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Issue: Five

Date: October 14, 2011

Message from the School Head, Roy G. Crawford Our NISC Vision: Inspiring ethical, respectful and compassionate global leadership.
New Website: As I informed you in the 23 September Mekong Messenger, please visit and bookmark our new website at It can be your most up to date source of calendar information, Mekong Messengers, calendars, lunch menus and so on. NISC Video: We have just completed a NISC Informational Video. You can link to it on the main page of our website. It is professionally filmed and produced, and we believe it artistically presents the very positive school experience of our children. Please view, enjoy, and share with your family and friends both in Phnom Penh and abroad. Parent Group: The NISC PG is active and re-energized under the leadership of Ms. Leila Hill, recently elected as chair person. This past Saturday evening, the PG hosted a family movie night in the cafeteria using our new high resolution projector and big screen and sound system. Families from ISPP and ICAN were invited and attended. Many thanks to the PG for offering this family opportunity and event. TEDx Phnom Penh: For the second year, NISC is proud to host and sponsor the very prestigious TEDx Phnom Penh event. To learn more about TEDx, visit Mr. Rob has been the NISC representative to the organizers of TEDx and I thank him for his fine work and commitment to this project. Campus Development: Due to the increase in student enrollment, and in a effort to maintain quality learning spaces for our children, we are modifying our Master Plan schedule and beginning NOW to add classrooms to the ECC. Construction began on 10 October to add a new Early Classroom to open in January 2012 (our 4th EL classroom), plus classrooms to move Mr. Jims K/1 classroom to the ECC next year, plus a 5th EL classroom to open next school year as well. I will update you on the status of the complete Master Plan once we have finalized our architect selection and set a new timeline for project completion. As usual, thank you for trusting us with the very important job of educating your children.

We like to recognize and acknowledge the accomplishments of our students by sometimes placing pictures of them in NISC publications or on the Web. If you do not want pictures of your child to be included in the school website or publications, please contact the school office immediately. Thank you.

Message from the Primary School Principal - Robert W. Cody

Principal Tea - On Wednesday, 5 October Mr. Steve and I held our second Principals Tea. The meeting was beautifully hosted by one of our parents in Toul Kork. We were able to sit one on one with parents who attended and discuss NISC and its future. I want to thank the parents who came and shared in this event. For Steve and me it was wonderful to get outside the grounds of NISC and meet parents and students where you live. Thank you again to our host and the parents who attended. Our next Principal Tea will take place on 14 December, 8:30 a.m. at the Caf North. See you there.

Message from the Upper School Principal - Stephen W. C. Paterson

Student Reflections You may have noticed student reflections in the Mekong Messenger and on the NISC website ( We believe that purposeful and meaningful reflection deepen student learning and build lasting understanding of ideas and concepts. Websters Dictionary defines reflection as, consideration of some subject matter, idea, or purpose. ( In the case of student reflection, the subject of their consideration is their own learning and their role as a learner. The International Baccalaureate Learner Profile describes a reflective person as one who gives thoughtful consideration to their own learning and experience. They are able to assess and understand their strengths and limitations in order to support their learning and personal development. (IBO, 2009) Changes in understanding are seldom profound. Instead, students may come to understand how energy changes from potential to kinetic, they may think about how they overcame their fears in drama class, or they may make a connection between a historical event and a current event. The key is to think about how their understanding has changed. Through meaningful reflection, students develop their own personal understanding of how the learning relates to them. They look at challenging areas and think about how they can improve. They consider issues from a different perspective and build empathy with others. They reflect on their own actions and learn from successes and mistakes. In this and subsequent editions of the Mekong Messenger you will see student reflections in many forms and from many grade levels. I encourage you to read them to see how students are growing as reflective learners and because reading the reflections of others encourages us to reflect upon ourselves and grow with them, and that is the definition of a life-long learner.

