neatest worker oI this Problem.
There are twenty-six letters in the Language and iI a Student learns one letter per day, then how
long will it take him to learn the twenty-six letters?
There are ten numbers in the Mathematical Language. Then how long will it take a Student to
learn the whole ten numbers (at the above rate)?
The average man speaks Iour hundred words - considered well.

O The total area oI the land and water oI the planet Earth is 196,940,000 square miles.
O The circumIerence oI the planet Earth is 24,896 miles.
O The diameter oI the Earth is 7,926 miles.
O The area oI the Land is 57,255,000 square miles.
O The area oI the Water is 139,685,000 square miles.
O The PaciIic Ocean covers 68,634,000 square miles,
O The Atlantic Ocean covers 41,321,000 square miles.
O The Indian Ocean covers 29,430,000 square miles.
O The Lakes and Rivers cover 1,000,000 square miles.
O The Hills and Mountains cover 14,000,000 square miles.
O The Islands are 1,910,000 square miles.
O The Deserts are 4,861,000 square miles.
O Mount Everest is 29,141 Ieet high.
O The Producing Land is 29,000,000 square miles.
O The Earth weighs six sextillion tons - (a unit Iollowed by 21 ciphers).
O The Earth is 93,000,000 miles Irom the Sun.
O The Earth travels at the rate oI 1,037 1/3 miles per hour.
O Light travels at the rate oI 186,000 miles per second.
O Sound ravels at the rate oI 1,120 Ieet per second.
O The diameter oI the Sun is 853,000 miles.

(Rules oI Islam)
The Iollowing questions must be answered one hundred percent beIore submittance oI Student to
said, Lesson No,1.

1. Who is the Original man?
2. Who is the Colored man?
3. What is the population oI the Colored people in the wilderness oI
North America, and all over the planet Earth?
4. What is the population oI the Colored people in the wilderness oI
North America, and all over the planet earth?
5. What is the area in square miles oI the planet earth?
How much is the land?
How much is the water?
6. What are the exact square miles oI the useIul land that is used every
day by the total population oI the planet Earth?
7. How much oI the useIul land is used by the original man?
8. How much oI the useIul land is used by the Colored man?
9. What is the birth record oI the said, Nation oI Islam?
10. What is the birth record oI said, others than Islam?
1. The original man is the Asiatic Black man; the Maker; the Owner; the
Cream oI the planet Earth - Father oI Civilization, God oI the
2. The Colored man is the Caucasian (white man). Or, Yacub's graIted
Devil - the Skunk oI the planet Earth.
3. The population oI the Original nation in the wilderness oI North
America is 17,000,000.
O With the 2,000,000 Indians makes it - 19,000,000.
O All over the planet Earth is 4,400,000,000.
4. The population oI the Colored people in the wilderness oI North
America is 103,000,000
O All over the planet Earth is 400,000,000.
5. The square mileage oI the Earth is 196,940,000 square miles.
O The land is 57,255,000 square miles.
O The water is 139,685,000 square miles.

6. The useIul land that is used every day by the total population oI the
planet Earth is 29,000,000 square miles.
7. The Original man uses 23,000,000 square miles.
8. The colored man used 6,000,000 square miles.
9. The said, Nation oI Islam, has no birth record. It has no
beginning nor ending.
10. Buddhism is 35,000 years old.
O Christianity is 551 years old.


1. Why isn't the Devil settled on the Best Part of the Planet
Answer: Because the Earth belongs to the original Black man.
And knowing that the Devil was wicked and there
would not be any peace among them, he put him out
in the worst part oI the Earth and kept the Best Part
preserved Ior himselI ever since he made it. The Best
Part is in Arabia, at the Holy City (Mecca).
The Colored man or Caucasian is the Devil.
Arabia is in the Far East and is bordered by the
Indian Ocean on the south.
2. Why did Mussa have a hard time to civilize the Devil -
2,000 B.C.?
Answer: Because he was a savage. Savage means a person
that has lost the knowledge oI himselI and who is
living a beast liIe.
Mussa was a halI-original man and a prophet.
Two thousand B.C, means beIore Christ. In the
Asiatic world, it was in the eleventh thousand hour.
Civilize means to Teach the knowledge and wisdom oI
the human Iamily oI the planet Earth.
3. Why did we let half-original man, Columbus, discover the
Poor Part of the planet earth?
Answer: Because the original man is the God and Owner oI
the Earth, and knows every square inch oI it, and has
chosen Ior himselI the Best Part. He did not care
about the Poor Part.
Columbus was a halI-original man was born in Italy,
which is southeast Europe. His Iull name was
Christopher Columbus and the place he discovered
was North America. He Iound the Indians here who
were exiled sixteen thousand years ago Irom India.
They are original people.

