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Skunk (mammal)

Striped skunks are very clean animals that smell good until they are in danger. Then they release a very strong, bad smell. This terrible smell makes other animals run away so that the skunk can escape. Skunk live underground. They look for food at night. They eat insects and small rodents. They live in Canada, The United States and Mexico.
When does a skunk smell bad?

Owl (Bird)
Owls are birds with large heads and soft feathers. Owl sleep during the day and hunt at night. Many owls are hard to see because their brown and grey feather look like part of the tree. There are about 145 kinds of owls. They live throughout the world. They destroy many harmful rodents such as mice and rats.
-Why do the owls look like part of the tree?

Turtle (Reptile)
Turtles do not have teeth; they have a small hard beak something like a birds. Turtles have a top shell and a bottom shell that are connected at the sides. The shells grow bigger and can reflect many different colours.
Does the turtles shell grow during its life?

Turtles live in different parts of the world that does not have cold temperature . Turtles eat plants and small animals

Deer (Mammal)
All the different kinds of deer have cloven hoofs. This means that their hoofs are divided into two hard, thick toes. Some deer grow a new set of antlers each year. There are 60 kinds of deer. Some live in deserts others in very cold parts of the world. Most live in woodlands or prairies where the climate is mild.

Jaguar (Mammals)
Jaguars can climb trees better than any other large cat. Jaguars have yellow coats with black spots that have rings around them. They live only in Mexico and Central and South America. Jaguars eat almost any kind of animals, including deer, fish, wild pigs, and rodents. They hunt mainly at night.
What is the jaguars coat like?

Walrus ( Mammals) Walrus have two very large teeth called tusks. They use their them to dig food out of the water and to pull themselves out of the water onto the ice. Walruses have been called those that walk on their teeth Walruses live in parts of northern oceans.
Why have Walruses been called those that walk on their teeth?

Bees (Insects)
Honeybees build hives to live in. Inside the hive they build a honeycomb out of wax . Each small part of the honeycomb has six sides, and each small part holds the honey that the bees make. Honeybees make honey from nectar they get from plants. Bees live almost everywhere in the world except the North and South Poles.
What is the honeycomb?

Seals (Mammals)
Seals are great swimmers and spend much of their time in water. One kind of seal is at sea for 8 months without going to shore. Seals can be found along coastlines in most parts of the world. The largest seal is the southern elephant seal. Seals eat fish and other water animals.

Toucan (Bird)
Toucan have huge, brightly coloured bills. Although the bill looks heavy, it does not weigh much because it contains a number of air pockets. Toucans eat mainly small fruit and use their saw-like bill to tear off pieces of larger fruit. Toucans sleep in hollow trees. They live in the tropical forests of Central and South America

Is the toucans bill heavy?Why?

Camels (Mammals) Camels have thick toes. Camels hoofs are wide and flat so they can walk on the sand without sinking into it. there are camels with one hump and camels with two humps. Camels can go without water or food for long distance in the desert. They eat dates, grass, and grain

What are the camels hoofs like

Gorilla (Mammals)
Gorillas are the largest of the apes. Their legs are shorter than human legs, and their arms are longer than human arms: Gorillas eat fruit, leaves, roots, and sometimes the bark of trees.
Compare between the gorilla and the man?

Gorillas live on the ground but, they sometimes climb into the trees to sit or sleep. They usually walk on two legs. Gorillas live in Africa.

Ants (Insects)
One mother ant and thousands of her children live together in one group. The group is called an ant colony. Older ants teach the younger ones how to work. Ants live everywhere on land except where it is very cold. Some live in underground tunnels. Others in trees. Different kinds of ants get their food from insects, plants, or seeds.
What characteristic do ants share with human ?

Zebras (Mammals) Zebras are part of the horse family. Zebras manes stands straight up, but horses manes hang down. Zebras have long tails that have a tuft of hair on the end. Zebras live in Africa on open grassy plains. Some zebras live in mountainous areas.

What the difference between the zebras mane and the horses?

Striped: With lines Feather: Cover a bird's body Harmful: causing bad effects. Beak: the hard curved or pointed part of a bird's mouth cloven hoof: The foot of an animal such as a cow or a sheep that has two separate parts Hive: A container in which bees live and make honey Wax: A soft natural or artificial substance that becomes liquid when heated, used for making candles

bills: A bird's beak Saw-like: empty inside: Hump: A large round part on the back of an animal such as a CAMEL Bark :The hard substance that covers a tree Tunnel: An underground passage made by animals Mane: The long hair on the neck of a horse or lion Tuft :several individual pieces of grass, hair, feathers,

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