Student Reflections from the NISC High Role-rs (Grade 9 Drama Class)
Grade 9 students have the opportunity to participate in a drama class. This class allows students to explore and develop their skills in the dramatic arts. The class includes many different activities to build individual confidence and group trust, develop specific skills and expose students to different genres of dramatic performance. In keeping with the creative nature of the class, they have named themselves the NISC High Role-rs. Reflecting on in-class activities is a regular component of their work and is a critical skill for the students to develop as a part of the class. The sharing circle One of our warm up exercises is sitting in a close circle and either share our fears , hopes or other emotions. This fosters teamwork and trust between the students. We Nisc High Role-rs were asked to share our fears by Ms Deepika in a close circle. Through this activity, we got to know each other better and learned about each others true selves. It was a once-in a lifetime moment we had together. Minkyung Sung In one class, we shared our fears and problems and in the process we poured out all our emotions in front of each other. We then transferred those emotions into future acting exercises. Seth Pen

Imagining Exercise The students lie on their backs in a comfortable position and while breathing calmly listen to the teacher as she takes them to different settings and state of mind. The words help students to focus, imagine and transport themselves to
Continued on page 3.

Continued from page 2. Reflections.

different settings and places in their mind. We had a lot of exercises on imagination to warm up before drama class. My favorite was imagining the place I was most comfortable and happiest. This exercise made me calm and I felt separated from reality and walked into a magical land with only happiness. This also showed me how to be quiet and focus on my surroundings. Sojung Ha To imagine we were in a different setting, gave me an idea about acting and how to react to that particular setting. Kim Buoy

Counselors Corner - John Nash, NISC Counselor

This week I want to talk about MOTORCYCLE SAFETY. Remember, there are more than 1,400,000 motor vehicles in Cambodia. About 90 percent of traffic accident victims ride motorbikes and bicycles, or are pedestrians. The most important thing students and parents can do to stay safe while riding motorcycles is to WEAR A HELMET! Wearing a helmet can protect your smart brain, your good looking face, your nice white teeth, and Save your life! What a Helmet Does for You A good helmet makes riding motorcycles more fun! Helmets reduce wind noise, keep bugs and rocks out of your eyes, and reduces rider fatigue! Wearing a helmet shows that you are being responsible. you ride, or buy a pair of goggles that can withstand the impact of stones and other debris. Eyeglasses or sunglasses are not enough since they might move or fly off.

Shorty half-helmets protect even less of your head. They are more likely to come off your head when you hit the ground. Therefore, shorty, half-shell helmets are not recommended. Your Helmet should Fit snugly, yet comfortably. Not slide around in the wind. Not block your vision. Remember: ALWAYS WEAR A HELMET WHEN RIDING A MOTORCYCLE!

3 Types of Helmets Fullface helmets give the most protection since they cover more of your face. They usually have a moveable face shield that protects your eyes. Three-quarter, open-face helmets don't offer the face and chin protection of full-face helmets. If you use an open-face helmet, you should have a snap-on face shield in place when

Operation Smile Club - Sentosa Mam, Grade 11

On Wednesday, 21 September, NISC Operation Smile Club hosted the Battle of the Brains night where students, friends and family participated. About 50 people participated in the event raising about 100 dollars for Operation Smile. The first place winners were Titus, Jason, and Sentosa, winning the grand prize of $60, second place of $40 went to Gerald, Jeremy, Max, Nick and Bandith. Our next event will be a Halloween night with loads of games, candies, prizes and a haunted house scarier than ever! We hope to see you all there! Changing lives one smile at a time .

Cultural Festival Celebration - 21 October 2011

On Friday, 21 October 2011, NISC will be celebrating the cultures of our students and staff. This Cultural Celebration will start at 8:30 am with a formal opening ceremony and end at 2:30 pm with our closing ceremony. The entire day will be designed for students to appreciate their own culture as they learn and appreciate the cultures of others. Families are encouraged to spend part or the entire day at NISC to share your culture as well as learn about others. Please contact your childs teacher if you are interested.