. Why did we run Yaqub and his made Devil from the Root
of Civilization, over the hot desert, into the caves of
West Asia, as they now call it - Europe? What is the
meaning of Eu and Rope? How long ago? What did the
Devil bring with him? What kind of life did he live?
And how long before Mussa came to teach the Devil of
the forgotten Tricknollegy?
Answer: Because they had started making trouble among the
righteous people telling lies. They accused the
righteous people causing them to Iight and kill one
Yaqub was an original man and was the Father oI the
Devil. He taught the Devils to do this devilishment.
The Root oI Civilization is in the Arabian Desert. We
took Irom them everything except the language and
made him walk every step oI the way. It was twenty-
two hundred miles. He went savage and lived in the
caves oI Europe. Eu means hillsides and Rope is the
rope to bind in. It was six thousand nineteen years
Mussa came two thousand years later and taught
him how to live a respectIul liIe, how to build a home
Ior himselI and some oI the Tricknollegy that Yaqub
taught him, which was devilishment - telling lies,
stealing any how to master the original man.
Mussa was a halI-original, a prophet, which was
predicted by the Twenty-Three Scientists in the year,
One - IiIteen thousand nineteen years ago today.
5. Why did we take 1erusalem from the Devil? How long
Answer: Because one oI our righteous brothers, who was a
prophet by the name oI Jesus, was buried there.
He uses his name to shield his dirty religion, which
is called Christianity; also, to deceive the people so
they will believe in him.
Jesus' Teaching was not Christianity. It was
Freedom, Justice and Equality.

Jerusalem is in Palestine (Asia Minor). Jerusalem is

a name given by the Jews, which means Iounded in
peace, and it was Iirst built by the original man, who
was called Jebus; also, Salem and Ariel.
We took the city Irom the Devils about seven
hundred IiIty years ago.
. Why does the Devil call our people - Africans?
Answer: To make our people oI North America believe that the
people on that continent are the only people they
have and are all savage.
He bought a trading post in the jungle oI that
The original people live on this continent and they are
the ones who strayed away Irom civilization and are
living a jungle liIe.
The original people call this continent - Asia, but the
Devils call it, AIrica, to try to divide them.
He wants us to think that we are all diIIerent.
7. Why does the Devil keep our people illiterate?
Answer: So that he can use them Ior a tool and, also, a slave.
He keeps them blind to themselves so that he can
master them.
Illiterate means ignorant.
8. Why does the Devil keep our people apart from his social
Answer: Because he does not want us to know how Iilthy he
is in all his aIIairs.
He is aIraid because when we learn about him, we
will run him Irom among us.
Socialist means to advocate a society oI men or
groups oI men Ior one common cause.

Equality means to be equal in everything.

. Why does Muhammad make the Devil Study from
thirty-five to fifty years before he can call himself a
Muslim son? And wear the greatest and only Flag of the
Universe? And he must add a sword on the upper part of
the Holy and Greatest Universe Flag of Islam?
Answer: So that he could clean himselI up.
A Muslim does not love the Devil regardless to how
long he studies. AIter he has devoted thirty-Iive or
IiIty years trying to learn and do like the original
man, he could come and do trading among us and
we would not kill him as quick as we would the
other Devils - that is, who have not gone under
this Study.
AIter he goes through with this Labor Irom
thirty-Iive to IiIty years, we permit him to wear our
Holy Flag, which is the Sun, Moon and Star. He
must add the sword on the upper part.
The sword is the emblem oI Justice and it was
used by the original man in Muhammad's time.
Thus, it was placed on the upper part oI the Flag
so that the Devil can always see it, so he will keep
in mind that any time he reveals the Secrets, his
head would be taken oII by the sword.
We give him this chance so that he could clean
himselI up and come among us.
The Holy Flag oI Islam is the greatest and only Flag
The Universe is everything - Sun Moon and Stars.
They are planets. Planets are something grown or
made Irom the beginning.
And holy is something that has not been diluted,
mixed or tampered with in any Iorm.
10. Why did Muhammad and any Muslim murder the
devil? What is the Duty of each Muslim in regards to

