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THE FILIPINO PRIDE There are so many things that we can be proud of about our country, we just have

to know them. It is because the stories are endless. The undocumented cases are countless. The tales are numerous. The examples are limitless. Yes, Filipino traits are just immeasurable, alive, strong and proven in every corner of the world. Whats Wrong and Whats Right with the Filipino? by Doreen G. Fernandez is a timely piece of truth. It serves as a reminder of our countrys pride. It is also a giant step towards restoring Filipino pride. It reminds us of a number of reasons why we should never stop surviving and succeeding as Filipinos who will always be proud of our country. Yes, indeed, we all need to be reminded once in a while why we should be proud to be Filipino. The essay reminds us of what is good and the best in all of us and the bad ones that we have. The writer reminds us that the reasons to be proud reside in all of us, just waiting to be discovered, to be enhanced and to be altered. It is not about discovering the greatness in others, but the greatness in each of us. Not only should this essay be on every Filipino shelf, it should be in every Filipino heart! More than instilling Filipino pride, it serves as an inspiring proof that anybody can contribute something to help build our nation, but we can make a bigger difference if we will choose to work together as a people. This noble composition is indeed a product of modern-day way of reflecting on our identities. It also posts a great challenge to every Filipino to excel and be a source of pride and inspiration to the people around them. I must also admit that this writing is a brilliant and patriotic initiative because it highlights the many positive qualities and characteristics of Filipinos likewise with its lapses and weak points. This is a piece of art illuminating the totality of our past and present Filipino culture specifically our . This work is an effective tool aimed at emancipating the confused minds and feelings of our own youth including second and third generations of Filipinos living abroad whose denial and confusion from knowing their very own root can be substituted with pride and a strong sense of connectivity to our Filipino nation. May we all then be united and always be at our best to help move our country forward. Mabuhay ang Pilipinas!

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