8:00 am

Students report to their classroom at regular time.

Opening Ceremony Students, staff and families should report to the gym for our official

8:30 am to 9:30 am

opening ceremony at 8:30 am. We ask that all people attending the opening ceremony wear formal and/or traditional costume.

9:30 am to 12 pm 12 pm to 2 pm

Classroom Cultural Activities Students should report to their classroom for cultural activities.

Families are invited to be part of this activity, please contact your childs teacher if you plan on staying. Parents are responsible for setting up and supplying cultural food and activities for students to share.

Please contact Margie for information on how you can get involved with the parent groups. There will also be After School Activity performances under the tent during this time. Students from NISC have been training in dance to perform at this special venue. A modified lunch will be provided by the catering staff for our students.

2:00 pm to 2:30 pm
ceremony at 2:00 pm.

Closing Ceremony - Students, staff and families should report to the gym for our official closing

2:30 pm

Students should report back to their classes for regular school dismissal.

I hope you can join us for this fun and exciting event at NISC. We have so much to share and learn from each other. Relentlessly Positive, Robert W. Cody, Primary Principal

Sports Updates
HS Volleyball Boys Tournament at Logos NISC had a great and challenging day of volleyball at the tournament hosted by Logos International against ISPP, Logos and Hope on Saturday, 8 October 2011. NISC sent two teams, an A and B team, for the tournament. Having two teams provided the opportunity for all players to get experience on the court as they continue to prepare for the MRISA Volleyball tournament on October 27 when the team will travel to Ho Chi Minh City. Team A Members: Navzeeth Bijayananda, Sothea Long, Jome Suwannarat, Martin Alviar, Jeremy Mwaniki, Jason Im. The players played very well against the more experienced players from Logos in the first match, but the final scores were 25-17, 25-21 in favor of Logos. The next game was against HOPE, and NISC won both sets 25-15, 25-12. The last match of the day was against ISPP, with NISC losing both sets 25-19, 2521. Team B Members: Borapy Chhay, Raymond Lee , Go Nakata, Bandit Phat, Fuji Sowath, Jaeheuck Lee, Basheer Sharaf, Owen Hunt The B team performed beyond their expectations during the first game against Logos. Although they lost the set 27-25, it was a game believe they should have won. They lost another close one in the second set 25-23. The second game was against Hope B team and the NISC B team won both sets 25-20, 25-16. The last game for the team was against the B team from ISPP, it was a very close game, with NISC losing 2523, 25-22. Preparation for the MRISA tournament continues next week with a game against Logos school on 20 October here at NISC and on 24 October at ISPP. Game one - LOGOS
Set one; 25 21 LOGOS, Set two; 25 22 NISC, Set three; 15 11 LOGOS

This was always going to be our toughest game. We have played LOGOS once this year and they beat us quite convincingly. The nerves and excitement really paid off. This was the best volleyball we have seen our team play. There were very few mistakes and all the players worked hard to create attacking plays. Kanika Eung (grade 9) had a fantastic match, her serving was very difficult for LOGOS to return and with the help of Nin Men (grade 12) our setter, Kanika was able to boom her spike to win plenty of points. Jeanette Gitobu was as strong as always. Her consistent service and controlled captaincy faced a tie breaker set. It lead to a very exciting third set (that we have not taken LOGOS to yet) but unfortunately we were unable to force enough mistakes out of the opposition. Regardless of the score it was a great match to watch with some thrilling rallies. Game two - HOPE
Set one; 25 16 HOPE, Set two;25 17 HOPE

Over the past two weeks we have played HOPE twice and won twice. However it seems as though this was the match that HOPE was NOT going to lose! Sentosa Mam and Nika Pisith (grade 11) played an awesome game, they made sure their service was consistent and worked hard to link passes on court to win points. However it was not to be our match, HOPE played with plenty of heart and stuck to basic volleyball which forced too many mistake on our part. Game three - ISPP
Set one; 25 12 NISC, Set two; 25 17 NISC