four devils? What Reward does a Muslim receive by

presenting the four devils at one time?
Answer: Because he is One Hundred Percent wicked
and will not keep and obey the Laws oI Islam.
His ways and actions are like a snake oI the
graIted type.
So Muhammad learned that he could not
reIorm the devils, so they had to be murdered.
All Muslims will murder the devil they know he is a
snake and, also, iI he be allowed to live, he would
sting someone else.
Each Muslim is required to bring Iour devils.
And by bringing and presenting Iour at one
time, his Reward is a button to wear on the lapel oI
his coat.
Also, a Iree transportation in the Holy City
(Mecca) to see Brother Muhammad.
11. Have you not learned that your word shall be Bond
regardless of whom or what?
Answer: Yes. My word is Bond and Bond is liIe, and I will
give my liIe beIore my word shall Iail.
12. What is the meaning of F.O.I.?
Answer: The Fruit oI Islam.
The name given to the military Training oI the men
that belong to Islam in North America.
13. What is the meaning of Lieu. and Capt.?
Answer: Captain and Lieutenant.
The Duty oI a Captain is to give Orders to the
Lieutenant, and the Lieutenant's Duty is to teach
the private soldiers; also, train them.

1. What is the meaning of M.G.T. and G.C.C.?

Answer: Muslim Girls' Training and General Civilization
This was the name given to the Training oI women
and girls in North America - how to keep house,
how to rear children, how to take care oI their
husbands, sew, cook and, in general, how to act at
home and abroad.
These Training Units were named by our Prophet
and Leader oI Islam, W. D. Fard.


This LESSON is ANSWERED Very Near Correct and ALL
STUDENTS should READ AND STUDY it until he or she
can RECITE it by HEART.
Prophet, W.D. Fard

Mr. Elijah Muhammad
The following questions must be answered by.

1. Who made the Holy Koran or Bible? How long ago? Will you tell us why does
Islam re-new her history every twenty-five thousand years?
ANS. The Holy Koran or Bible is made by the original people, who is Allah, the
supreme being, or (Black man) oI Asia. The Koran will expire in the Year
twenty-Iive thousand; (nine hundred eighty years Irom the date oI this writing).
The Nation oI Islam is all-wise and does everything right and exact.
The planet earth, which is the home oI Islam, and is approximately twenty-Iive
thousand miles in circumIerence. So the wise man oI the East (Black man)
makes history or Koran to equal his home circumIerence---a year to every mile.
And, thus, every time his history lasts twenty-Iive thousand years, he renews it
Ior another twenty-Iive thousand years.
2. What is the Circumference?
ANS. 24,896 miles; (approximately 25,000 miles).
3. What is the diameter of the Planet?
ANS. 7,926 miles; (Seven thousand, nine hundred twenty-six miles).
4. What is the total square mileage?
ANS. 196,940,000 square miles; (One hundred ninety-six million, nine hundred Iorty
thousand square miles).

5. How much is the land and water?

ANS. 57,255,000 square miles oI land. 139,685,000 square miles oI water.
6. What is the total weight of our planet?
ANS. 6-sextillion tons --- (a unit Iollowed by twenty-one ciphers).
7. How fast does our Planet travel per hour?
ANS. 1,037 1/3 miles per hour.
8. What makes rain, hail, snow and earthquakes?
ANS. The Earth is, approximately, covered under water; (approximately 3/4ths oI its
The Sun and moon --- having Attracting Power on our Planet, while our Planet
--- making the terriIic speed oI 1,037 1/3 miles on its way around the Sun.
The Sun draws this water up into the Earth's rotation, which is called
gravitation, in a Iine mist that the naked eye can hardly detect. But as this
mist ascends higher , and increasing with other mists oI water in diIIerent
currents oI the atmosphere, until when she becomes heavier than gravitation.
Then she distills back to the Earth in the Iorm oI drops oI water or drops oI ice,
which depends on how heavy the mist was, in the current oI the air it was in.
There are some layers or currents oI air --- real cold and warm, and some very
swiIt and changeable. So when the water strikes one oI these cold currents, it
becomes solid ice in small, round drops in Iorm or in a light, IluIIy Iorm which is
called snow. But this water is not ever drawn above six miles Irom the Earth's
surIace by the Sun and moon. The reason it rains back on our planet is
because it cannot get out oI the earth's sphere. With its high speed oI rotating
around the Sun --- makes it impossible.
Earthquakes are caused by the Son oI man by experimenting on high
explosion. In Iact, that all the above is caused by the Son oI man.
9. Why does the Devil teach the eighty-Five Percent that a mystery God
brings all this?
ANS. To conceal the True God, which is the Son oI man, and make slaves out oI
the 85 by keeping them worshipping something he knows they cannot see
(invisible) and he lives and makes himselI rich Irom their labor.
The 85 knows that it rains, hails and snows; also, hears it thunder above
his head, but they do not try to learn who is it that causes all this to happen---by
letting the 5 teach them. He believes in the 10 on Iace value.

10. Who is that mystery God?

ANS. There is not a mystery God.
The Son oI man has searched Ior that mystery God Ior trillions oI years and
was unable to Iind a mystery God. So they have agreed that the only God is the
Son oI man. So they lose no time searching Ior that that does not exist.
11. Will you sit at home and wait for that mystery God to bring you food?
ANS. Emphatically No!
12. Tell us why the Devil does not teach that?
ANS. Because he desires to make slaves out oI all he can so that he can rob them
and live in luxury.
13. What brings rain, hail, snow and Earthquakes?
ANS. They continue daily to teach the 85 that all this that you see such as
rain, snow, hail and Earthquakes comes Irom that mystery God that no one
will ever be able to see until he dies. This is believed by the 85.
The 10 know that when man dies that he will never come back and tell the
living whether he lied or not because the dead is never known to return
Irom the grave.
All the History oI Islam never reveals anything that no man had ever been
able to come back Irom a physical death. But there is a chance Ior mental
death because the Lost-Found was once dead mentally and many oI them
revived Irom it.
But they were not physically dead --- only mentally dead.
14. Who is the 85?
ANS. The uncivilized people; poison animal eaters; slaves Irom mental death and
power, people who do not know the Living God or their origin in this world,
and they worship that they know not what --- who are easily led in the
wrong direction, but hard to lead into the right direction.
15. Who is the 10?
ANS. The rich; the slave-makers oI the poor; who teach the poor lies --- to
believe that the Almighty, True and Living God is a spook and cannot be
seen by the physical eye.
Otherwise known as: The Blood-Suckers OI The Poor.

16. Who is the 5 in the Poor Part of the Earth?

ANS. They are the poor, righteous Teachers, who do not believe in the teachings
oI the 10, and are all-wise; and know who the Living God is; and Teach
that the Living God is the Son oI man, the supreme being, the (black man)
oI Asia; and Teach Freedom, Justice and Equality to all the human Iamily
oI the planet Earth.
Otherwise known as: Civilized People.
Also are: Muslim and Muslim Sons.
17. What is the meaning of civilization?
ANS. One having knowledge, wisdom, understanding, culture, reIinement and is
not savage.
Pursuit oI Happiness.
18. What is the Duty of a civilized person?
ANS. To teach the uncivilized people, who are savage - civilization
(righteousness, the knowledge oI himselI, the science oI everything in liIe-
love, peace and happiness).
19. If a civilized person does not perform his Duty, what must be done?
ANS. II a civilized person does not perIorm his Duty, which is Teaching
civilization to others, they should be punished with a severe punishment.
(Ezekiel - Chapter 3, 18th verse; St. Luke - Chapter 12, 47th verse).
20. What is the prescribed Law of Islam of said, person of that Ability?
ANS. That the civilized person is held responsible Ior the uncivilized and he
must be punished by the Nation oI Islam.
21. Who was the Founder of Unalike Attract and Like Repel?
ANS. An original man, who was a scientist by the name oI Yaqub, born
twenty miles Irom the Holy City (Mecca) in the year - eight thousand Iour
22. How old was the Founder?
ANS. When Yaqub was six years old, while playing with two pieces oI steel,
he discovered one piece had magnetic in it and the other piece did not.
Then he learned that the piece with magnetic attracted the piece that did
not have magnetic in it.
Then he told his people that when he was old enough, he would make a

nation that would be unlike, and he would teach them tricknollegy, and
they would rule Ior six thousand years.
23. Tell us what he promised his Nation he would do?
ANS. That he would make a Devil; graIt him Irom his own people; and that he
would teach them how to rule his people Ior six thousand years.
24. What was his Idea of making Devil?
ANS. It was predicted oI him that he would make Devil - eight thousand
Iour hundred years beIore he was born.
So he was born with a determined idea to make a people to rule Ior six
thousand years.
25. How long did it take him to make Devil?
ANS. Six hundred years he was in graIting devil or making him Irom the Black
26. What year was that?
ANS. It was in the year - eight thousand Iour hundred, which means Irom the
date oI our present history oI Koran.
Or, about two thousand and six hundred years beIore the birth oI the
Prophet Musa.
27. What was the name of the Place where he manufactured the Devil?
ANS. Pelan. The same that is called Patmos in the Revelations, Chapter 1:9th
verse, an island that is situated in the Agean Sea.
28. And what kind of Rules and Regulations - including all Laws enforced
while manufacturing the Devil?
ANS. Yaqub's Iirst rule was to see that all his Iollowers were healthy, strong and
good breeders. II not, he sent them back (all that he Iound that was not
good in multiplying), and that they should marry at the age oI sixteen.
Next, Yaqub gave his people the Law On Birth Control - to be enIorced while
manuIacturing the Devil. That was to destroy the alike and save the
unlike, which means kill the (Black babies) and save the brown babies.
This law was given to the doctors, the ministers, the nurses and cremator.
The Doctor's law was to examine all that marry. And this was his law:
That anyone desiring to marry must, Iirst, be qualiIied by the doctor and, in
turn, he qualiIied or disqualiIied them to the minister.
The minister would marry only the ones that were unlike.