Phnom Penh Senior Girls Volleyball Tournament 2011 On Saturday, 8 October, ISPP hosted our Phnom Penh tournament. NISC played in a round robin tournament with LOGOS, ISPP and HOPE. After talking to all the coaches, each of us agreed that the standard of volleyball played this year, not only at the tournament but in all our league games, has improved greatly. All teams are playing some quality volleyball and testing each others strengths and weaknesses. The Senior Girls Volleyball Team: Putree Ly, Lily Park, Por Chou Eng , Nakita Moler, Morokot Buth, Saerom Yang, Nika Pisith, Toy Sirichindakul (captain), Aspasie Song, Nin Men, Jeanette Gitobu (captain), Santosa Mam, Kim Bouy Tang, Kanika Eung, Thipdey Monorom.

After our loss against HOPE, the only word we could use to focus our play was to dominate! We wanted to win against ISPP so badly. It was too bad for them as our girls were so pumped up to win, Nika Pisith, Sae Rom Yang, Toy Sirichindakul and Jeanette Gitobu seemed out for blood! It was the feeling we needed as it seems ISPP didnt get a chance to play volleyball at all! We dominated in our service, and worked hard to link plays so that our sets were strong to allow for spikes from all the girls. Thipdey Monorom has an outstanding match and was always in the right place for the third touch to score well deserved points. Our team has worked so hard to improve their game play and make themselves a threat to any team. We have a little way to go before MRISA, but I am excited to see how we get on when we play the bigger teams at SSIS at the end of this month.

Cafeteria Lunch Menu

Monday, 17 October Tuesday, 18 October Wednesday, 19 October Thursday, 20 October Friday, 21 October Monday, 24 October Tuesday, 25 October Wednesday, 26 October Thursday, 27 October Friday, 28 October sandwich bar, beef broth, sweet and sour fish, pho beef boodle, rice, banana, lemon tea sandwich bar, chicken broth, sausage in curry sauce, vegetable tempura, rice, Khmer dessert, lemon tea sandwich bar, butter vegetables, beef balls in tomato sauce, pizza, garlic bread, ice cream, lemon tea sandwich bar, steamed bokchoy in garlic sauce, sour chicken soup, sweet & sour pork, rice, fruit, lemon tea sandwich bar, butter vegetables, beef stroganoff, chicken with ginger, mash potato/rice, pastries, lemon tea sandwich bar, tom yum broth, tom yum chicken, stir fried prawn, rice, watermelon, lemon tea sandwich bar, vegetable soup, pho noodle, fried egg roll, sausage fried rice, pastries, lemon tea sandwich bar, vegetable chowder, beef balls in red wine gravy, pasta pesto, ice cream, lemon tea sandwich bar, vegetable soup, fried chicken with ginger, beef noodle soup, rice, fruit. Lemon tea sandwich bar, vegetable soup, spaghetti, fried egg roll, sausage fried rice, pastries, lemon tea

EMEMBER DATES TO R , Friday 21 October Activities #2 After School day - Start of , Mon Volleyball 24 October RISA Senior Saturday - M ay to ober, Thursd 27 to 29 Oct no school s Birthday; l onday - King ,M or Basketbal 31 October MRISA Juni to Friday ay ce ber, Thursd ip Conferen 3 to 5 Novem A Leadersh rday - MRIS to Satu ber, Friday 4 to 6 Novem - Cultural Fe stival

NISC students and staff during the rainy season preparing for the Angkor Wat International Half Marathon, 10K, 3K

Junior Basketball
Saturday, 22 October Tournament

Senior Volleyball
Thursday, 20 October Monday, 24 October NISC v Logos @ NISC NISC v ISPP @ ISPP

P.O. Box 2042, Phnom Penh 3. Kingdom of Cambodia Phone: (855-23) 886-000/ -006 Fax: (855-23) 886-009 E-mail:

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