The Nurse's law was to kill the Black babies at birth by sticking a needle in
the brain oI the babies or Ieed it to some wild beast; and tell the mother
that her baby was an angel baby and that it was only taken to heaven, and
some day when the mother dies, her baby would have secured her a home
in heaven. But save all the brown ones and tell their mother that she was
lucky that her baby was a holy baby; and she should take good care oI her
baby, educate it, and that some day it would be a great man.
All nurses, doctors and ministers - Yaqub put them under a death penalty
who Iail to carry out the law as it was given to them.
Also the Cremator, who would burn the Black babies when the nurse
brought it to him.
Also death Ior them iI they reveal the Secret.
He also had other rules and laws which are not mentioned in this Lesson.
29. Tell us why he was successful in all his undertakings?
ANS. Because the people, who were his Iollowers, obeyed Yaqub`s Laws.
Regardless what he told them to do, they did it. II not, they paid with their
lives Ior every law they broke.
Yaqub did not build prison houses to imprison his people. When one Iell
victim oI the law, the penalty was death and was enIorced in every victim.
30. Tell us what and how the Devil is made?
ANS. The devil is made Irom the original people by GraIting (by separating the
In the Black man there exists two germs: one - a Black germ, and one - a
brown germ.
Yaqub, with his Law on Birth Control- separated the brown germ Irom the
Black man and graIted it into a white by destroying the Black germ. AIter
Iollowing this process Ior six hundred years, the germ became white, and
weak, and was no more original.
Also, by thinning the original blood, it became weak, and it is no more the
same. Thus, this is the way Yaqub made the devil.
31. To make devil, what must you do first?
ANS. To make devil, one must begin graIting Irom the original.
32. Tell us the mental and physical power of a real devil?
ANS. The mental power oI a real devil is nothing in comparison with the
original man. He only has six ounces oI brain, while the original man has
seven and one-halI ounces oI brain which are original.
The devil has six ounces oI brain; they are graIted brains.
The devil's physical power is less than one-third that oI the original man.

The devil is weak bone/weak blood because he is graIted Irom the original,
thereIore his mental and physical power is much weaker than the original
33. What is devil?
ANS. A graIted man which is made weak and wicked.
Or, any graIted, live germ Irom the original is a devil.
34. And can you reform devil?
ANS. No. All the prophets have tried to reIorm him (devil), but were unable. So
they have agreed that it cannot be done unless we graIt him back to the
original man which takes six hundred years.
So instead oI losing time graIting him back, they have decided to take him
oII the planet - who numbers only one to every eleven original people.
35. Tell us the exact date of the expiration of the devil's civilization.
ANS. Expired in Nineteen and Fourteen.
36. Tell us the exact number of years, months and days of devil being
birthed on the planet.
ANS. Six thousand and twenty years; and seventy-two thousand, two hundred
and Iorty-one months; two million, one hundred ninety-seven thousand,
three hundred and IiIty-one days at the date oI this writing.
(6,020 years; 72,241 months; 2,197,351 days).
37. Tell us what the devil teaches the eighty-five percent? That the God is
a righteous and unseen being - exists everywhere?
ANS. ALLAH is the God in the Earth and in the Heavens above, and is Just and
True, and there is no unrighteousness in HIM.
But is not unseen.
Is Seen and is Heard everywhere - Ior HE is the ALL-EYE-SEEING.
38. Then why did God make devil?
ANS. To show Iorth HIS power - that HE is All-Wise and Righteous.
That HE could make a devil, which is weak and wicked, and give the devil
power to rule the earth Ior six thousand years and, then, destroy the devil
in one day without Ialling victim to the devil's civilization.
Otherwise to show and prove that ALLAH is the God - always has been and
always will be.

39. Now, tell us, would you hope to live to see that the Gods will take the
devil into hell in the very near future?
ANS. Yes. I Iast and pray, ALLAH, in the name oI HIS Prophet, W. D. FARD, that I
see the HereaIter when ALLAH, in HIS own good time, takes the devil oII
our Planet.
40. What will be your reward in regards to the destruction of the devil?
Peace and happiness.
I will give all I have and all within my power to see this day Ior which I
have waited - 379 years.
This Lesson No. 2 was given by our Prophet, W.D. Fard
which contains 40 questions answered by Elifah Muhammad,
one of the Lost-Founds in the wilderness of North America February 20th, 1934.


1. My name is W. F. M U H A M M A D.
2. I came to North America by myselI.
3. My uncle was brought over here by the Trader three hundred seventy-nine years ago.
4. My uncle cannot talk his own language.
5. He does not know that he is my uncle.
6. He likes the Devil because the Devil gives him nothing.
7. Why does he like the Devil?
8. Because the Devil put Iear in him when he was a little boy.
9. Why does he Iear, now, since he is a big man?
10. Because the Devil taught him to eat the wrong Iood.
11. Does that have anything to do with the above question, No. 10?
12. Yes, sir!. That makes him other than his own selI.
13. What is his own selI?
14. His own selI is a righteous Muslim.
15. Are there any Muslims other than righteous?
16. I beg your pardon? I have never heard oI one.
17. How many Muslim sons are there in North America?
18. Approximately three million.
19. How many original Muslims are there in North America?
20. A little over seventeen million.
21. Did I hear you say that some oI the seventeen million do not know that they are Muslims?
22. YES, SIR!

23. I hardly believe that unless they are blind, deaI and dumb.
24. Well, they were made blind, deaI and dumb by the Devil when they were babies.
27. Do you mean to say that the Devil Iooled then three hundred seventy-nine years ago?
28. Yes, the T R A D E R made an interpretation that they receive G O L D Ior their
labor - more than they were earning in their own country.
29. Then did then receive gold?
30. NO. The Trader disappeared and there was no one that could speak their language.
31. Then what happened?
32. WELL, they wanted to go to their own country, but they could not swim nine thousand
33. Why didn't their own people come and get them?
34. Because their own people did not know that they were here.
35. When did their own people Iind out that they were here?
36. Approximately sixty years ago.
After accomplishing this Lesson No. C1, at once ask for Lesson No. C2 which will bring you a
profit of $10.00 per word for studying it.

Prophet, W. D. FARD
Finder oI
This book teaches the Lost-Found Nation oI Islam a thorough knowledge oI our miserable state
oI condition in a mathematical way when we were Iound by OUR SAVIOUR, W. D. FARD.
1. The uncle oI Mr. W. D. Fard lived in the wilderness oI North America and he lived other
than his own selI, thereIore, his pulse beat seventy-eight times per minute and this killed him in
Iorty-Iive years oI age. How many times did his pulse beat in Iorty-Iive years?
2. The wiIe oI Mr. W. D. Fard's uncle, in the wilderness oI North America, weighs other
than herselI, thereIore, she has rheumatism, headaches, pain in all joints, and cannot walk up to
the store. She is troubled Irequently with high blood pressure and registers more than thirty-
two. Her pulse is nearly eighty times per minute and she died at the age oI Iorty-seven. How
many times did her pulse beat in Iorty-seven years?
3. A sheep contains Iourteen square Ieet. One-tenth oI a square inch contains ten thousand
hairs. How many will the Iourteen square Ieet contain?
4. One one-hundredth oI a cubic inch contains two hundred million Atoms. How many will
IiIty square miles contain?
5. The uncle oI Mr. W.D. Fard lives in the wilderness oI North America and he is living
other than himselI, thereIore, he weighs more that his height and his blood pressure registers
more than thirty-two. This killed him at the age oI Iorty-Iour years.
The average person breathes three cubic Ieet oI air per hour, but the uncle oI Mr. W.D.
Fard breathes three and seven-tenths oI a cubic Ioot per hour. How many cubic Ieet oI air did
Mr. W.D. Fard's uncle breathe in Iorty-Iour years? How many Atoms does he breathe in all oI
his Iorty-Iour years when one one-hundredth oI a cubic inch contains two hundred million
6. The second uncle oI Mr. W.D. Fard, in the wilderness oI North America, lived other than
himselI and, thereIore, his blood pressure registered over thirty-two. He had Iever, headaches,
chills, grippe, hay Iever, regular Iever, rheumatism; also pain in all joints. He was disturbed with
Ioot ailments and toothaches. His pulse beat more that eighty-eight times per minute; thereIore,

he goes to the doctor every day and gets medicine Ior every day in the year - one aIter each meal
and three times a day. Also, one at bed time.
The average person breathes three cubic Ieet oI air per hour, but the second uncle oI Mr.
W.D. Fard breathed Iour and one-halI cubic Ieet oI air per hour. Five hundred pills equal one
pound, so that kills him at the age oI Iorty-six. How many pounds oI pills did Mr. W. D. Fard's
second uncle use in Iorty-six years? How many cubic Ieet oI air did
he breathe in Iorty-six years?
II the air value selling price . . . then the third uncle oI Mr. W. D. Fard would have been
robbed oI the Atmosphere. How much air did he breathe more than the average man? Each
cubic Ioot oI air costs $10.50.
How much does Mr. W. D. Fard's second uncle rob in Iorty-six years? Twenty pills cost
twenty-Iive cents. How much does this amount to in Iorty-six years? Once a week, he gives the
doctor $2.50 Ior renewing the prescription. And IiIty-two weeks equal one year. So Mr.
Muhammad wants to know how much money was spent Ior the pills and how much Ior the
15.50 For The Person Who works This Problem
(Qualified Members Only)
7. II one one-hundredth oI a cubic inch contains two hundred million Atoms, the total
Atmosphere weighs eleven and two-thirds quintillion pounds. One-third oI eleven and two-thirds
quintillion pounds equal Atoms. Mr. Muhammad cracked one Atom into ten million parts. Then
Mr. SharrieII wants to know how much the one-third oI a cracked Atom weighs?
8. Four quintillion pounds equal the total amount oI Atoms. One one-hundredth oI a square
inch equals two hundred million Atoms. Extract the cube root oI three-Iourths oI a cracked
Atom. A cracked Atom equals one-tenth thousand oI one. Mr. D. W. Shah wants to know what
will be the weight oI the cracked Atom.
100.00 (In Gold)
For The Person Who Works This Problem
(Qualified Muslims)
9. The population oI Detroit is one million Iive hundred thousand people, and there are two
hundred and IiIty thousand original nation. During these hard times Ior the lack oI jobs, not
having enough money to buy Iood, they eat two meals per day.
Suppose the average person eats Iour ounces oI bread, ten and one-IiIth ounces oI poison
animal, three and one-third ounces or rice, Iour and one-eighth ounces oI other meal helper. It is
known to the Medical ProIession and other wise Muslim Sons that poison animal sounds the
mental power; one-sixtieth oI an ounce per every ten ounces oI poison animal. II the average
person contains seven and one-halI ounces oI brain, then Mr. Muhammad wants to know how
long will it take to sound the seven and one-halI ounces that the above eating rates? The average

person can be robbed successIully with one-third oI unsound brain. Then how long will a devil
have to wait to rob oI said, the poison animal eater, at the above rates?
It is also known to the civilized world that ten ounces oI the poison animal destroys three
one-hundredths percent oI the beauty appearance oI a person. Then Mr. Muhammad wants to
know how long will it take to destroy the whole, one hundred percent oI the beauty appearance at
the above eating rates?
Any student in the University oI Islam will be rewarded by the Minister oI Islam, so get
busy and submit your answer to your teacher at once!
The reward and prizes are awaiting the best winner.
Prize No. 1 ...................$100.00
Prize No. 2 .......................50.00
Prize No. 3 .......................25.00
Reward No. 1-A Large KORAN SharrieII.
Reward No. 2-A Home KORAN SharrieII.
Reward No. 3-A Pocket KORAN SharrieII.
10. Lake Erie is nine thousand, nine hundred, sixty square miles and the average depth is one
thousand, nine hundred, sixty Ieet. The uncle oI Mr. W. D. Fard lives near this lake in the City
oI Detroit, thereIore, he uses the water Irom this Cave man's Lake Ior all household purposes. A
certain cavy told him not to use too much water iI you can help it, so he only used Iorty gallons
per day.
But the second uncle oI Mr. W.D. Fard, who has civilized the cavy when he used to live
on the tree-top and dug holes along the hillside Ior nearly two thousand years-the exact time will
be Iour thousand B.C. so this same cavy cannot Iool the second uncle oI Mr. W.D. Fard. And
now he is using two hundred gallons oI water per day. Then how long will it take the Iirst and
second uncle to empty the Lake using water at the above rates? One cubic Ioot oI water weighs
sixty-two and one-halI pounds
A certain Teacher in the University oI Islam- Settlement No. 2 wants to know how many
ounces oI water are in Lake Erie. Sixteen ounces equal one pound. How many cubic inches is in
Lake Erie? One thousand seven hundred twenty-eight cubic inches equal one Ioot.
11. The Suez Canal in Egypt is ninety-nine miles long, with a depth oI thirty-three Ieet, and
width oI one hundred twenty-two Ieet. The cost to build it sixty-Iour years ago was one hundred
IiIty million dollars. Mr. A. Ali has Iive hundred dollars worth oI stock in it at the rate oI six and
three-IiIths percent, Now he wants to know how much money he has coming to him at the above
rate Irom 1869 to May 26, 1933.

How many ounces oI water are in the canal? How many cubic inches are in the canal?
One thousand seven hundred twenty-eight cubic inches equal one cubic Ioot. One cubic
Ioot equals sixty-two and one-halI pounds oI water.
The Nile river, the longest river on the Planet, is Iour thousand six hundred ninety miles
long, and one and three-eight miles wide. How many square miles in the Nile River? How
many square inches in the Nile River?
Each student must submit answers to their Teacher at once Ior grading and Iuture reIerence.
Devil names shall not be given credit.
12. The area oI our Planet is one hundred ninety-six million, nine hundred Iorty thousand
square miles and she weighs six sextillion tons. Mr. Shah wants to know how much does the
State oI Michigan weigh? Going by the Book of Cave Out Of Darkness saying: that the State
oI Michigan is IiIty-seven thousand, nine hundred eighty square miles and has a population oI
Iour million, eight hundred Iorty-two thousand, two hundred eighty people.
One cubic Ioot oI common Earth weighs eighty pounds. One common Ca. weighs one
hundred pounds. The average original weighs one hundred IiIty pounds and there are Iive
hundred thousand original nations living in the State oI Michigan; approximately eight million
livestock oI all kinds. The average one weighs six hundred IiIty-nine pounds, and the
construction oI human all other than the level surIace oI the Earth is approximately one hundred
IiIty billion tons. So then, how much does the State oI Michigan weigh? How much does the
livestock weigh? How much does the common weigh? How much does the original nation
weigh? How much do the total weights oI all weigh?
Reward will be considered to the best and neatest worker oI this problem. Hurry and lose no
more time. Submit your answer to your Teacher at once!
Don't tell her that there was no one to teach Ior three hundred and seventy-seven years. She
already knows and is trying to Iorget it. Now she will teach you quickly any course you may
13. AIter learning Mathematics, which is Islam, and Islam is Mathematics, it stands true.
You can always prove it at no limit oI time. Then you must learn to use it and secure some
beneIit while you are living, that is- luxury, money, good homes, Iriendship in all walks oI liIe.
Sit yourselI in Heaven at once! This is the greatest Desire oI your Brother and
Now you must speak the language so you can use your Mathematical Theology in the
proper Term - otherwise you will not be successIul unless you do speak well, Ior she knows all
about you.

The Secretary oI Islam oIIers a reward to the best and neatest worker oI this Problem.
There are twenty-six letters in the Language and iI a student learns one letter per day, then how
long will it take him to learn the twenty-six letters?
There are ten numbers in the Mathematical Language. Then how long will it take a Student to
learn the whole ten numbers (at the above rate)?
The average man speaks Iour hundred words - considered well.
14. The University oI Al-Azhar, in Cairo, has a student population oI thirty-six hundred;
all but one-tenth taking other than his own Language, three-tenths taking Construction
Engineering, two-tenths taking Civil Engineering, three-tenths taking Mechanical Engineering,
and the rest taking Teachership.
One, one hundred and eighty-IiIth oI one had more than eight absent charges to their credit. So
at the end oI their Courses, they do not receive diplomas.
How many were Construction Engineers? How many were Civil Engineers? How many were
Mechanical Engineers? How many were Teachers? How many were in number that did not
receive Diplomas?
The Law oI Islam prescribes that a Student shall not be given a diploma iI he has eight or more
absent charges to his account.
15. The planet Earth has a population oI Iorty-eight hundred million people. Forty-Iour
hundred million are the original nation and Iour hundred million are the Ca. civilization. They
have been Iound absolutely disagreeable to live with in peace, so the Originator decides to
remove them Irom the Planet.
Suppose the Holy War be declared tomorrow. What would be the exact number oI persons oI
each Ca. against the original?

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